Geolier feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra - CHIAGNE (feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Geolier feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra - CHIAGNE (feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra)

CHIAGNE (feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra)
CHIAGNE (feat. Lazza & Takagi & Ketra)
To ggiuro ca nun te cerco maje più
I swear that I'll never look for you again
Si guardo 'o mare e ccu me nun ce staje tu, nun è maj blu
If I look at the ocean and you're not there, it's not blue
Ancora te riesco a vedè, ma nun si tu
I can still see you, but it's not you
Stive cu n'ato, ma stive cu me
I was with someone else, but I was with you
Quanno stive cu'mmé, nn'penzave a me, penzavo a te
When I was with you, I didn't think about me, I thought about you
Tu me sentive 'e parlá ma sulo pe risponnere quando fernevo
You just listened to me so that you could answer when I finished
E t'hê astipato tutt"o male pe tené 'a scusa pronta quando ferneva
And you stored up all the pain so that you would have an excuse ready when I finished
Ê vote te cerco 'int'ê suonne, nun saccio addo stongo, m'addormo cu n'ata
Sometimes I look for you in my dreams, I don't know where I am, I fall asleep with someone else
So' cuntento ca staje bona pecché a te stá bona nun songo in grado
I'm glad you're doing well because I'm not capable of making you well
Scusame si parlo e cchiù quando sto zitto
Forgive me if I talk more when I'm quiet
Dimme si me pienze almeno quanno te scite cu chillo
Tell me if you think of me at least when you go out with him
I' e te 'nzieme pareva nu film
You and I together seemed like a movie
Ma è fernuta comme 'int'a nu film
But it ended like in a movie
Ma pecchè chiagne?
But why are you crying?
Tanto ossaje ca nisciuno se ne mborta 'e nuje
Anyway, nobody cares about us
Songo je che sbaglio
It's me who's wrong
A cte tutte cose 'e me
I gave you everything I had
E ora perché piangi?
And now why are you crying?
Sai che non finirà così
You know it won't end like this
Non è mai tardi
It's never too late
Prima o poi tornerò da te
Sooner or later I'll come back to you
(Okay, Zzala)
(Okay, Zzala)
Aspetto che spari, non sparo per primo
I'll wait for you to disappear, I won't shoot first
Vorrei solo bastasse una penna a cambiarti il destino
I just wish a pen were enough to change your destiny
Mi manca il respiro, tra amore odio la linea è sottile
I'm out of breath, the line between love and hate is thin
Tu vuoi delle scuse, sai bene che "scusa" io non lo so dire
You want an apology, you know very well that I don't know how to say "sorry"
Lancerai il mio disco dal finestrino, ero l'ultimo della classe
You'll throw my record out the window, I was the last in class
Tu mi apprezzavi uguale a un amore di rose, pistole alla Axl
You appreciated me in the same way as a love of roses, Axl-style pistols
Può farci bene o male, ora mangio a fatica 'sta cena di Just Eat
It can do us good or bad, now I can hardly eat this Just Eat dinner
L'altro giorno ho rivisto tuo padre
The other day I saw your father
Ha detto che hai pianto un fiume come Justin
He said you cried a river like Justin
Spero solo tu sappia nuotare
I just hope you know how to swim
E scusa se non parlo più, ma sono in tilt
And sorry if I don't talk anymore, but I'm stalling
Penserai a noi svegliandoti affianco a lui in quella suite
You'll think of us when you wake up next to him in that suite
Io e te insieme ci sembrava un film
You and I together seemed like a movie
Però è finita come in un film
But it ended like in a movie
Ma perché piangi?
But why are you crying?
Tanto sai che a nessuno frega di noi
Anyway, you know that nobody cares about us
Sei tu che sbagli
It's you who's wrong
E dai tutta la colpa a me
And you blame me for everything
Mo pecchè chiagne?
Now why are you crying?
Tanto, ossaje, nun è maje fernuta
Anyway, it's not over yet
Si tu che sbaglie
It's you who's wrong
A ce tutte cose 'e te
You gave me everything you had

Авторы: Alessandro Merli, Jacopo Lazzarini, Davide Petrella, Emanuele Palumbo, Fabio Clemente

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