Neulich sitz I umma hoiba zwa im Hawelka bei ah boa Wuchteln und bei an Bier.
The other day I was sitting around one or two at the Hawelka with a few pastries and a beer.
Auf einmal gibts beim Eingang vuan ah Muatstrara weil ah Nokata kumb eini bei da Tür. Da oide Hawelka sogt: "Suach ma an Plotz" oba sie mocht a botzn Bahö, Weu sie mant das sowos do nid geht und er soi sie schleichen oba schnö.
Suddenly there's a fuss at the entrance because a naked man comes in through the door. The old Hawelka says: "Find a seat" but he makes a big fuss, because he thinks that sort of thing isn't done here and that he should get lost quickly.
Ref.: Jö schau so ah Sau
- Jössasna, wos mocht ah Nokata im Hawelka?
Ref.: Come look at such a pig
- Good heavens, what is a naked man doing in the Hawelka?
Geh wui
- oiso pfui meiner söh,
Go away
- oh, how disgusting,
Heast I genierat mi an seiner stöh.
Listen, I'm embarrassed for him.
Ana Ruaft ein Wahnsinn gebts eam won zum Anziehen, doch sei Freindin mahnt geh fesch, endlich ana ohne wäsch.
A woman calls for someone to bring him something to put on, but his girlfriend says no, good, finally one without laundry.
Der Ober Fritz sogt:
" Wir sind hier ein Stadtcaffe und wos Sie do mochn is ah Schweinerei", Ah oida Schauspieler mant wiederum "owa geh
- oiso I find do goanix dabei"
The waiter Fritz says: "We are a city café here and what you are doing is a disgrace", and an old actor says "Oh, come on
- I don't see anything wrong with it."
Drauf sogt da nokate "Moment Moment
- Sie wissen wohl nicht wer ich bin" "Ah wonn mi kana kennt I bin sehr Prominent ois elegantester Flitzer von Wien.
Then the naked man says "Wait, wait
- you don't know who I am" "Oh, if no one recognizes me I am very famous as the most elegant flasher in Vienna.
Geh wui
- oiso pfui
- andrerseits, ah so ah Nokata hod ah sein Reiz
Go away
- oh, how disgusting
- on the other hand, such a flasher also has his charm
Mochma hoid ah ausnohm, samma heid nid Grausam. Weil ein Boheminlokal
Let's make an exception, let's not be cruel today. Because a bohemian café
Pfeift auf Spießbürgermoral
Doesn't care about bourgeois morals
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