George Balga feat. Empo - Dievča - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни George Balga feat. Empo - Dievča

Nedávaj chalanom čo nie je ich (nie je ich)
Don't give the guys what isn't theirs (isn't theirs)
Máš svoju hodnotu, veď vieš kto si (vieš kto si)
You have your value, you know who you are (you know who you are)
Fakt ti to stojí za ten večer chýb? (večer chýb)
Is it really worth that evening of mistakes for you? (evening of mistakes)
To čo tak hľadáš, neskrýva sa v nich (neskrýva sa v nich)
What you're looking for is not hidden in them (not hidden in them)
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
Ty vlastníš viac jak telo
You own more than just a body
V duši tie tajné miesta
There are secret places in your soul
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
V hlbinách srdca máš ten odkaz
You have that message deep down in your heart
Tak ho v túžbe nestrať
So don't lose it to desire
Eyy, tak ste sa našli (našli)
Eyy, so you found each other (found)
No je to smutné, že za týžden príde ďalší
But it's sad that another one will come in a week
(A ďalší)
(And another one)
Eyy, čo na to vaši?
Eyy, what about your parents?
Mamu to dávno netrápi, oco je v kaši
Mom doesn't care anymore, dad is in a mess
(Pri flaši)
(With the bottle)
Chápem, že to nie je vôbec dobrý čas
I understand that this is not a good time at all
A dobrý ťah
And a good move
No Chcem sa ta len predsa niečo opýtať
But I still want to ask you something
Aký máš vzťah
What's your relationship
Sama zo sebou, svojim telom, s babami a priateľom
With yourself, your body, with girls and your boyfriend
Vážia si ťa, máš sa skvelo, všetko zlé prebolelo
Do they value you, are you doing great, has everything bad already passed
Mnohí ťa odsúdili, no On vôbec nie je z nich (nie je z nich)
Many have condemned you, but He is not one of them (not one of them)
A tí, ktorí bez hriechu, nech prví hodia kameň
And let those who are without sin cast the first stone
Jedni sa pohoršili, ďalší bodli zopár dýk (zopár dýk)
Some were indignant, others stabbed a few knives (a few knives)
Prosím ťa vstaň a daj tým všetkým krokom vedľa amen
Please stand up and give all those steps by amen
Nenechaj sa volať vulgárne
Don't let yourself be called vulgar
Oni ťa chcú iba do spálne
They just want you in the bedroom
Nehraj sa na lacnú morálne
Don't play cheap morally
Život sa nezmení spontánne
Life won't change spontaneously
Ale určite si o tom počula, že smie to Boh (smie to Boh)
But you've certainly heard that God allows it (God allows it)
Je to Boh, tak mu venuj viac než rok (viac než rok)
It's God, so give him more than a year (more than a year)
Nedávaj chalanom čo nie je ich (nie je ich)
Don't give the guys what isn't theirs (isn't theirs)
Máš svoju hodnotu, veď vieš kto si (vieš kto si)
You have your value, you know who you are (you know who you are)
Fakt ti to stojí za ten večer chýb? (večer chýb)
Is it really worth that evening of mistakes for you? (evening of mistakes)
To čo tak hľadáš, neskrýva sa v nich (neskrýva sa v nich)
What you're looking for is not hidden in them (not hidden in them)
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
Ty vlastníš viac jak telo
You own more than just a body
V duši tie tajné miesta
There are secret places in your soul
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
V hlbinách srdca máš ten odkaz
You have that message deep down in your heart
Tak ho v túžbe nestrať (Empo)
So don't lose it to desire (Empo)
Nakupovať chalanisko chcelo by (by by by)
They want to buy, boyish they would like (by by by)
Obchod s hračkami práve otvorený (ny ny ny)
The toy store is just open (ny ny ny)
Ktorá bude dnes, slintá ako besný pes (eh)
Who's gonna be today, drooling like a rabid dog (eh)
Od oka urobí rez, tak sa derie cez prales (woo)
From the eye, he makes a cut, so he makes his way through the jungle (woo)
Okolnosti, čo mu bránia získať jeho vec (none)
Circumstances that prevent him from getting his thing (none)
Nebojí sa, lebo dneska so sebou cash skrrr)
He is not afraid, because today he has cash with him skrrr)
A hračka nechce ústa, nechce mu utiecť (gone)
And that toy doesn't want a mouth, doesn't want to run away (gone)
Na regáli potichu, je rada, že ju chce (wo wo wo)
Quietly on the shelf, she's glad he wants her (wo wo wo)
Bolia ma uši, počujem, že je to fajn
My ears hurt, I hear it's fine
Aký je mrav, tak taky je kraj
As is the moral, so is the country
Že som ten divný, idem mimo dav (uuuu)
That I'm the weird one, I'm going outside the crowd (uuuu)
Ja to tak nevidím, podľa mna si iný ty
I don't see it that way, I think you're the different one
Keď lovíš dievčatá ako ryby
When you're hunting girls like fish
A moje hodnoty nie chyby
And my values are not bugs
Lebo ich formuje ten, čo vidí
Because they are shaped by the one who sees
Všetko, On vidí všetko
Everything, He sees everything
Ja nemám heslo a tak sa čudujem dievčaťu prečo (prečo)
I don't have a password and I'm wondering why the girl (why)
Čo je ten dôvod, špiniť si meno
What is the reason, to smear your name
Je mu to jedno, chce iba telo
He doesn't care, he just wants the body
A ide smelo, no ty mu nepovieš stop
And he goes boldly, but you won't tell him to stop
Nepovieš chlapcovi nerob
Don't tell the boy don't
Slzy su na nič, na zlomené steblo (pamätaj)
Tears are useless, on a broken stem (remember)
Nedávaj chalanom čo nie je ich (nie je ich)
Don't give the guys what isn't theirs (isn't theirs)
Máš svoju hodnotu, veď vieš kto si (vieš kto si)
You have your value, you know who you are (you know who you are)
Fakt ti to stojí za ten večer chýb? (večer chýb)
Is it really worth that evening of mistakes for you? (evening of mistakes)
To čo tak hľadáš, neskrýva sa v nich (neskrýva sa v nich)
What you're looking for is not hidden in them (not hidden in them)
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
Ty vlastníš viac jak telo
You own more than just a body
V duši tie tajné miesta
There are secret places in your soul
Prosím ťa dievča, prestaň
Please girl, stop
Nie, toto nie je cesta
No, this is not the way
V hlbinách srdca máš ten odkaz
You have that message deep down in your heart
Tak ho v túžbe nestrať
So don't lose it to desire
Nedávaj chalanom čo nie je ich (nie je ich)
Don't give the guys what isn't theirs (isn't theirs)
Máš svoju hodnotu, veď vieš kto si (vieš kto si)
You have your value, you know who you are (you know who you are)
Fakt ti to stojí za ten večer chýb? (večer chýb)
Is it really worth that evening of mistakes for you? (evening of mistakes)
To čo tak hľadáš, neskrýva sa v nich (neskrýva sa v nich)
What you're looking for is not hidden in them (not hidden in them)
Bola storka bude plač
There was a party, there will be crying
Do žíl pumpuje sa chlad
Cold is pumping into the veins
Bol naozaj dobrý hráč
He was a good player after all
Vnímaný ako tvoj hrad
Perceived as your castle
Učiť sa povedať nie
Learning to say no
Otázku nezodpovie
He won't answer the question
Či láska existuje
Does love exist
Je je je Je-žiš
Is is is Je-sus

Авторы: ľuboš Krukár

George Balga feat. Empo - Trailer
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