George Balga feat. OwithG - Definuj?! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни George Balga feat. OwithG - Definuj?!

Define it?!
Nenosím Lui, Gucci, sekáč mi viacej sluší
I don't wear Lui, Gucci, the thrift store suits me better
O čo mi v tomto songu ide, hmm asi tušíš
What I mean in this song, hmm you probably guess
Neviem že čo sa musí, démon si zuby brúsi
I don't know what it must be, the demon is sharpening its teeth
Pýcha býva tenký ľad, rozpadneš sa na kusy
Pride is thin ice, you'll fall apart
Horia bary, aj tak neflexím money
The pubs are burning, I still don't flex money
Nejazdím na Ferrari a ani moji známi
I don't drive a Ferrari and neither do my friends
Žiadna sláva gun-y, zlaté reťaze, stavy
No glory guns, gold chains, status
Nežijem pre nič také, mierim do neba, starý
I don't live for any of that, I'm headed for heaven, man
Niesme worshiperi (Ey)
We are not worshippers (Ey)
Hudba mladej éry (Ey)
Music of the young era (Ey)
Mierim na periférie
I'm aiming for the outskirts
Kde démon zuby cerí (Ey)
Where the demon bares its teeth (Ey)
A čo, že to hrá dobre
So what, that it plays well
A čo, že to znie dobre
So what, that it sounds good
A čo, že to je svetové
So what, that it's world-class
Si to vysvetliť poďme
Let's explain it
No keď chceš s vlkmi byť, musíš s nimi vyť, to mi ver
Well if you want to be with wolves, you have to howl with them, believe me
Nebudeš používať telegraf, keď vlastníš mobil (Ey)
You won't use a telegraph when you own a mobile phone (Ey)
Myslím iba pri hudbe, beat temný jak netopier
I'm thinking only about music, the beat dark like a bat
Nemusíš nás porovnávať, svet nás dávno obišiel
You don't have to compare us, the world has long since bypassed us
Neveríte v Boha, veď toho nikto nevidel
You don't believe in God, because nobody has seen him
Žijete pre positive vibes, tomu nechápem
You live for positive vibes, I don't get it
Je mi z toho nanič, každopádne stále super deň
It makes me feel like nothing, but anyway it's still a great day
Nezmenilo sa nič na tom, že ti vždy rád odpoviem
Nothing has changed in the fact that I'll always be happy to answer you
Majú oči, ale nevidia, majú uši, ale nepočujú
They have eyes but they don't see, they have ears but they don't hear
Nebudem s nikým súperiť, zvady nám iba priťažujú
I'm not going to compete with anyone, quarrels only weigh us down
Žijeme predsa vo svete, sme jeho súčasť, máme cieľ
We live in the world, after all, we are part of it, we have a goal
OwithG ti to zopakuje, no cap bro, to mi ver
OwithG will repeat it to you, no cap bro, trust me
O with G
O with G
Máme hudobné chúťky, tak jak gurmáni v jedle
We have musical tastes, just like gourmets in food
Prečo by sme mali jesť dookola knedle (Vepřo, knedlo, zelí)
Why should we eat dumplings over and over again (Pork, dumplings, cabbage)
Ak vychutnať si nevieš, nedám ťa na dereš
If you can't enjoy it, I won't make a fool of you
Ale nehovor nám do toho, keď o tom veľa nevieš
But don't tell us what to do when you don't know much about it
Kto to určí, aká hudba patrí Bohu na slávu
Who determines what music belongs to God's glory
Prečo by sme nemohli mať z toho trocha zábavu
Why can't we have a little fun out of it
Kde sa píše v biblii, že neni ok mať new zvuk
Where is it written in the Bible that it's not ok to have a new sound
Boh vidí nám do srdca, ak nepáči sa, ustúp
God sees into our hearts, if you don't like it, step back
Týmto sa nepokúšam tu nikoho dissovať
By this I'm not trying to diss anyone here
Ale ak nemáš prehľad, mal by si doštudovať
But if you don't have an overview, you should study
Tieto veci, shoudout tým, čo majú v tom prehľad
These things, shoutout to those who have an overview of them
Klobúk dole, kadencia jeden track za mesiac
Hats off, one track a month
Počúvame Boží hlas, nedáme sa rušiť
We listen to God's voice, we don't let it be disturbed
Na to, aby si ho počul, nestačia ti uši
To hear him, your ears are not enough
Široká je cesta, vyberám chodník užší
The way is wide, I choose the narrower path
Netreba nám chainy a ani Lui, Gucci
We don't need chains or Lui, Gucci
Nenosím Lui, Gucci, sekáč mi viacej sluší
I don't wear Lui, Gucci, the thrift store suits me better
O čo mi v tomto songu ide, hmm asi tušíš
What I mean in this song, hmm you probably guess
Neviem že čo sa musí, démon si zuby brúsi
I don't know what it must be, the demon is sharpening its teeth
Pýcha býva tenký ľad, rozpadneš sa na kusy
Pride is thin ice, you'll fall apart
Horia bary, aj tak neflexím money
The pubs are burning, I still don't flex money
Nejazdím na Ferrari a ani moji známi
I don't drive a Ferrari and neither do my friends
Žiadna sláva gun-y, zlaté reťaze, stavy
No glory guns, gold chains, status
Nežijem pre nič také, mierim do neba, starý
I don't live for any of that, I'm headed for heaven, man

Авторы: George Balga

George Balga feat. OwithG - Trailer
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