George Balga - Abrakadabra (feat. Empo) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни George Balga - Abrakadabra (feat. Empo)

Abrakadabra (feat. Empo)
Abrakadabra (feat. Empo)
Zas som stretol nejakých ľudí, čo mi tlačili do hlavy
Once again, I've encountered some people, who keep trying to convince me
Že ten život bude lepší vďaka znameniam
That life will be better, thanks to omens
Zase počúvam tie reči, čaja ma ide presvedčiť
Once again, I'm listening to this nonsense, they want to persuade me
Čítať horoskop je šanca, že to skúsiť mám
That reading horoscopes is a chance, that I should give it a try
Áno verím na osud, a keď som stúpil na kosu
Yes, I believe in destiny, and when I stepped on a scythe
Tak mesiac dávno nesvietil a hviezdy boli trochu krivo (wo)
The moon hadn't shone in ages, and the stars were slightly crooked (wo)
Okay daj mi narkózu a budem naveky tvoj sluha
Okay, give me some anesthesia, and I'll be your servant forever
Červená šnúrka na ruke, zo satanom to je dzivo
A red string on my wrist, the devil's got me good with this
Nebudem žrať tie kraviny a vaše čary z dediny
I'm not going to swallow this garbage, and your village spells
Si nechajte pre vnukov, dcéry (ne)
You keep it for your grandchildren, daughters (no)
Nebudem ja ten naivný a nechcem spraviť krok do tmy
I won't be the naive one, and I don't want to take a step into the darkness
Ja viem, v čo verím (viem v čo verím)
I know what I believe in (I know what I believe in)
Aj keď výsledky nevidím hneď
Even if I fail to see the results right away
Boh není na nich závislý a to čo mi chce poslať tak to príde (tak to príde)
God does not depend on them, and what he wants to send me, he will (so it comes)
A ja stojím iba na skale a nenechám sa pohltiť
And I just stand on the rock, and I won't let myself get engulfed
Nepchajte mi do ruky lístky na pekelný výlet
Don't shove tickets to a hellish trip into my hand
Mágia je blato, nie biela ani čierna
Magic is mud, not white nor black
Mlčať že je zlato, ste satanova zberba
Keeping silent is gold, you're satan's rabble
Každá jedna veštica a všetky vaše čary
Every single fortune teller, and all your spells
Ja verím iba Kristovi, v ňom sa mi nonstop darí
I only believe in Christ, with him I thrive, nonstop
Mágia je blato, nie biela ani čierna
Magic is mud, not white nor black
Mlčať že je zlato, ste satanova zberba
Keeping silent is gold, you're satan's rabble
Každá jedna veštica a všetky vaše čary
Every single fortune teller, and all your spells
Ja verím iba Kristovi, v ňom sa mi nonstop darí
I only believe in Christ, with him I thrive, nonstop
Trochu mi to pripomína starých Izraelitov (aha)
It reminds me a bit of the old Israelites (aha)
Ktorí mali síce Boha, no od iných národov
Who, while they had God, took on
Nachytali veľkú kopu veľmi škaredých zvykov (woo)
A great heap of really nasty habits from other nations (woo)
Celý príbeh modloslužby ide druhou Kronickou
The whole story of idolatry is in Second Chronicles
A my ako kresťania, čo sme pôvodní Slovania
And we as Christians, who are original Slavs
Si prestaňme klamať, že nás sa to netýka
Let's stop lying to ourselves, that this doesn't apply to us
Možno Boha poznáme, no zvykov plná knižnica (ey)
Maybe we know God, but our habits are a full library (ey)
Ktoré nikto neskúma, veď to je tradícia
Which no one investigates, because that's tradition
No nech nikto netvrdí, že takto to je v pohode (nope)
But let no one claim, that this is okay (nope)
Keď sa na deti pľuje a k tomu dodá pre šťastie
When people spit on children, and add "for good luck" to it
Keď namiesto modlitby máš šnúrky po celej ruke
When instead of prayer, you have strings all over your hands
Že vraj tomu neveríš, no treba kvôli istote (ha)
That you supposedly don't believe in, but you need them for reassurance (ha)
Ale Boh ti nepomôže, keď utekáš aj ku modle
But God won't help you, when you run to an idol as well
A popri tom ustráchane, hľadáš uňho cesty svoje (ey)
And timidly, search for your path with him (ey)
Kristus čaká, zatiaľ čo ty robíš si potajme zoči (ey)
Christ waits, while you secretly do your thing (ey)
Kde je tvoja viera, keď musíš takto otročiť (ha)
Where's your faith, when you have to slave away like this (ha)
Mágia je blato nie biela ani čierna
Magic is mud, not white nor black
Mlčať že je zlato, ste satanova zberba
Keeping silent is gold, you're satan's rabble
Každá jedna veštica a všetky vaše čary
Every single fortune teller, and all your spells
Ja verím iba Kristovi, v ňom sa mi nonstop darí
I only believe in Christ, with him I thrive, nonstop
Mágia je blato nie biela ani čierna
Magic is mud, not white nor black
Mlčať že je zlato, ste satanova zberba
Keeping silent is gold, you're satan's rabble
Každá jedna veštica a všetky vaše čary
Every single fortune teller, and all your spells
Ja verím iba Kristovi, v ňom sa mi nonstop darí
I only believe in Christ, with him I thrive, nonstop
Možno sme sa v tejto skladbe vyjadrili veľmi tvrdo
Perhaps we have expressed ourselves very harshly in this song
Vieme o tom a urobili sme to len preto, lebo biblia
We know this, and we did it only because the Bible
Sa k spomínaným praktikám stavia veľmi jasne a striktne
Takes a very clear and strict stance against the practices mentioned
Boh si to vyslovene nepraje a odmieta to
God expressly does not desire it and rejects it
Ak by predsa boli len nejaké pochybnosti
If there should be any doubts
Prečítajte si knihu Exodus, dvadsiatu kapitolu, prvý šiesty verš (peace)
Read the book of Exodus, chapter twenty, verses one through six (peace)

Авторы: Juraj Balga

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