George Balga - Avanti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни George Balga - Avanti

Move On
Občas sa nespoznávam, keď to len flákam
Sometimes I don't recognize myself when I'm just slacking off
Sedím na tej izbe a zas sa vonku zmráka
Sitting in that room and outside it's getting dark again
Premrhaný čas, len beaty z repráku
Time wasted, just beats from the speaker
Prečo som to zanedbal rozmýšľam, lákam
Wondering why I neglected it, I'm drawn to it
Zo seba von myšlienky, do mobilu texty
Thoughts out of me, lyrics into the phone
Zase sa to opakuje? Áno zlato, po stý
Is it happening again? Yes, darling, for the hundredth time
Krát pálim mosty, zas ako sprostý
I burn bridges again, like a fool
Čo je vlastne pravda, povedz, neprezliekaj kostým
What is the truth, tell me, don't change your costume
Snažím sa stále, aj keď padám a tápem
I'm still trying, even when I fall and grope
No tým, že kráčam za ním, posúvam sa ďalej
But by walking behind him, I'm moving on
Možno nechápem, aký zámer
Maybe I don't understand what his intention is
Ale odkedy ho nasledujem nezapadám v dave
But since I've been following him, I don't fit in the crowd
Skúša ma, viem, nech si vyberiem,
He tries me, I know, so I can choose,
Komu budem slúžiť a či prekročím svoj tieň
Who I will serve and whether I will step out of my shadow
Svet štyroch stien, dych dravých hyen
A world of four walls, breath of fierce hyenas
Pancierové dvere, predsa ich vykopnem
Armored doors, I'll kick them down anyway
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah, avanti, oh yeah, avanti
Oh yeah, move on, oh yeah, move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah avanti, oh yeah avanti
Oh yeah move on, oh yeah move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah, avanti, oh yeah, avanti
Oh yeah, move on, oh yeah, move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah avanti, oh yeah avanti
Oh yeah move on, oh yeah move on
Zažil som toho veľa, dobrého aj zlého
I've been through a lot, good and bad
Jedno, čo ti chcem povedať, je nekašli na neho
One thing I want to tell you is, don't ignore him
Na toho, čo ťa stvoril, na toho čo ťa chráni
The one who created you, the one who protects you
Aj keď celkom padneš na dno, tak vždy do jeho dlaní
Even if you fall all the way to the bottom, you'll always land in his hands
Som poučený z chýb, zabúdam na staré dni
I'm learning from my mistakes, forgetting the old days
Aj keď stretnem ľudí zlých, tak ich vôbec nesúdim
Even when I meet evil people, I don't judge them at all
Viem aký som bol ja, vieš aký si bol ty
I know what I was like, you know what you were like
Radšej svojim životom ponúkni iné hodnoty
Rather offer different values with your life
Chcem ti rapom o Bohu kúpiť letenku do neba
I want to buy you a ticket to heaven with rap about God
Viem, že sa tam raz stretneme, teraz ti musím povedať
I know we'll meet there one day, now I have to tell you
Že ťa mám rád, mega rád a bolo by veľmi mi ľúto
That I love you, I love you so much, and I would be very sorry
Keby naše prešľapy zničili silné puto
If our mistakes destroyed our strong bond
Napred, každým dňom napred
Forward, forward every day
Evanjelium, viera, vietor do plachiet
Gospel, faith, wind in the sails
Patent, len Boh ten patent
Patent, only God has the patent
Žiadna alternatíva, bodka, amen
No alternative, period, amen
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah, avanti, oh yeah, avanti
Oh yeah, move on, oh yeah, move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah avanti, oh yeah avanti
Oh yeah move on, oh yeah move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah, avanti, oh yeah, avanti
Oh yeah, move on, oh yeah, move on
Nebaví ma stáť na mieste, letím, avanti
I'm tired of standing still, I'm flying, move on
Oh yeah avanti, oh yeah avanti
Oh yeah move on, oh yeah move on

Авторы: Juraj Balga

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