George Balga - No Flex - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни George Balga - No Flex

No Flex
No Flex
Nerapujem, lebo je to flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty, idem zhorieť vždy (ja ja)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť (na česť)
I do it just to honor Christ (to honor)
Aby pochyby vody odniesli
So that doubts can be washed away
Nerapujem, lebo je to flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty idem zhorieť vždy (ja ja)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť
I do it just to honor Christ
Aby pochyby vody odniesli
So that doubts can be washed away
Nerapujem, lebo to je flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty idem zhorieť vždy (ye)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť (oh)
I do it just to honor Christ (oh)
Aby pochyby vody odniesli (ye)
So that doubts can be washed away (yeah)
Sme tím, draví boys, beaty rollce roys (vrn)
We're a team, fierce boys, beats roll like Royce (vroom)
Uletení chalani zo snami po strop (ja)
Crazy boys with dreams all the way to the ceiling (yeah)
Nie, nemám stop, svedkom je mi Boh (Boh)
No, I don't have a stop, God is my witness (God)
A pokiaľ to on nebude chcieť, nestane sa to (nie nie)
And unless he doesn't want it, it won't happen (no no)
Že zostanem ticho, že odídem preč
That I'll stay silent, that I'll leave
Hudba je moja výzbroj a slová ostrý meč
Music is my weapon and words my sharp sword
Textov plná hlava, vôbec nestrácam reč
Head full of lyrics, I never lose my speech
A ak, tak len vtedy, keď Duch Svätý je šéf (yeah)
And if I do, only when the Holy Spirit is the boss (yeah)
Obľúbené boty, outfit second hand
Favorite shoes, second hand outfit
Biblia v ruke, nežijem pre trend
Bible in hand, I don't live for the trend
Je úplne jedno, aký nosíš brand (yeah)
It doesn't matter what brand you wear (yeah)
Záleží len na tom, v čo veríš a čo chceš
It only matters what you believe in and what you want
Vravíš hľadáš cestu, no na google maps (haha)
You say you're looking for a way, but on Google Maps (haha)
Ja otváram si písmo a zapínam si pás
I open my scripture and fasten my seatbelt
Keď mám depku, tak sa modlím, kašlem na xanax
When I'm depressed, I pray, I don't care about Xanax
Nepotrebujem žiadne drogy, Boh alebo pass
I don't need no drugs, God or pass
Nerapujem lebo je to flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty, idem zhorieť vždy (ja ja)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť (na česť)
I do it just to honor Christ (to honor)
Aby pochyby vody odniesli
So that doubts can be washed away
Nerapujem lebo je to flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty idem zhorieť vždy (ja ja)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť (na česť)
I do it just to honor Christ (to honor)
Aby pochyby vody odniesli
So that doubts can be washed away
Nerapujem lebo je to flex (no flex)
I rap not because it's a flex (no flex)
Pre tie momenty idem zhorieť vždy (ye)
For those moments, I'll always burn (yeah)
Robím to len Kristovi na česť (oh)
I do it just to honor Christ (oh)
Aby pochyby vody odniesli
So that doubts can be washed away
Nová vlna kresťanského rapu (ey)
New wave of Christian rap (ey)
Vlastne nová vlna v rape, nezasekli sme sa v čase
Actually, a new wave in rap, we're not stuck in time
Je mi ľúto tých, čo nás nechápu (ya)
I feel sorry for those who don't understand us (yeah)
No kľudne dáme oldschool, freestyle jak na páse
But we'll give oldschool, freestyle like on a tape
A ha, moja bussines class je v nebi
And oh, my business class is all the way up in heaven
Nechcem sa ničím chváliť, len menom Ježiš (menom Ježiš)
I don't want to brag about anything, just the name of Jesus (name of Jesus)
U, ja, bez neho sme len prach na zemi
Oh, yeah, without him we're just dust on the ground
Pouvažuj poriadne,že za kým vlastne bežíš (ey ey)
Think carefully, who are you really running for (ey ey)
Pohľady do neba maximálne keď prší
Looks into the sky only when it rains
Pohľady do hlavy, odpovede v duši
Looks into the head, answers are in the soul
Problémy ostali viacej ako tušíš (tam tam)
Problems have stayed more than you suspect (there there)
Môžeš ma kľudne vypnúť, aj ticho zvykne rušiť
You can just turn me off, even silence can disturb
Ty máš diamantové zuby, ja mám jasno komu verím
You have diamond teeth, I know who to believe in
Strhni pozornosť na seba, ja chcem zaflexiť v nebi
Draw attention to yourself, I want to flex all the way to heaven
Ty máš pod očami kruhy, čo máš z toho, že si prvý
You have circles under your eyes, what do you get out of being first
Matúš 20:16, Boh nás bude súdiť
Matthew 20:16, God will judge us

Авторы: Juraj Balga

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