Estoy perdiendo tiempo en esta esfera, mi nombre es gera, se que me conocen alla fuera; esta es droga fina, no para cualquiera asi que largo de mi esquina no queremos chingadera.
I'm wasting time in this sphere, my name is Gera, I know you know me out there; this is fine dope, not for everyone so get the hell out of my corner we don't want any shit.
Este nivel no lo mostraba por tu rumbo, preferi quedarme callado y sereno esperando el turno.
I didn't show this level in your area, I preferred to stay quiet and serene waiting for my turn.
Aqui por la zona suspensivo es solo un punto y dicen que quieren guerra traiganlos a todos juntos.
Here in the area being in suspense is just a point and they say they want war bring them all together.
Puro gallo deja explico tengo a jos detras del lente y a taxi sobre los ritmos, aprendi a tener una solo una cara creeme desde chico, y solo le soy fiel a los colores de mi equipo.
All rooster, let me explain, I have Jos behind the lens and Taxi on the beats, I learned to have only one face believe me since I was a kid, and I'm only faithful to the colors of my team.
30 segundos y otra letra mas escrita, haciendo lo que el barrio quiere y la calle grita, se que ustedes van por moda y estan zumbandola ahorita, pero razor con revolver mas gera son dinamita...
30 seconds and another letter written more, doing what the neighborhood wants and the street shouts, I know you go by fashion and you're buzzing right now, but Razor with a gun plus Gera are dynamite...
Mas gera son dinamita y eso es cierto.
More gera is dynamite and that's true.
Y eso es cierto, dicen que la envidia mata, ya andan apestando a muerto.
And that's true, they say envy kills, you already smell like death.
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