Gerard Quintana - Voldria Aprendre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gerard Quintana - Voldria Aprendre

Voldria Aprendre
I Want to Learn
Voldria aprendre a decidir
I would like to learn how to decide
A no dir no mai més quan vull dir un
To never again say no when I mean yes
Voldria aprendre a caminar
I would like to learn how to walk
Un pas darrere un altre pas
One step behind the other
Voldria aprendre a construir
I would like to learn how to build
Cada moment que que et fa feliç
Each and every moment that I know makes you happy
Voldria aprendre a rebutjar
I would like to learn how to reject
Allò que tinc i no he necessitat
That which I have but do not need
Estripar les lleis que no hem triat
To tear down the laws that we did not choose
Ajuntar les mans per arribar
To join hands to make good
No costaria tant fer un junts un pas
It would not be so hard if we could take a step together
Endavant, endavant
Forward, forward
Voldria aprendre a resistir
I would like to learn how to resist
Cada neguit que no depèn de mi
Every worry that does not depend on me
Voldria aprendre a despertar
I would like to learn how to awaken
Abans que el tren no passi de llarg
Before the train passes me by
Esborrar la por dels vençuts
To erase the fear of the defeated
Dibuixar el futur sense orgull
To design the future without pride
No costaria tant fer junts un pas
It would not be so hard if we could take a step together
Endavant, endavant
Forward, forward
Per seguir, per no oblidar
To follow, to not forget
Per seguir junts caminant
To continue walking together
Per volar més enllà
To fly higher
Per tornar a començar
To start all over again
Voldria aprendre a construir cada moment que et fa feliç
I would like to learn how to build every moment that makes you happy

Авторы: Xavier Lloses Huguet, Gerard Quintana Rodeja

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