Gero - Stupid Fellows - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gero - Stupid Fellows

Stupid Fellows
Stupid Fellows
やたら傍若無人 執拗に追い込む終始
So high-handed, relentlessly cornering me from start to finish, baby
火と目の付け所 容赦なく襲う
Like fire, they know where to strike, attacking mercilessly
あからさまに精神アンバランス ここぞとばかり身内がバラす
Clearly mentally unbalanced, my own flesh and blood spill the beans when the time is right
後ろから心の臓 一突きされるみたい (Goddamn!)
It's like being stabbed in the heart from behind (Goddamn!)
ヒマのある連中 肥大化させることが生きがい
These people with too much time, their purpose in life is to inflate things, darling
後先考えず罵詈雑言 (Shut up!)
Without a second thought, they hurl abuse (Shut up!)
Can they only relieve their frustration through the misfortune of others?
不干渉じゃいられない 寂しがり屋さんね
They can't stay out of it, such lonely hearts, aren't they, sweetheart?
こっち側 そっち側 あなたはどっち?
This side, that side, which side are you on, beautiful?
迷える子羊よ 哀れな豚になることなかれ
Lost lambs, don't become pathetic pigs, my dear
その指が紡ぐ (GOOD? 愚?)
Those fingers weave (GOOD? or FOOLISH?)
言葉は己自身映す鏡である 揺れろ 揺れろ 揺れろ
Words are a mirror reflecting oneself. Shake, shake, shake
秘密の蜜の味 just like 安全地帯からスナイプ 匿名の特権 (Pow!)
The sweet taste of secrets, just like sniping from a safe zone. The privilege of anonymity (Pow!)
Brandishing their warped sense of justice, a loop of self-righteous obsession takes hold
あらゆる場所に眠る火種 (ボウ!)
Seeds of fire lie dormant everywhere (Boom!)
There's nowhere left that's out of sight these days, it seems
偶発的ネオ・ディトピア 容易に開けられる Private
An accidental neo-dystopia, the door to Private easily opened
あいつもこいつも しれっと窺ってるみたい (You rat!)
Everyone seems to be sneakily peeking (You rat!)
Even the family heirloom, the "victim card," can't deflect it
四方八方飛び火し燃え盛る (Fire!)
Spreading in all directions, the flames rage (Fire!)
Given the chance, they'll stab you, and your future could turn pitch black
I don't want to end up as ashes, incompletely burned
用心しな 自惚れは火事の元
Be careful, conceit is the cause of fire
迷える子羊よ 哀れな豚になることなかれ
Lost lambs, don't become pathetic pigs
その指が紡ぐ (GOOD? 愚?)
Those fingers weave (GOOD? or FOOLISH?)
言葉は己自身映す鏡である 揺れろ 揺れろ 揺れろ
Words are a mirror reflecting oneself. Shake, shake, shake
秘密の蜜の味 Just like 安全地帯からスナイプ 匿名の特権 (Pow!)
The sweet taste of secrets, just like sniping from a safe zone. The privilege of anonymity (Pow!)
Brandishing their warped sense of justice, a loop of self-righteous obsession takes hold
Get on the mic
Get on the mic
Net manners and etiquette are full of room for discussion
Addiction まともな原理で生み出されたはずが毒性の種も発芽
Addiction, though created with decent principles, toxic seeds sprout
Spreading unintentionally
If someone messes up somewhere today, nameless onlookers will laugh
一度のミスが命取り 反面教師へ成り下がる
One mistake can be fatal, reduced to a cautionary tale
びくびくと怯え震え止まらない そんなチキンじゃ無理 務まらない
Trembling and shaking uncontrollably, you can't do it if you're that chicken. It won't work.
極太の神経に厚顔無恥で居直った方がマシ? (Aight)
Is it better to have thick skin and be brazenly shameless? (Aight)
Swallowing both the good and the bad, I end up being poked and feared
挙句消えやしない 不特定多数へ献上されたオモチャ
In the end, it doesn't disappear, a toy offered up to countless unknown people

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