Gertrudis - Ho Sento Molt - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gertrudis - Ho Sento Molt

Ho Sento Molt
I'm Very Sorry
Sento haver perdut la guerra
I'm sorry I lost the war
Orgullós de resistir durant tants anys
Proud to have fought for so many years
Sento deixar les batalles
Sorry to leave the battles
I el millor exèrcit que mai hagués imaginat
And the best army I could ever wish for
Érem valents homes fidels i disposats
We were brave men, loyal and willing
A lluitar sense cap causa i desarmats
To fight without a cause and unarmed
No ens calia rebre ordres de ningú
We didn't need orders from anyone
Desobeíem i lamentàvem els caiguts
We disobeyed and mourned the fallen
I ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry
Ho sento tan que no em cal demanar perdó
I'm so sorry that I don't need to ask forgiveness
Ho sento però aquest món ja no és el meu
I'm sorry but this world is no longer mine
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell
Penjo una bandera blanca
I hang a white flag
Un llençol brut a la memòria dels vençuts
A dirty sheet in memory of the vanquished
Protagonistes d'aventures enfrontats
Protagonists of opposing adventures
A un enemic imaginari en ple combat
Battling an imaginary enemy
Érem guerrers sense destresa ni aptituds
We were warriors without skill or aptitude
Resistint les invasions de nord a sud
Resisting invasions from north to south
Ara recordo cada lloc mai conquerit
Now I remember every place we never conquered
Ser derrotat era el triomf de cada nit
Defeat was our nightly triumph
I ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry
Ho sento tan que no em cal demanar perdó
I'm so sorry that I don't need to ask forgiveness
Ho sento però aquest món ja no és el meu
I'm sorry but this world is no longer mine
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell
Brindarem pel que vam fer
We'll toast to what we did
La nostra història explicarà el present
Our story will tell of the present
Brindarem pel que vam fer
We'll toast to what we did
El nostre intent és la llavor que va creixent
Our attempt is the seed that's growing
I ho sento molt
And I'm so sorry
Ho sento tan que no em cal demanar perdó
I'm so sorry that I don't need to ask forgiveness
Ho sento però aquest món ja no és el meu
I'm sorry but this world is no longer mine
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell
I us dic adéu
And I bid you farewell

Авторы: Edu Acedo, Marc Mas, Xavi Ciurans, Xavi Freire

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