Geru y Su Legion 7 - Después de Tanto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Geru y Su Legion 7 - Después de Tanto

Después de Tanto
After So Long
Después de tantos años de no verte, te encontré
After so many years of not seeing you, I found you
Hoy sentí un escalofrío recorrer toda mi piel
Today, a shiver ran down my spine
Hoy después que por cobarde, sin remedio te perdí,
Today, after I cowardly and hopelessly lost you,
Hoy al verte entre la gente, sin que te dieras cuenta
Today, when I saw you in the crowd, without you noticing
Supe que vives en
I knew that you live inside me
Hoy que te encuentro sin querer lo reviví
Today, when I found you unintentionally, I relived it
Aquel pasado que creí lejos de ti
That past that I thought was far from you
Siento que muero sin tenerte junto a
I feel like I'm dying without having you next to me
I don't know
No si pueda continuar lejos de ti
I don't know if I can continue without you
Te amo tanto y vives tan presente en
I love you so much and you're so present in me
Hoy me doy cuenta que sin ti
Today I realize that without you,
Ya no es vivir
It's no longer living
Yo, por mi hubiera querido abrazarte como ayer
I, for my part, would have wanted to embrace you like yesterday
Y besar aquellos labios
And kiss those lips
Solo míos alguna vez
Only mine once
Mas detuve mis impulsos porque era tarde ya
But I stopped my impulses because it was too late
Eras ya de otro sendero
You were already on another path
Vivías con otro anhelo
You were living with another longing
Y lo que fue, quedo detrás
And what was, was left behind
Hoy que te encuentro sin querer lo reviví
Today, when I found you unintentionally, I relived it
Aquel pasado que creí lejos de ti
That past that I thought was far from you
Siento que muero sin tenerte junto a
I feel like I'm dying without having you next to me
I don't know
No si pueda continuar lejos de ti
I don't know if I can continue without you
Te amo tanto y vives tan presente en
I love you so much and you're so present in me
Hoy me doy cuenta que sin ti
Today I realize that without you,
Ya no es vivir
It's no longer living

Авторы: Jose Napoleon Ruiz Narvaez

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