Ghetto - Bat-Bi-Hiru - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Ghetto - Bat-Bi-Hiru

Edonon, edonoiz
We are alone, you and I
Ni eta inor ez
Me and nobody
Bat, bi, hiru.
One, two, three.
Larunbat iluntze bat
On a Saturday afternoon
Lagun bat, ni lagunaren laguna
A friend, I am the friend of my friend
Laguna bi, zu, bi lagunaren bikotea,
Two friends, you, a couple of friends,
Laguna hiru.
Three friends.
Autobus geltoki bat,
A bus stop,
Atzerritar bat, ni, eskalea, zu,
A foreigner, me, a hobo, you,
Atzerritarra bi,
Two foreigners,
Sakelekoari begira,
Staring at our phones,
Atzerritarraren nerabea hiru.
Three foreigners from the suburbs.
Herriko jai bat, mozkor bat
At the town festival, there is a drunk
Ni, zu, mozkorra bi, mozkorra hiru,
Me, you, the drunk is two, the drunk is three,
Zineko errenkada bat, ezezaguna bat,
A row of seats at the cinema, a stranger
Ezezagunaren astearteetako maitalea,
The stranger's Tuesday lover,
Zu, ni, ezezaguna bi, ezezaguna hiru,
You, me, the stranger is two, the stranger is three,
Eta zu eta ni, eta ni eta zu, bat,
And you and me, and me and you, one,
Eta zu eta ni, bi, eta ni eta zu, hiru.
And you and me, two, and me and you, three.
Igande eguerdi bat, lehengusu bat,
On a Sunday afternoon, a cousin,
Osaba, zu, aita, ama, ni, izeba,
An uncle, you, my father, mother, me, my aunt,
Lehengusina bi, lehengusua hiru.
Two cousins, three cousins.
Taberna estu bat, kamarero bat,
In a small tavern, a waiter,
Lankidea, zu, lankidearen emaztea, ni,
A colleague, you, the colleague's wife, me,
Kamareroa bi, kamareroa hiru.
The waiter is two, the waiter is three.
Eta zu eta bat, eta bi eta ni,
And you and one, and two and me,
Eta hiru eta biok.
And three and both of us.
Edonon, edonoiz, ni eta zu eta beraiek
Anywhere, anytime, me and you and them
Eta inor ez,
And nobody,
Bat, bi hiru.
One, two three.
Gurtzen dudan gurutza,
The cross I worship,
Gurutzatzen aingura,
Anchors crossed,
Logura, pixagura,
Debauchery, drug addiction,
Ez zaizkit ia ardura,
I hardly care anymore,
Ideia biden bidek,
Ideas on the road,
Kutxazainaren kode,
Keycode of the cashier,
No encuentro el modo hijo de.
I can't find a way, son.
Badidazula ______
May you have ______
Ein barrutik ta larruz gain
Underneath your skin and on your face
_____ abenduek
_____ in December
Beraiekin nintzake zai,
I could be difficult with them,
Bidea ez da bakarra,
There is more than one path,
Paradisu _mundiala_,
_Worldwide_ paradise,
Estoy hecho un macarra.
I'm a real tough guy.
Amore demagun,
I'm in love with you,
Amore deigun,
I call you mine,
Amore demagun,
I'm in love with you,
Amore deigun.
I call you mine.
Ate ohen argia,
Bedroom light on,
Besateko orgia,
Kissing orgy,
Maitale sekuentzia,
Lovers' sequence,
Jentilen liturgia
Pagan liturgy
Bat baino lau gusto be
Four pleasures are better than one
Harreman serial lover.
Serial lover relationship.
Bakarti bikoitia,
Lonely couple,
Dakar barka maitia,
I'm sorry, my love,
Kaiolako piztia,
Beast in a cage,
Perbertsio amnistia,
Amnesty for perversion,
Gora bideo sinplea,
Praise to the simple video,
Porno gozo merkea,
Cheap porn treat,
Maite haut esatea.
To say I love you.
Gurtzen dudan gurutza,
The cross I worship,
Gurutzatzen aingura,
Anchors crossed,
Logura, pixagura,
Debauchery, drug addiction,
Ez zaizkit ia ardura,
I hardly care anymore,
Ideia biden bidek,
Ideas on the road,
Kutxazainaren kode,
Keycode of the cashier,
No encuentro el modo hijo de.
I can't find a way, son.
Bakarti bikoitia,
Lonely couple,
Dakar barka maitia,
I'm sorry, my love,
Kaiolako piztia,
Beast in a cage,
Perbertsio amnistia,
Amnesty for perversion,
Gora bideo sinplea,
Praise to the simple video,
Porno gozo merkea,
Cheap porn treat,
Maite haut esatea.
To say I love you.

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