Gibonni - Pjesma Za Bijelu Vranu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gibonni - Pjesma Za Bijelu Vranu

Pjesma Za Bijelu Vranu
Song for the White Crow
Šutnja prekrila je stazu
Silence has covered the path
Vidio sam gdje tvoji svati kući odlaze
I saw where your guests are going home
A ti si kasnila na svadbu
But you were late for the wedding
Jer nisi htjela da
Because you didn't want to
Ostariš kraj takva čovjeka
Grow old with such a man
I mada šutim ja te razumijem
And although I am silent, I understand you
Jer tvoji nisu znali tko je on
Because your family didn't know who he was
I da je srce dragi kamen
And that the heart is a precious stone
Što stoput više vrijedi nego svo
That is worth a hundred times more than all
Njegovo blago, njegovo zlato
His wealth, his gold
I ako stvarno nemaš ništa ti sa njim
And if you really have nothing with him
Bit ćeš bijela vrana
You will be a white crow
Al' ti ništa ne mogu
But there is nothing I can do for you
Bit ćeš pjesma moja
You will be my song
Koju gluhi ne čuju
That the deaf do not hear
Draga, ja sam na to spreman
My dear, I am ready for this
I bit ću sve što treba
And I will be everything that is needed
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću bijela vrana
I will be a white crow
Koju crne kljucaju
That the black ones peck
Bit ću pjesma tvoja
I will be your song
Gluhi u nju pucaju
The deaf shoot at it
Draga, ja sam na to spreman
My dear, I am ready for this
I bit ću sve što treba
And I will be everything that is needed
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Prstom prekrit ćeš mi usne i reći
You will cover my mouth with your finger and say
Lagali su te, ptice ipak šutke umiru
They lied to you, birds die silently
Ne pjevaju
They do not sing
I kad te hvale, slave ili ljube
And when they praise you, glorify you or love you
Svaki drugi je Juda koji s tobom trguje
Every other one is a Judas who trades with you
A što da činim u ovoj noći
But what should I do on this night
Kad su znali da nas vežu žicama
When they knew that wires bind us
Ja čupam srce iz ovih grudi
I tear my heart out of my chest
Pa ga kroz prozor nudim gladnim pticama
And offer it to hungry birds through the window
One se smiju, one se smiju
They laugh, they laugh
Znaju da nikad nismo bili dio njih
They know that we were never a part of them
Bit ćeš bijela vrana
You will be a white crow
Al' ti ništa ne mogu
But there is nothing I can do for you
Bit ćeš pjesma moja
You will be my song
Koju gluhi ne čuju
That the deaf do not hear
Draga, ja sam na to spreman
My dear, I am ready for this
I bit ću sve što treba
And I will be everything that is needed
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću bijela vrana
I will be a white crow
Koju crne kljucaju
That the black ones peck
Bit ću pjesma tvoja
I will be your song
Gluhi u nju pucaju
The deaf shoot at it
Draga, ja sam na to spreman
My dear, I am ready for this
I bit ću sve što treba
And I will be everything that is needed
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Kao ti, kao ti
Like you, like you
Bit ću bijela vrana
I will be a white crow
Koju crne kljucaju
That the black ones peck
Bit ću pjesma tvoja
I will be your song
Gluhi u nju pucaju
The deaf shoot at it
Draga, ja sam na to spreman
My dear, I am ready for this
I bit ću sve što treba
And I will be everything that is needed
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Bit ću kao ti
I will be like you
Svaki drugi je Juda koji sa mnom trguje
Every other one is a Judas who trades with me

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