Gigi D'Alessio feat. Enzo Dong, Lele Blade, Ivan Granatino & Samurai Jay - Guagliune (feat. Enzo Dong, Ivan Granatino, Lele Blade & Samurai Jay) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gigi D'Alessio feat. Enzo Dong, Lele Blade, Ivan Granatino & Samurai Jay - Guagliune (feat. Enzo Dong, Ivan Granatino, Lele Blade & Samurai Jay)

Guagliune (feat. Enzo Dong, Ivan Granatino, Lele Blade & Samurai Jay)
Kids (feat. Enzo Dong, Ivan Granatino, Lele Blade & Samurai Jay)
Yeah, dove ognuno nasce giudicato, uohohoh
Yeah, where everyone is born judged, uohohoh
Molto piacere, sono Enzo Dong
Nice to meet you, I'm Enzo Dong
Simm′e guagliune ca nun teneno paura da vita
Yes, we're kids who ain't afraid of life
Parlane male di Enzo Dong
Talk bad about Enzo Dong
Passo da cronache di Napoli a Novella Duemila
I go from the chronicles of Naples to Novella Duemila
Il mio quartiere mi ha salvato la vita
My neighborhood saved my life
Fra', non avevo una lira
Bro, I didn't have a dime
Adesso fa più paura il Covid che la malavita
Now Covid is scarier than the underworld
Ti ricordi quando tu ridevi di me?
Remember when you laughed at me?
Ero l′ultimo della classe, mo sono primo in classifica
I was the last in class, now I'm first in the charts
Cianno mparato a sta buono cu niente
They learned to be good with nothing
Jamme ja' (Jamme ja')
Let's go, let's go
Tenimme a musica e simme cuntente
We have music and we're happy
Guarde cca
Look here
C′è Maradona nella fantasia
There's Maradona in the imagination
Nei ragazzini della periferia
Of the kids from the suburbs
Dalle favelas fino a casa mia
From the favelas to my home
Simme guagliune cresciute miez′a via
We're kids who grew up halfway
Guagliune, guagliune, guagliune suonn'e libertà
Kids, kids, kids are the sound of freedom
O sole va a durmì pe se scetà
The sun goes to sleep to wake up
Guagliune, guagliune, ca nascene pe nun sbaglià
Kids, kids, who are born not to make mistakes
Pecché a nuttata sempe adda′ passà
Because the night always has to pass
A 15 anne faticave 12 ore o juorno
At 15, I used to work 12 hours a day
Si jevo achedere n'euro a mammà
If I asked Mom for a euro
Fra′ me metteteve scuorno
Bro, it would embarrass me
Facev' a musica ma sol pe passione
I made music but only for passion
Sul′io senza me fermà
On my own without stopping
Nisciune rev n'occasione
Nobody got a chance
E mo me trovo a essere n'idolo
And now I find myself being an idol
Dint′e viche da città aro so nato
In the alleys of the city where I was born
Mer cumpagno o cchiu′ nemico
More friend or foe
Ma ce so abituato
But I'm used to it
E quanno a gente dice ca so fortunato
And when people say I'm lucky
Io le rispongo c'a furtuna nu gira pe chi nun cia′ pruvato
I tell them that luck doesn't come to those who haven't tried
C'è chi si salva e invece chi scappa in cerca di un futuro
There are those who are saved and those who escape in search of a future
Io non abbasso la guardia, colpisco e basta
I don't let my guard down, I just hit
E difendo quello che ho, yeh
And defend what I have, yeh
Perché ′sta vita sbrana mi ha detto mamma: "metti la testa a posto"
Because this life tears apart, Mom told me: "get your head straight"
Sto coi guagliuni in strada, nella savana
I'm with the kids in the street, in the savanna
Gridando "il mondo è nostro"
Shouting "the world is ours"
Guagliune, guagliune, guagliune suonn'e libertà
Kids, kids, kids are the sound of freedom
O sole va a durmì pe se scetà
The sun goes to sleep to wake up
Guagliune, guagliune, ca nascene pe nun sbaglià
Kids, kids, who are born not to make mistakes
Pecché a nuttata sempe adda′ passà
Because the night always has to pass
Proprio tutte quante ponno sbaglià
Absolutely everyone can make mistakes
E' pe cheste ca n'coppe metite ce sta na gomma pe cancellà
That's why on these pens there's an eraser to erase
Può levà a dint′e viche scure chisti guagliune
You can take these kids out of the dark alleys
Ma int′o core e chisti guagliune
But in the hearts of these kids
Maje nisciuno sti viche scure ce puà levà
Maybe no one can take these dark alleys away
Guagliune, guagliune, guagliune suonn'e libertà
Kids, kids, kids are the sound of freedom
O sole va a durmì pe se scetà
The sun goes to sleep to wake up
Guagliune, guagliune, ca nascene pe nun sbaglià
Kids, kids, who are born not to make mistakes
Pecché a nuttata sempe adda′ passà
Because the night always has to pass
Guagliune, guagliune, guagliune suonn'e libertà
Kids, kids, kids are the sound of freedom
O sole va a durmì pe se scetà
The sun goes to sleep to wake up
Guagliune, guagliune, ca nascene pe nun sbaglià
Kids, kids, who are born not to make mistakes
Pecché a nuttata sempe adda′ passà
Because the night always has to pass

Авторы: Amatore Gennaro, Mazzarella Vincenzo, Granatino Giovanni, Luigi D'alessio, Viola Sergio, Arena Alessandro

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