Gigi D'Alessio - Pe 'nu cumpagno - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gigi D'Alessio - Pe 'nu cumpagno

Pe 'nu cumpagno
To a Friend
Tu mia scusa' pero' te la chiamma'
My excuse to you but it is you who's calling
Addo' te truve vengo a te piglia'
Where did I find you? I'm coming to get you
Ma pecche' parl'e triemme dint'a voce
But why are you speaking and trembling in your voice
Se sapisse che successo n'ora fa',
If you knew what happened an hour ago,
A casa mia nun pozz' cchiu turna'
I can't go back to my house anymore
Sto assaje male curre venem'a piglia'
I'm very ill. Come and get me
Te si scurdat"e quann' succerette a me
You forgot when it happened to me
Comme suffreva quanno m'era spartere
How I suffered when she left me
Io non volevo andare via da lei
I didn't want to leave her
Ma son rimasto solo piu' che mai
But I was left alone more than ever
Percio' tu a casa torn' accumpagnato a me
That's why you come home with me
E nun ce stanno e sante m'adda sentere
And there are no saints who must hear me
Damme 50 lire pe sagli' i so sicuro ca me fa trasi'
Give me 50 lire to go up, I'm sure he'll let me in
Pe colpa 'e n'attimo te vo' perdere
Because of a moment I want to lose you
Pe na cacciate cu chi è 'nnammurat'e te
For a fight with a lover of you
Primm'e decidere s'adda convincere
You must convince yourself before deciding
Tu aspiett'a vascio e nun te preoccupa'
You wait at the bottom and don't worry
Primm'e sagli' verimme si ce sta'
Before going up we'll see if he's there
No nun'e' scesa a machina sta la
No, she hasn't gone down, she's still there
Addo' jeve co criature int'a nuttata
Where is she going with a baby at night?
Nun si state sfurtunate comm'a mme
You're not as unlucky as me
Te si scurdat"e quann' succerette a me
You forgot when it happened to me
Comme suffreva quanno m'era spartere
How I suffered when she left me
Io non volevo andare via da lei
I didn't want to leave her
Ma son rimasto solo piu' che mai
But I was left alone more than ever
Percio' tu a casa torn' accumpagnato a me
That's why you come home with me
E nun ce stanno e sante m'adda sentere
And there are no saints who must hear me
Damme 50 lire pe sagli' i so sicuro ca me fa trasi'
Give me 50 lire to go up, I'm sure he'll let me in
Pe colpa 'e n'attimo te vo' perdere
Because of a moment I want to lose you
Pe na cacciate cu chi è 'nnammurat'e te
For a fight with a lover of you
Primm'e decidere s'adda convincere
You must convince yourself before deciding
Tu aspiett'a vascio e nun te preoccupa'
You wait at the bottom and don't worry

Авторы: Gigi D'alessio, Vincenzo D'agostino

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