E vot se sta buon pur rind o scur... addò o silenz allucc e sap fa rumor, e l'uocchie rind all'uocchie trovn e parol.
And if fate is good to us both in the dark... where silence roars and knows how to make noise, and eyes meet eyes and find words.
Se po' truà o curagg si nun ce sta o sol ... ricimmc staser Te Vogl bene ancora!
Courage can be found if the sun is not there ... let us remember tonight I still love you!
Se legg miez e man o tiemp ca è passat ...chi sa perché staser par a primma vot!
The hands read the time that has passed ... who knows why tonight feels like the first time!
Sti cos l'agg ndis a lati nammurat, ca chiù s fann viecchi e nun so mai crisciut.
I have said these things to you, madly in love, because the more they age, the more I have never grown.
S azzeccn sti cor vulessn fa ammor, to dic nata vot
. te voglio bene ancora!
These hearts will fuse as they make love, and I will tell you again. I still love you!
Staser ... nun pnzà a nisciun, songh i ... chill omm ca vuò ben!
Tonight ... don't think of anyone else, I am ... the man who loves you!
Facimm pac senza ce fa mal, rammc e nui chell ca è chiù carnal, i stogn aller nun avè paur si me mett a chiagnr... cu l'uocchie nfus ramm nu vas!
Let's make peace without hurting each other, let's remind ourselves of what is most carnal, I am allergic don't be afraid if I start to cry... with your clouded eyes, give me a kiss!
Nu poc e te ma fatt semp cumpagnia... quann facev nott io sul miez a via, parlann semp e nui ca luce nu lampion, comm a chi sta mbriac e vò parlà ca luna.
A little bit of you has always kept me company... when it was night and I was alone in the street, talking always about us that a lamp lights, like someone who is drunk and wants to talk to the moon.
Comm a nu bamndunat me muzzcav o cor ... par ca me ricev ... chell t'aspett ancor!
Like an abandoned man, my heart bit me ... because it wanted to receive me ... it is still waiting for you!
Stasera nun pnzà a nuisciun sogn i chill omm ca vuò bene, facimm pace senza ce fa male, rammce e nui chell ca è chiù carnal, i sogn aller nun avè paur si me mett a chiagnr...
Tonight don't think of anyone else, I am the man who loves you, let's make peace without hurting each other, let's remind ourselves of what is most carnal, I am allergic don't be afraid if I start to cry...
Staser so chiù ricc ancor ... io e te, parimm dui creatur, vien cu me te facc nu regal, nu piezze e mare e vasc maruchiaro, pecchè è nu post a dò e napulitan venn a fa ammor ...nun ce sta a luc... o scur e doc... e vien scinne e scal nziem a me na stell sta aspttann pe carè, fatt na roc cu chest acque e mar, ca vocc e sal vienm a sctà ...riman!
Tonight I am even richer ... you and me, we seem like two creatures, come with me I will give you a present, a piece of the sea and a Spanish boat, because it is a place where the Neapolitans come to make love ... there is no light... or dark... or sweetness... and come down the stairs with me, a star is waiting to welcome you, make a wish with this sea water, because the voice of the sea will come to wake you... stay!
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