I nostri affanni e quelle notti che sapevano di noi
Our troubles and those nights that had our flavor
Sai, pensando a te capisco che
You know, thinking of you I realize that
Basterebbe darsi un senso e andare avanti, le ferite non si chiudono da se
It would be enough to give ourselves a purpose and move on, the wounds don't heal by themselves
Ma non servirebbe a niente se non parli cercavo un po' di te, di te
But it would be useless if you don't speak I was looking for a bit of you, of you
Basterebbe con il tempo ritrovarsi, riscoprire il gusto nuovo che c'è in te,
It would be enough with time to find ourselves again, rediscover the new taste that's in you,
Stare dentro ad una storia
Stay in a story
E non cercarsi.
And don't look for each other.
Sai, pensando a te capisco che
You know, thinking of you I realize that
Sei tra le pagine da vivere nei giorni miei
You're among the pages to be lived in my days
Sai, come vorrei che almeno tu restassi come sei una poesia da scrivere
You know, how I wish that at least you would stay as you are a poem to be written
Forse ti bruceranno solo i tuoi vent'anni e quella voglia di difenderti da me
Maybe only your twenties will burn you and that desire to defend yourself from me
Sai, pensando a te capisco che
You know, thinking of you I realize that
Basterebbe darsi un senso e andare avanti, le ferite non si chiudono da se,
It would be enough to give ourselves a purpose and move on, the wounds don't heal by themselves,
Stare dentro ad una storia e non cercarsi
Stay in a story and don't look for each other
E non cercarsi mai, non c'ho pensato mai, abbandonarsi e poi mai difendersi da noi ti giuro amore mai domani e sarà mai se lasci tutto questo tutto dentro porterai
And don't ever look for each other, I never thought of it, surrender and never defend yourself from us I swear my love never tomorrow and it will never be if you leave all this you'll carry everything inside
Basterebbe darsi un senso e andare avanti, basterebbe
It would be enough to give ourselves a purpose and move on, it would be enough
Ma non servirebbe a niente se non parli
But it would be useless if you don't speak
Cercavo un po' di te, di te
I was looking for a bit of you, of you
Basterebbe darsi un senso e andare avanti, basterebbe
It would be enough to give ourselves a purpose and move on, it would be enough
Cercavo un po' di te, di te.
I was looking for a bit of you, of you.
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