Gilberto Santa Rosa - Apaga la Luz (with Lena) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gilberto Santa Rosa - Apaga la Luz (with Lena)

Apaga la Luz (with Lena)
Turn Off the Light (with Lena)
La estoy amando tanto, que estoy a punto
I'm loving her so much, that I'm about to
De hacer una locura
Do something crazy
Mi corazón padece de una pena
My heart suffers from a sorrow
Que no tiene cura
That has no cure
Estoy cansado de mirarla a través de ese cristal
I'm tired of looking at her through that glass
Quisiera besarla y luego echarme a volar
I want to kiss her and then fly away
Lanzarme de un precipicio y no pensar
Jump off a cliff and not think
Que estoy enamorado
That I'm in love
Ven a mi casa y hablaremos a solas
Come to my house and we'll talk alone
Bébete un sorbo de cogñac, cuéntame ahora
Have a sip of cognac, tell me now
Todo lo que sientes
Everything you're feeling
Creo que lo que te pasa y que conozco tu mal
I think I know what's wrong with you and I know your pain
Una vez me sucedió algo muy similar
Something very similar happened to me once
Sin embargo nunca tuve a nadie
But I never had anyone
Que me comprendiera
Who would understand me
Apaga la luz, ven, recuéstate en mi hombro
Turn off the light, come, lie down on my shoulder
Cuéntame de ti y de te contaré
Tell me about yourself and I'll tell you about me
Apaga la luz, ven acuéstate a mi lado
Turn off the light, come, lie down by my side
Dame algo de ti, algo llévate de
Give me something of you, take something of me
Of me
Tengo que haber tenido una visión
I must have had a vision
O haber soñado esto que ocurre
Or have dreamed this that's happening
Estando al lado de quien se ama, el tiempo
Being next to the one you love, time
Se detiene y no transcurre
Stops and doesn't pass
A veces no comprendo lo que dices
Sometimes I don't understand what you say
Ya entenderás
You'll understand
Cuando sepas cuán oscura es la soledad
When you know how dark loneliness is
Te complací, y ahora te ruego, por favor
I have pleased you, and now I beg you, please
Que abandones mi casa
To leave my house
Ahora estoy más loco que antes
Now I'm crazier than before
Y no entiendo nada
And I don't understand anything
eres un niño impetuoso
You're an impetuous child
Y no ves el mañana
And you don't see tomorrow
Todavía estás a tiempo
There's still time
De escoger bien a quien amas
To choose well who you love
Apaga la luz, ven, recuéstate en mi hombro
Turn off the light, come, lie down on my shoulder
Cuéntame de ti y de te contaré
Tell me about yourself and I'll tell you about me
Apaga la luz, ven, acuéstate a mi lado
Turn off the light, come, lie down by my side
Dame algo de ti, algo llévate
Give me something of you, take something
Of me

Авторы: Donato Poveda Lopez

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