Gimma - Cazzoman (Speed Dating) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gimma - Cazzoman (Speed Dating)

Cazzoman (Speed Dating)
Cazzoman (Speed Dating)
Gazzomaan, Gaaazoooman
Gazzomaan, Gaaazoooman
Yeeahh haha, Gazzoman speed dating ladys and gentleman
Yeah girl, Gazzoman speed dating ladies and gentlemen
Ah yeah, spürender die positiv sexuelle vibes im ruum?!
Oh yeah, do you feel the positive sexual vibes in the room?!
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Alli girl, wo singles sind hebend dhand hoch, schreied: Miin Ex-fründ isch es arschloch!
All the girls who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-boyfriend is an asshole!
Alli jungs, wo singles sind hebend d hand hoch, schreied: Miini Ex-frau isch es arschloch!
All the guys who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-wife is an asshole!
Ciao belezza, ta mi piaco come stai? Je ne veux pas dancer, i will nume zudr hei babe
Hello beautiful, how are you? I don't want to dance, I just want to take you home baby
Du hesch style, hebsch di ab vo dr massa
You have style, you stand out from the crowd
Du würsch uhuara guat zu miim neue trainer passa
You would be a great match for my new trainer
Und zu miinere katz du wärsch di optimal betonig mora morga für di neu tapeta in der wohnig
And for my cat, you would be the perfect match for the new wallpaper in my apartment
Yeah babe yeah, i bin nid dr ashton kutscher
Yeah babe yeah, I'm not Ashton Kutcher
Wennd mr a küssli ufd bagga gisch kauf dr en lutscher!
If you give me a kiss on the cheek, I'll buy you a lollipop!
Bin a biz versaut, wetsches au no?
I'm a bit of a pervert, wanna play too?
Was zu dir oder zu mir?! das gaht au im auto!!
What to you or to me?! We can do that in the car too!!
Lueg uf diin karaktar kanni eh scheisse, drfüür musi zum di schöön finde nid meh als zwei "E"s schmeisse
I don't care about your character, I don't need to throw more than two "E"s to find you beautiful
Und wennd weisch wasi will riit miis hon tja
And if you know what I want, ride me honey
Wennd romanze suechsch gang zu OC California
If you're looking for romance, go to OC California
Das isch en paarigsversuech, driiseggle
This is an attempt at a couple, a threesome
Gazzoman kunnt und will au dii rettä,
Gazzoman comes and wants to save you too,
Ooouu verfiggt und zuegnäht, der text het Einstein gschriba,
Ooouu fucked up and sewn up, Einstein wrote the lyrics,
Gazzoman kunnt babe rüef 117
Gazzoman comes babe call 911
Jeda het doch en ex dehei
Everyone has an ex at home
Und jedi au en ex oder zwei
And everyone also has an ex or two
Aber weg dem müender nid allai bette
But we don't have to go to bed alone because of that
Gazzoman kunnt und will au di retta, aaaii
Gazzoman comes and wants to save you too, aaaii
Alli girl, wo singles sind hebend dhand hoch, schreied: Miin Ex-fründ isch es arschloch!
All the girls who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-boyfriend is an asshole!
Alli jungs, wo singles sind hebend d hand hoch, schreied: Miini Ex-frau isch es arschloch!
All the guys who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-wife is an asshole!
Weisch billigi aamachene bringi nia, nei babe
You know I never make cheap advances, no babe
Schüss dr statt teddys katza im tierheim
Instead of teddy bears, adopt cats from the shelter
Glaub nid an der erscht bligg, das isch nur bong im häsch
Don't believe in love at first sight, that's just a quickie in a bunny
Ewigi liebi isch eh nur en schlechta song vo mash
Eternal love is just a bad song by mash anyway
Also was häsch, no zwei fläscha
So what do you have, two more bottles?
D zahl macht mi bedrungga
The numbers make me tipsy
Mösstmer d geld fürd hochziitsreis sowieso pumpa
We had to spend the money on the honeymoon trip anyway
Vergiss die hummer mit dem günd d bubis prahla
Forget the limos the boys brag about
I hola mini dama ab miteme Tschudi-Krana
I'll pick up my lady with a crane from Tschudi
I bin ke sektefüherer eher es notgeils und tümmers kind
I'm not a cult leader, more like a horny, clumsy child
I dengga nid mitem zipfel aber der seggel het die lüüt bestimmt
I don't think with my brain, but the dick definitely has the women
I würd di ja gern ine tüürs restaurant entfüere
I would love to take you to an expensive restaurant
Aber i find im ganza müll mini autoschlüssel nüma
But I can't find my car keys in all this garbage
Irgendwo da muesser sii in dere ganze kotzi
They have to be somewhere in all this puke
Gazzoman kunnt und will au dii retta hoffi
Gazzoman comes and wants to save you too, I hope
I werd diim ex vord huustüüre kotze und nuttene bstele
I'm going to throw up and order hookers at your ex's doorstep
De bullene aalüüte und was vo siina droga verzella
Call the cops and tell them about his drugs
Alli girl, wo singles sind hebend dhand hoch, schreied: Miin Ex-fründ isch es arschloch!
All the girls who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-boyfriend is an asshole!
Alli jungs, wo singles sind hebend d hand hoch, schreied: Miini Ex-frau isch es arschloch!
All the guys who are single, raise your hands high and shout: My ex-wife is an asshole!
Yeah, mir lüütend üüsere exe aa, stöhnend in da höhrer und schiggende toti ratta hai
Yeah, we hang up on our exes, stand in the receivers and send them dead rats
Yeah babe yeah genau so gsehts uus
Yeah babe yeah that's exactly what it looks like
Und was söll das mit dem penisniid?!
And what's all this about penis envy?!
Penisniid krieged euri exfründe wenns neb mir am pissoir stönd, aaaii
Your ex-boyfriends get penis envy when they stand next to me at the urinal, aaaii
Ey man, gazzoman in da house! yeah.
Hey man, Gazzoman in the house! yeah.

Авторы: Gimma, Sandro Durrer

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