Gimma - Stohn uf! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gimma - Stohn uf!

Stohn uf!
Stand Up!
Er will was klarstella, er will familia und khai grabreda
He wants to make things clear, he wants family and no graves dug
Er will jetzt kinder aber dia werdend immer abtriiba
He wants children now but they keep getting aborted
Er will jetzt friida und nüm hass in sich träga
He wants peace now and no more hatred to carry
Aber er platzt vor druck, ihm verjagts d'nerva
But he's bursting with pressure, his nerves are shot
Macht eui dr aff us dr klinik, depressiva berzerker
Breaks out of the clinic, a depressive berserker
Rennt dur d'nacht uf droga am regaboga entgega
Runs through the night on drugs, toward the rainbow
Frisst dia pilla und hofft as werdi nocham sterba nid härter
Swallows the pills and hopes it won't hurt to die anymore
Schniid sich in d'ärm und bettet zu gott für vergebig
Cuts his arms and prays to god for forgiveness
Er isch usam kloster kho und hätt in himmel wella
He left the monastery and wanted to go to heaven
Hat dia falsch usfahrt gnoh und bliibt irgendwo stecka
Took the wrong exit and got stuck somewhere
Wird irgendwenn irgandwo verrecka, selbstjustiz
Will die someday somewhere, self-justice
Heisst an schlussstrich züücha in dunkla ziita
Means drawing a line in dark times
As funklend blitz uf dr netzhuut und troim platzend
A sparkling flash on the retina and dreams bursting
Jeda tag wider vo neuem dia widerkäuend massa
Every day anew, the recurring masses
Uf knüü betta um dr letscht schimmer hoffnig
Kneeling and begging for the last glimmer of hope
Hol mi hüüt' nai, i will nonid tot sii'
'Get me today, I don't want to die'
Stohn uf!
Stand up!
As isch nonid verbii,
It's not over yet,
Bitte lohn mi nonid goh, as isch nonid sowiit i stohn uf!
Please don't let me go, it's not that far, I stand up!
Gib mer no eimol kraft, gib mer no eimol d'hand, gib mer no eimol d'macht,
Give me strength once more, give me your hand once more, give me power once more,
Stohn uf! I han angst voram tod, I han angst voram mond, I han angst voram goh!
Stand up! I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of the moon, I'm afraid of going!
Stohn uf! Glaub an din traum, glaub an di, well alli andera händ nia an di glaubt!
Stand up! Believe in your dream, believe in you, because everyone else never believed in you!
Maitli i weiss du häsch a beschisseni ziit
Girl I know you're having a shitty time
Sowiit weg vo da ziil, sowiit weg vo dem gfühl
So far from the goal, so far from the feeling
Wo du suachsch, wenn du luagsch, zechnisch und schriibsch
That you're looking for, when you're looking, drawing and writing
Dia welt isch a lüüg, d'farb goht verbii
The world is a lie, the color fades
Alles isch vergänglich und nüt isch unendlich
Everything is transient and nothing is infinite
Emotiona, verändrig, tuan nid so ängstlich
Emotions, change, don't be so anxious
Du weisch es, drugg bliibt bis zum endi
You know it, the pressure remains until the end
As git kais ventil, usser du hängsch di, aber machs nid
As if there is no valve, unless you hang yourself, but don't
Luag, i bin irgendwo da dussa und i warta
Look, I'm out there somewhere and I'm waiting
Bin as fluchtfahrzüüg am parka
I'm a getaway car in the parking lot
Bin blitz, bin d'hitz, bin d'spitza vor höchsta spitza wo gitz
I'm lightning, I'm heat, I'm the tip of the highest tip there is
Du bisch i gega d'schwiiz
You are me against Switzerland
Maitli du wirsch z'leba unter dinara huut trega
Girl you will carry your life under your skin
Dis herz wird dr schmerz eines tages in d'luft sprenga
Your heart will one day explode the pain into the air
Und an dem tag wo alles an sinn git, wirsch kippa
And on the day when everything makes sense, you will jump
Dini arma spreiza und in d'tüüfi keiha vor klippa
Spread your arms and jump into the abyss from the cliff
Stohn uf!
Stand up!
As isch nonid verbii,
It's not over yet,
Bitte lohn mi nonid goh, as isch nonid sowiit i stohn uf!
Please don't let me go, it's not that far, I stand up!
Gib mer no eimol kraft, gib mer no eimol d'hand, gib mer no eimol d'macht,
Give me strength once more, give me your hand once more, give me power once more,
Stohn uf! I han angst voram tod, I han angst voram mond, I han angst voram goh!
Stand up! I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of the moon, I'm afraid of going!
Stohn uf! Glaub an din traum, glaub an di, well alli andera händ nia an di glaubt!
Stand up! Believe in your dream, believe in you, because everyone else never believed in you!
Luag di ah mann, du penner, luag in dia auga
Look at you man, you bum, look in your eyes
Glaubs ruhig, ma kann sich au z'leba versaua
Believe it, you can screw up your life too
Dia falscha droga, fründa, dia falscha fraua
The wrong drugs, friends, the wrong women
Frisch usam entzug z'schwiegermuater trauma
Fresh out of rehab, mother-in-law trauma
Und du häsch scheisse baut, dia falscha lüga glaubt
And you screwed up, believed the wrong lies
Da falscha lüüt vertraut, du häsch an nüt meh glaubt
Trusted the wrong people, you didn't believe in anything anymore
Nuno din egofilm gfahra, wiana karra in d'wand
Now your ego film is running, like a car into the wall
Nimm dia knarra in d'hand und drugg verdammtnomol ab
Take your fist in your hand and damn well pull away
Du häsch na xait du hegsch angscht, haurra farce
You have no time you are afraid, hear farce
Keina schnallts, dr ziit voruus wia bilder vom mars
No one gets it, the time ahead, like pictures from Mars
An kliina wixer vom land, landeswiit obig programm
A little wizard from the country, nationwide high program
Zeig dina ranza dr ganza nation kämpf dina kampf
Show your pants to the whole nation fight your fight
Du wirsch versuufa, dr greg hät dr gsait si wänd di ussuuga
You will drown, Greg told you they want to suck you dry
Sie könnt dia als news bruucha, sust bruuchends di nid
They could use you as news, otherwise they don't need you
Nai, si werdend di uslacha, drufspucka und usbuuha
No, they will laugh at you, spit on you and boo you
'Lohn si nur kho, i will etz ufruhma'
'Just let them come, I want to rise up now'
Stohn uf!
Stand up!
As isch nonid verbii,
It's not over yet,
Bitte lohn mi nonid goh, as isch nonid sowiit i stohn uf!
Please don't let me go, it's not that far, I stand up!
Gib mer no eimol kraft, gib mer no eimol d'hand, gib mer no eimol d'macht,
Give me strength once more, give me your hand once more, give me power once more,
Stohn uf! I han angst voram tod, I han angst voram mond, I han angst voram goh!
Stand up! I'm afraid of death, I'm afraid of the moon, I'm afraid of going!
Stohn uf! Glaub an din traum, glaub an di, well alli andera händ nia an di glaubt!
Stand up! Believe in your dream, believe in you, because everyone else never believed in you!

Авторы: Gimma, Shuko

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