Glaukoma feat. Stepi Selektah - Not Paradise (feat. Stepi Selektah) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Glaukoma feat. Stepi Selektah - Not Paradise (feat. Stepi Selektah)

Not Paradise (feat. Stepi Selektah)
Not Paradise (feat. Stepi Selektah)
Esaldi bakoitzaren atzean zenbat pena friend?
How much sorrow behind each of your jokes, my friend?
Zenbat garaipen? Zenbat aldarrikapen? Zenbat frakaso?
How many victories? How many proclamations? How many failures?
Bizitzan lez, fresko eta sarkor
Like life, fresh and sarcastic
Izan nahi badek, sektore hontan eman eta jaso.
If you want to be, give and take in this sector.
Arbaso zaharren ohitura batzuk mantenduz,
Maintaining some of the habits of our old ancestors,
Minari garrantzia kenduz,
Ignoring the pain,
Hustutzen dizkiagu makina baso.
We clear forests with our machines.
Itsaso bat zerbezak gauetan laguntzen du,
A sea of beer helps at night,
Beti kontzertuz kontzertu heldutasunari eraso.
Always attacking maturity from concert to concert.
Mina ematen du, pozoia begietara.
It hurts, the poison in your eyes.
Aitzakiarik okerrena funtsa mozkortzea bada,
If the worst excuse is to cut off the source,
Ez da ez zure farlopa, ez nire kopa beharra,
It's not your crack, nor is it my cup that's needed,
Okerrena da San Juan desfile militarra.
The worst thing is the military parade of San Juan.
Arbaso zaharren ohitura batzuk baztertuz,
Putting aside some of the habits of our old ancestors,
Tentuz, ez dut hau aurkeztu zure eztula eragiteko.
Careful, I don't present this to provoke your cough.
Ez da min ematearren, baino eske friend
It's not to hurt you, but I ask, my friend,
Nik ez det eskopeta bat behar juerga botatzeko.
I don't need a gun to have fun.
Ezker, eskubi! Left, right! Tximuen antzeko.
Left, right! Left, right! Like monkeys.
Ez da martxa militarrik ni ohetik jaikitzeko.
No military march can get me out of bed.
Hi, eskopetero, entzuten ari haizenez gero:
Hey, you with the gun, since you're listening:
Guk hire San Juan eguna botatzen diagu larunbatero.
We hold our own San Juan festival every Saturday.
We are not in paradise, eta izarrak ez dira ikusten.
We are not in paradise, and the stars are not visible.
Original Stepi playing for the youths them.
Original Stepi playing for the youths them.
Hautsak harrotuz eta polemika biluzten,
Stirring up dust and exposing controversy,
Moskun ohitura txarrei ez zaie tokirik uzten.
There is no room for bad habits in Moscow.
Ez dala fala, danak gabiltzala
Let's not talk about it, we're all in this
Bakoitzak ahal duen ahala.
Each one of us as best we can.
Kapitalaren egurrak plastikozko ezpala.
Capital's wood, plastic sword.
Aukeratu badaezpada Yaveh edo Alá
Choose between Yahweh or Allah if you must
Eta goikoak salba zaitzala.
And may the one above save you.
Ez da broma. Karkomak jota,
This is no joke. We're all drunk,
Lotan, koman zentzu ona.
Asleep, in a coma, common sense.
Gerra eta gosea itsutasun sintomak:
War and hunger are symptoms of blindness:
Garden ikusten uzten ez duen Glaukoma.
Glaucoma that doesn't let you see clearly.
Them tell you what to think,
Them tell you what to think,
Them tell you what to say,
Them tell you what to say,
Them tell you what to drink,
Them tell you what to drink,
Them tell you what to pray.
Them tell you what to pray.
Dancehall in my town for the young thinking ways,
Dancehall in my town for the young thinking ways,
You won't stop the riddim, selektahri egin dei!
You won't stop the riddim, selektahri egin dei!
We are not in paradise... x2
We are not in paradise... x2
This is Babylon: "Jainkoa eta Lege Zaharra".
This is Babylon: "God and the Old Law".
Too much kontraesan, too much aitzakiadun farra.
Too much contradictions, too many excuses for a party.
Txikitu musikaz tradizioaren hatzaparrak.
Break the chains of tradition with music.
Big up! Big up! Moskutik Tolosara!
Big up! Big up! From Moscow to Tolosa!
Bala bat gordeta daukat puritanismoarentzako.
I have a bullet saved for puritanism.
Kabala ba haiz ez ezak bilatu,
If you're a Kabbalah, don't look for it,
Hemen mezurik ez dago.
There is no measure here.
Errima berri bat erditzera gatoz
We come to give birth to a new rhyme
Klitxeetatik haratago.
Beyond clichés.
Ez gangstak, ez rastak, esano ozenago!
Not gangstas, not rastafarians, say it louder!
Bala bi gordeta zuri: aurreiritzidun ultrari.
Two bullets saved for you: the prejudiced ultra.
Guri berdin zure herria,
Your country is the same to us,
Ez diogu begiratzen jatorriari.
We don't look at its origin.
Mundu honetan ardi beltzak,
Black sheep in this world,
Zuk bezala, esnea txuri.
You, like milk, white.
Downpressor man, get out of my country!
Downpressor man, get out of my country!
We are not in paradise... x2
We are not in paradise... x2

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