Gleb - 4 VEŽE - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - 4 VEŽE

4 Towers
Srdečne vás vítame v Bratislave (you)
Warmly welcome to Bratislava, darling (you)
(Me and you)
(Me and you)
That's a big boy
That's a big boy
Ja som, ja som, ja som z BA city
I'm, I'm, I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše
In every city, they drink from bottles
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také naše
But here it's a little different, kind of our own thing
Ja som z BA city
I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše (ay)
In every city, they drink from bottles (ay)
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také naše (okay)
But here it's a little different, kind of our own thing (okay)
A dneska píšem o tom svojom
And today I'm writing about my own
Nikdy som nikam nepatril
I never belonged anywhere
No viem, kde je môj domov
But I know where my home is
Poznáte tie tipy, ktoré vas namočia do problémov
You know those types that get you into trouble
Aj keby ste s nimi mali vyjsť iba na pofel pred dom
Even if you just went out front with them for a smoke
Presne s takými som sa bavil, yo
I used to hang out with those kinds, yo
Bratislavský dummy, yo
Bratislava dummy, yo
Zažil ťažké drámy a počúval ťažké drumy, bro
Experienced tough dramas and listened to heavy drums, bro
V ružinovskom skateparku chceli byť všetci slávni
In Ružinov skatepark, everyone wanted to be famous
No štyri veže mali s nimi trochu iné plány, bro
But the four towers had different plans for them, bro
Hore hore drink, RIP Oli Freak
Raise your drink high, RIP Oli Freak
Na každej stene je tag, ulice počujú tvoj smiech (me and you)
On every wall there's a tag, the streets hear your laughter (me and you)
Stretneme sa niekde v minulosti, dáme reč
We'll meet somewhere in the past, we'll talk
A na Račianskom checkneme tvoj obľúbený shake (more)
And in Rača we'll check out your favorite shake (more)
Na dunajských podtónoch sa žilo jak na jachte
On the Danube's undertones, we lived like on a yacht
Crazy broke days, keď som býval v Petržalke
Crazy broke days when I lived in Petržalka
Z nepriateľov homies a z homies nepriatelia
Enemies become homies and homies become enemies
To je take naše, včera hate, dneska felia
That's our way, yesterday hate, today love
A prvýkrát ti praje každý
And the first time everyone roots for you
Druhýkrát ti praje polka
The second time, half do
Tretíkrát ti praje nikto
The third time, no one does
Chcú aby si bol zas nikto
They want you to be a nobody again
Som si istý, že je to tak aj v tvojom meste
I'm sure it's the same in your city too
No u nás tomu hovoríme bratislavský syndróm
But here we call it the Bratislava syndrome
Ja som z BA city
I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše
In every city, they drink from bottles
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také naše
But here it's a little different, kind of our own thing
Ja som z BA city
I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše
In every city, they drink from bottles
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také na-
But here it's a little different, kind of our ow-
Zmrdi prichádzajú, odchádzajú, štyri veže stoja
Jerks come and go, the four towers stand
V poslednej dobe som hlavne v študku alebo doma
Lately, I'm mostly in the studio or at home
No moje mesto ma chápe, dobre vie, že ho mám rád
But my city understands me, it knows I love it
Aj keď nenavštevujem svoj starý obľubený park
Even though I don't visit my old favorite park
Som si istý, že v ňom teraz straší podobná parta ako bola naša
I'm sure a similar crew like ours haunts it now
Prenosné repráky, rap a fľaša
Portable speakers, rap and a bottle
Preletel som polku sveta, prešiel som každým veľkým centrom
I've flown halfway around the world, walked through every major center
Máme tu taký kľud, že netreba pozemok za mestom
We have such peace here, you don't need land outside the city
Nehraj to na big city life
Don't play the big city life game
Namyslený ksicht, hanbím sa za teba ako starší brat
Conceited face, I'm ashamed of you like an older brother
Hraješ to na kráľa, no si za dvorného šaša
You play the king, but you're a court jester
Kvôli takým ako ty nás celé Slovensko neznáša (DK)
Because of people like you, all of Slovakia hates us (DK)
A podpísal som jeden zlý deal
And I signed one bad deal
Potom druhý zlý deal
Then a second bad deal
Teraz sa cítim ako deal-ino
Now I feel like a deal-ino
Na fuck-upy a ľudí mám veľmi zlý nos
I have a really bad nose for fuck-ups and people
Aj tak si beriem čo chcem, nečakám na spravodlivosť
I still take what I want, I don't wait for justice
Ja som z BA city
I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity (me and you)
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti (me and you)
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše
In every city, they drink from bottles
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také naše
But here it's a little different, kind of our own thing
Ja som z BA city
I'm from BA city
Je špinavé a pretty
It's dirty and pretty
Príbehy a brány ako stena a grafity (me and you)
Stories and gates like walls and graffiti (me and you)
V každom meste žijú ľudia
In every city, people live
V každom meste pijú fľaše
In every city, they drink from bottles
No u nás je to trochu také iné, také naše
But here it's a little different, kind of our own thing
A všetci BA city (BA city)
And everyone BA city (BA city)
A všetci BA city (BA city)
And everyone BA city (BA city)
A všetci BA city (BA city)
And everyone BA city (BA city)
A všetci BA city (BA city)
And everyone BA city (BA city)
Takto vyzerajú dni v Bratislave, v Bratislave
These are the days in Bratislava, in Bratislava
Takto vyzerajú dni v Bratislave, v Bratislave (me and you)
These are the days in Bratislava, in Bratislava (me and you)
Takto vyzerajú dni v Bratislave, v Bratislave
These are the days in Bratislava, in Bratislava

Авторы: Peter Bitter

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