Gleb - DROP THAT - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - DROP THAT

(Sídlisková tragikomédia Dlhá cesta domov)
(Suburban tragicomedy Long Way Home)
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Dlhá cesta domov, zastavíme celý svet, je čas na-
Long way home, we'll stop the whole world, it's time to-
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Dlhá cesta domov, zastavíme celý svet, go!
Long way home, we'll stop the whole world, go!
Čo sa so mnou stalo, hrajú ma na diskotéke
What happened to me, they're playing me at the disco
Žiadne, žiadne softové hovná na tomto tape
No, no soft shit on this tape
Prešlo veľa času, každý z nás je niekým iným
A lot of time has passed, each of us is someone else
No čo by mi na to povеdal Gleb z Lavičky Pimpin'?
But what would Gleb from Lavička Pimpin' say about this?
Dneska nechcеm problém, dneska, dneska nechcem problém
I don't want any trouble today, today, I don't want any trouble today
No keď som vonku s partou nebudem sober Johny Rotten
But when I'm out with the crew I won't be a sober Johnny Rotten
Som unavený nosiť otázniky v mojej hlave
I'm tired of carrying question marks in my head
Zem nemôže byť guľatá, keď žijeme na hrane, čas na-
The Earth can't be round when we live on the edge, it's time to-
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Dlhá cesta domov, zastavíme celý svet
Long way home, we'll stop the whole world
Je čas na jazdu, ay, vidíš jak sadám do whipu
It's time for a ride, ay, see how I get in the whip
Revolučné plány len s nami sa hlavy hýbu
Revolutionary plans, only heads move with us
Keď je v meste nuda tak je čas na antipárty
When the city is boring, it's time for an anti-party
Budú volať babky, príde telka, policajti
Grannies will call, TV will come, cops will come
Ty máš tých najlepších fans, ja mám tých najhorších fans
You have the best fans, I have the worst fans
Stopnú premávku, otočia hlavou každý rave
They'll stop the traffic, they'll turn their heads at every rave
A som unavený nosiť otázniky v mojej hlave
And I'm tired of carrying question marks in my head
Zem nemôže byť guľatá, keď žijeme na hrane, čas na-
The Earth can't be round when we live on the edge, it's time to-
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Dlhá cesta domov, zastavíme celý svet, je čas na-
Long way home, we'll stop the whole world, it's time to-
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Drop that, break your neck
Drop that, break your neck, girl
Dlhá cesta domov, zastavíme celý svet
Long way home, we'll stop the whole world
(Obyvatelia bratislavského Ružinova boli včera večer nemilo prekvapení, keď sa pod ich oknami konal koncert)
(The residents of Bratislava's Ružinov were unpleasantly surprised last night when a concert took place under their windows)
(Bol síce oznámený, ale nebol povolený, po koncerte zostala v parku spúšť)
(It was announced, but it wasn't permitted, and the park was left a mess after the concert)
(Komander wassup)
(Komander wassup)

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