Gleb - ZNÁMKY ŽIVOTA - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - ZNÁMKY ŽIVOTA

Moje meno BBG
My name is BBG
Yo, Komander, what's up?
Yo, Komander, what's up?
Ževraj sme vyrobení z kameňa
They say we are made of stone
Chceme robiť rap a zarábať parmezán
We want to rap and earn parmesan
Nehádam sa, asi je to tak
I don’t argue, probably it’s true
Ževraj sa predvádzam, asi je to tak
They say I show off, probably it's true
Nehovorím o sebe, že som najlepší, ani že tento rok je môj
I don’t say that I am the best, or that this year is mine
No hovorí to o mne fakt dosť veľa ľudí, neviem, asi je to tak
But really a lot of people tell me that, I don't know, probably it’s true
Ak mi nabudúce bude chcieť černá mačka prebehnúť jednu z ciest
If next time a black cat wants to run across one of the roads
Tak dupnem na plyn a hneď ju zrazím, nedovolím jej pokaziť mi plány
I’ll push on the gas and hit it right away, won’t let it ruin my plans
Hold up, to bola metafora, neber to vážne, blbá dora
Hold up, it was a metaphor, don’t take it seriously, stupid Dora
Ak ťa urážaju mojе riadky, nechoď do klubu, choď do kostola
If you are offended by my lines, don’t go to the club, go to church
Hah, mám barov do haleluja, v ruke marakuja, sеdí vedľa majáku a
Hah, I’ve bars till hallelujah, holding passion fruit in hand, sitting next to the lighthouse and
Na mojom novom tape bangere, ktoré nechutné jak tarantula
On my new tape there are bangers that are as disgusting as a tarantula
Ver mi, majú nervy, bledí, bledí skoro jak Drákula
Believe me, they have nerves, they are pale, pale almost like Dracula
Sedím pri mori a so mnou magori, s ktorými sa vrátime späť na tour
I’m sitting by the sea with wizards, with whom we are going back on tour
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
Dementi ma nepoznajú osobne, takže si to neberiem osobne
Demented don’t know me personally, so I don’t take it personally
Keby ma poznali osobne, tak je dosť možné, že ma nenávidia ešte viac
If they knew me personally, it’s quite possible they would hate me even more
Oh yeah, ale go, go, Gleb, Ščipo, to je môj top friend
Oh yeah, but go, go, Gleb, Ščipo, this is my top friend
No keď klikol na net tvoj nevydaný track, tak odo mňa dostal slap
But when he clicked on your unreleased track online, he got a slap from me
Fobia Kid včera vypil hneď päť energetiakov po sebe
Fobia Kid drank five energy drinks in a row yesterday
V mojom aute chytil záchvat a začal ziapať
In my car he had a seizure and started yelling
"Ja zomriem, fuh, je mi zle"
"I will die, fuh, I feel sick"
Kým sme čakali sanitku, tak sa polomŕtvy musel fotiť s fans
While we were waiting for the ambulance, he had to take pictures with fans half-dead
Nenahrám Blbé príbehy 4, toto Blbé príbehy 5
I will not record Stupid stories 4, these are Stupid stories 5
Môj DJ červené líca a za každým páchne od slivovice
My DJ has red cheeks and always smells like plum brandy
V tvojom klube som mierotvorca a pod stagom spájam vražedné ulice
I’m a peacemaker in your club and connect murderous streets under the stage
Stojím v rohu a sledujem ťa, na stagi zo seba robíš dementa
I stand in the corner and watch you, you are acting like a fool on stage
Hodím ti kameň do čela, premením ťa Lil Uzi Verta
I throw a rock at your forehead, turn you into Lil Uzi Vert
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
Balaclava, hore ruky, shake, shake, shake your tuky
Balaclava, hands up, shake, shake, shake your fats
Prestaňte sa cítiť jak Bruce Lee, Bratislava shit a ne Brooklyn
Stop feeling like Bruce Lee, Bratislava shit and not Brooklyn
Big time na základe hudby, vznikla v betonovej džungli
Big time based on music, originated in a concrete jungle
Na micu si iba malá pussy, dávaj bacha čo ti letí z pusy
On the mic you’re just a little pussy, be careful what flies out of your mouth
Uh, felák je tu od toho, aby ťa sklamal, aby ťa zradil
Uh, a buddy is here to deceive you, to betray you
Ak ti to vadí, nebav sa s ľuďmi, bav sa s mimozemšťanmi (Yep)
If that bothers you, don’t talk to people, talk to aliens (Yep)
Nechodím na súkromne parties
I don't go to private parties
Ak si ma tam videl, tak mi niekto platil (Díky moc)
If you saw me there, then somebody paid me (Thanks a lot)
Seriem na zakysanku, spravíte všetko pre kúsok hypu
I don't give a damn about yogurt, you will do anything for a bit of hype
Promotér ma nasral, zobral som cash a nedal som showku (Povedz im)
The promoter pissed me off, I took the cash and didn't give a show (Tell them)
Promotér ma nasral, nahlásil som v jeho klube bombu (Povedz im)
The promoter pissed me off, I reported a bomb in his club (Tell them)
V backstagi nebol záchod, tak som z backstagu urobil záchod
There was no toilet backstage, so I made a toilet out of the backstage
Som dobrák, som zloba, so mnou Satan aj pán Boh
I’m good, I'm evil, with me Satan and the Lord God
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
To moje, to moje známky života
These are my, these are my signs of life
Step by step, je veľa ciest, no big boy road je divoká
Step by step, there are many roads, but the big boy road is wild
Keď si na stagi s nami, tak sa rozlúč so snami
When you are on stage with us, say goodbye to your dreams
Keď si na stagi s nami, tak sa rozlúč so snami
When you are on stage with us, say goodbye to your dreams
Spomeň čerta, vyskočí Gleb, yo
Speak of the devil, Gleb jumps out, yo

Авторы: Peter Bitter, Gleb Veselov

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