Gleb feat. Fobia Kid - Blbe Pribehy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb feat. Fobia Kid - Blbe Pribehy

Blbe Pribehy
Blbe Pribehy
Chceš počuť príbeh?
You want to hear a story?
Okey, mám ich vela ... brr. shiit
Okay, I got a lot of them ... brr. Shi'ite
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh.
They built another story.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh
They built another story
Moje CD to je život,
My CD this is life,
Preto to vrátim o pár rokov naspäť
I will return it in a few years.
Opíšem osudy feťákov felákov
I will describe the fates of junkies fellas
Ktoré neboli na smiech
Those who were not laughing
Ich rodičia to mali ťažké,
Their parents had it hard.,
Z ich bytu mizlo zlato po prababke
From their apartment disappeared gold after great-grandmother
Stereo video telefón toaster striebro
Stereo video phone toaster silver
Všetko v igelitovej taške.
All in a plastic bag.
A my sa musíme zmieriť s tým
And we have to put up with it
že medzi náš team patrili smažky
among our team were the Magpies.
Dlžia nesprávnym ľuďom
They owe it to the wrong people.
A snažia sa aby ich nikdy nenašli.
They try to never find them.
A preto chodia po kanáloch,
And that's why they walk on canals,
Tým vystavujú do rizika kamarátov
They put their friends at risk.
Lebo jakmile nenašli ich
When they didn't find them
Tak naháňali nás.
So they chased us.
No a tento shit sa vracia do čias
This shit goes back in time.
Keď vonku pod bránou čakal veľký magor
When there was a big freak waiting outside the gate
V mikine everlast,
The everlast sweatshirt,
Chceme výjsť cez zadný vchod ale ten kokot tam stojí zas
We're gonna go out the back door, but that Dick's standing there again.
Vlastne to neni on,
Actually, it's not him.,
Je to jeho kumpán ktorý vyzerá jak on,
It's his buddy who looks like him.,
Takže on a jeho klon obklúčili dom,
So he and his clone surrounded the House,
A kričia nám pod balkónom nech výjdeme von
And they're yelling at us from under the balcony to get out.
Čakáme pol hodinu,
We wait half an hour,
čakáme hodinu a pol,
we wait an hour and a half,
Týpci stále stoja dole,
Guys are still down,
čo budeme robiť mou?
what do we do with mine?
Peťo stres, po byte hladá gress,
Peto is stressed, looking for gress,
A stočí si obrovský bong.
And he rolls a huge bong.
Peťo zabudol reč, nehovorí nič
Peter forgot his speech and said nothing.
A medituje ako Monk,
Meditating like a Monk,
V tom im suseda otvorí bránu
The Neighbor opens the door.
A klopú na dvere od bytu,
And they knock on the door of the apartment,
To si asi robíš srandu
You've got to be kidding me.
Peťo mal pravdu oni neodídu.
Peter was right, they wouldn't leave.
Preklínam felákov a prosím boha
I swear to God and pray to God.
Nech vypočuje modlitbu.
Let him hear the prayer.
Prechádzam sa po obyvačke a nervózny fajčím cígu.
I walk around the apartment and nervously smoke a cigarette.
Pozerám z okna, konečne sadli do jeepu (yes)
I look out the window, finally sat down in the Jeep (yes)
Pozerám z okna a v istú rovnakú chvílu
I look out the window at the same time.
Mi volá socka vďaka ktorej nás chceli vypnúť.
I got a call from the bitch that got us shut down.
(Soy gleb ako sa máš)... to si asi robíš piču.
(Soy gleb how are you)... you gotta be fucking kidding me.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh.
They built another story.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh
They built another story
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh.
They built another story.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh
They built another story
Prijebané otázky, čo tu robíš odkial si
Fucking questions, What are you doing here, Where Are you from?
Neger ty sem nepatríš
Nigga you don't belong here
Celý život battle shit
A lifetime of battle shit
Prijebané otázky, čo tu robíš odkial si
Fucking questions, What are you doing here, Where Are you from?
Neger ty sem nepatríš
Nigga you don't belong here
Celý život battle shit
A lifetime of battle shit
Bastardi bez morálky
Bastards without morals
Som námestovský king
I am The Square king
Ja to tu poznám aj po slepiačky
I know it from the chicken coop.
Všetky domy a činžiaky
All houses and apartments
Prevediem ťa po mojom meste
I'll take you around my town.
Obuj si wabaki
Put on your wabaki
Vylúpili večierku, v ruke fejkový kalašník
Robbed party, in hand fake Kalashnikov
Chlapca natrel jeho felák
Boy rubbed his blowjob
Pretože mal absťáky
Because he had absences
Poslal ho za 20euro na roky do basy
Sent him for 20euro for years to jail
Všade samí čuráci s čurákmi som mal problémy
I had problems with dicks everywhere.
Pretože niesom belasý
Because I'm not white
Zvárali sme prekážky
We welded obstacles
V ruke plynové horáky
In hand gas burners
Z diaľky prichádza skupina
A group comes from a distance.
Vravia ty sa nám nepáčiš
They say we don't like you.
Ako dobrý chlapec
Like a good boy
Som ich slušne poslal do piči
I politely sent them to the pussy
Keby som povedal hocičo prišli by kopačky
If I said anything, the boots would come.
Zo zeme som zobral horáky a zapálil
From the ground I took the burners and lit
Som tomu kokotovy vetrovku
I'm doing a fucking windbreaker
Bežali sme cez ploty
We ran through the fences
A dávali si šľapáky
And they were hookers.
Kým si ju uhasil my sme
By the time you put it out, we were
V bare pili pálenku
They were drinking brandy at the bar.
(Už som bol najebaný ako kokot)
(I was already fucked.)
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh.
They built another story.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh
They built another story
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh.
They built another story.
Chalani vonku za bránami
Guys outside the gates
A za nami príbeh
And behind us the story
Každodenné návaly
Daily flushing
Stavali ďaľší príbeh
They built another story
(Tak okey, ja radšej pôjdem domov)
(Okay, I'd better go home.)

Авторы: Gleb Veselov

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