Gleb - Motorest - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - Motorest

Roadside Restaurant
Gleb je sick, uh huh
Gleb is sick, uh huh
Sample, snare a kick, uh huh
Sample, snare and kick, uh huh
Berlin metro shit, uh huh
Berlin metro shit, uh huh
Barcelona trip, uh huh
Barcelona trip, uh huh
Spomalený krok, uh huh
Slow steps, uh huh
Amsterdam a loď, uh uh
Amsterdam and a boat, uh uh
V Kodani dopíjam shot, uh huh
Finishing a shot in Copenhagen, uh huh
Toto je freestyle drop, uh
This is a freestyle drop, uh
Zvuk ako my nemá nikto, hm
Nobody has a sound like me, hm
Debili dostávajú dick do, hm
Fools getting their dicks in, hm
Na beate som ako Big Boy, hm
On the beat, I'm like Big Boy, hm
V ruke ríbezľové víno, hm
Blackcurrant wine in my hand, hm
Na sebe mikina Reebok, hm
Wearing a Reebok hoodie, hm
Športový štýl východ, hm
Sport style, east side, hm
JBL a cígo, hm
JBL and a cigarette, hm
Jau, že vraj stále píšem o tom istom
Yo, they say I keep writing about the same thing
Mesto, kalba, suseda Magda
The city, party, neighbor Magda
Koncerty a podobné psycho, okej ticho!
Concerts and similar psycho stuff, okay silence!
Je mi 26, a dnes skoro vôbec nebehám po debilných afterkách
I'm 26, and today I hardly ever chase those stupid after parties
I don't give a fuck
I don't give a fuck
V strede týždňa v noci dávno neopúšťam byt
In the middle of the week, at night, I don't leave my apartment for a long time
Radšej sa opúšťam na gauči keď púšťam beat (Uh)
I'd rather leave myself on the couch when I'm playing a beat (Uh)
A suseda Magda, tak ta ma začína mať celkom rada
And my neighbor Magda, she's starting to like me
Hlavne vtedy keď vychádzam z brány a do auta sadám
Especially when I leave the gate and get in the car
Lebo dobre vie, že celý víkend
Because she knows damn well that all weekend
Bude mať odo mňa kľud
She'll have peace from me
A ja od nej, takže dobre, brr
And I from her, so good, brr
Opúšťam hood
Leaving the hood
Jazdím hore, dole, starí fellas na telefóne
Driving up, down, old fellas on the phone
Sa ma pýtajú, Gleb čo je?
Ask me, Gleb, what's up?
P-P-Práve grillujeme na predmestí pri jazere
W-w-we're grilling in the suburbs by the lake
Niekde medzi poľom a maďarskou dedinou
Somewhere between the field and the Hungarian village
Mal by si prísť veď sme sa nevideli celý rok
You should come, we haven't seen each other all year
Rád by som im odpovedal ok
I'd love to say ok
No som busy, sorry blízki
But I'm busy, sorry close ones
Hudba je láska, ale aj tak trocha biznis
Music is love, but still kinda business
Treba predať lístky, veď môj koncert sa blíži
Gotta sell tickets, my concert's coming up
Na benzínke na mňa opäť čumia blbé ksichty
At the gas station they stare at me with dumb faces again
Ak máš na Slovensku pekný outfit, tak si divný
If you have a nice outfit in Slovakia, you're weird
D-D-Divný ako to že práve Gleb Guľomet
W-w-weird how Gleb Guľomet
Dneska spittuje na boom bap
Spits on boom bap today
Ale drumová pasáž naskočí skoro hneď
But the drum passage will jump in soon, babe
Týmto posielam všetkým raverom check, ah
Sending all the ravers a check with this, ah
A nenávidím sa fotiť, ale na sklade je nový merch
And I hate taking pictures, but there's new merch in stock
Takže sleduj moju debilnú pózu
So watch my stupid pose
Kamera, blesk
Camera, flash
Gleb je sick, uh huh
Gleb is sick, uh huh
Sample, snare a kick, uh huh
Sample, snare and kick, uh huh
Berlin metro shit, uh huh
Berlin metro shit, uh huh
Barcelona trip, uh huh
Barcelona trip, uh huh
Spomalený krok, uh huh
Slow steps, uh huh
Amsterdam a loď, uh uh
Amsterdam and a boat, uh uh
V Kodani dopíjam shot, uh huh
Finishing a shot in Copenhagen, uh huh
Toto je freestyle drop, uh
This is a freestyle drop, uh
Zvuk ako my nemá nikto, hm
Nobody has a sound like me, hm
Debili dostávajú dick do, hm
Fools getting their dicks in, hm
Na beate som ako Big Boy, hm
On the beat, I'm like Big Boy, hm
V ruke ríbezľové víno, hm
Blackcurrant wine in my hand, hm
Na sebe mikina Reebok, hm
Wearing a Reebok hoodie, hm
Športový štýl východ, hm
Sport style, east side, hm
JBL a cígo, hm
JBL and a cigarette, hm
Um, jau
Um, yo
Rozumiem ti G, možno sa nepoznáme osobne
I understand you, G, maybe we don't know each other personally
No keď ťa baví tento sound, tak máme niečo spoločné
But if you enjoy this sound, we have something in common
Rozumiem ti G, možno sa nepoznáme osobne
I understand you, G, maybe we don't know each other personally
No keď ťa baví tento sound, tak máme niečo spoločné
But if you enjoy this sound, we have something in common
Aa, zoberiem ťa na miesto, kde sa nikto nebude predvádzať
Yeah, I'll take you to a place where nobody will show off
Rave, stage, bass, boy, I don't give a fuck
Rave, stage, bass, boy, I don't give a fuck
Zoberiem ťa na miesto, kde sa nikto nebude predvádzať
I'll take you to a place where nobody will show off
Rave, stage, bass, boy, I don't give a fuck
Rave, stage, bass, boy, I don't give a fuck
Odpočívadlo Zamarovce, meškám na koncert
Zamarovce rest stop, I'm late for a concert
Niekto po mne kričí, kto to je, a kurva čo chce?
Someone's yelling at me, who is it, and what the fuck do they want?
O pár sekúnd ku mne pribehol, a čumím že to je môj starý fella Peťo
A few seconds later, he ran up to me, and I stare, it's my old fella Peťo
Vieš kto, ten z Blbých príbehov
You know who, the one from Stupid Stories
Bol to taký problemový týpek, chodil so mnou na strednú školu
He was such a problematic dude, went to high school with me
Každý deň testoval inú chorú drogu
Every day he tested another sick drug
Teraz mi hovorí že je dobrý, robí jogu
Now he's telling me he's good, doing yoga
Zasvätil svoj život bohu, nepije chlast ani Colu, iba vodu (Au)
He dedicated his life to God, doesn't drink booze or Cola, only water (Ouch)
Že vraj našiel pokoj v duši a životnú rovnováhu
He says he found peace of mind and life balance
Zdá sa mi že mi trepe polopravdu
It seems to me that he's telling me half-truths
Biela košeľa, šialený výraz
White shirt, crazy look
Peťo sa asi dostal do sekty, to je bizár
Peťo probably got into a sect, that's bizarre
"A čo ty, stále robíš hudbu?" Áno robím
"What about you, are you still doing music?" Yes, I am
A práve meškám na koncert, tak sorry musím odísť
And I'm late for a concert, so sorry I have to go
Milujem hudbu, ale nič okolo nej
I love music, but nothing around it
Vtedy, a vtedy buď tam
Then, and then be there
Usmievaj sa, a smej
Smile and laugh
Nezabudni odpísať na mail, jou
Don't forget to reply to the email, yo
Telefonáty a správy, čím viacej na mňa tlačíte
Phone calls and messages, the more you push me
Tak tým neskôr to spravím
The later I'll do it
To je pravidlo, žeriem na pumpe Haribo
That's the rule, I'm eating Haribo at the gas station
Rozmýšľam nad tým že album Lavička Pimpin' začína byť pomaly starý, bro
Thinking that the album Lavička Pimpin' is slowly starting to get old, bro
Preto pľujem nové bary o
That's why I'm spitting new bars about
Tom jaký som retardovaný boy
How retarded of a boy I am
Stretávam sa na parkovisku s Dalybom
Meeting up with Dalyb in the parking lot
Dúfam že ste všetci zdravý dawg
Hope you are all healthy dawg
Sever, východ, západ, juh
North, east, west, south
Mám pre vás nový zvuk
Got a new sound for you
Zdravím, uf
Greetings, phew
G-G-G-Gleb je sick, uh huh
G-G-G-Gleb is sick, uh huh
Sample, snare a kick, uh huh
Sample, snare and kick, uh huh
G-G-G-Gleb je sick, uh huh
G-G-G-Gleb is sick, uh huh
Sample, snare a kick, uh huh
Sample, snare and kick, uh huh

Авторы: Komander Ground

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