Gleb - Na Hrade - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - Na Hrade

Na Hrade
On the Castle
Šúlam cigu hore na hrade
I'm rolling a cigarette up on the castle
Veľa dymu v mojom výhľade
Lots of smoke in my view
Utekáme pred problémom
We are running from the problem
Chceme mať svoje mesto čo najďalej
We want to have our city as far away as possible
Brr, Oni chcú pohodu a disko
Brr, They want peace and disco
Ja donesiem anarchiu ako Sex Pistols
I'll bring anarchy like the Sex Pistols
Gleb, včera si to prepískol
Gleb, you overdid it yesterday
Padol so svojou mäkkou pesničkou
He fell with his soft song
Je mi jedno koľko si obsadil rebríčkov
I don't care how many charts you've topped
Iba debil si s tebou dáva selfíčko
Only an idiot takes a selfie with you
Ja mám drinky a cigy cez celý stôl
I have drinks and cigarettes across the whole table
A serem svoje mesto jak revízor
And I shit on my city like a ticket inspector
Pod mojim stagom je miesto pre všetkých
There's room for everyone under my stage
Stoja tam lezby a nerdi
Lesbians and nerds are standing there
Zicherka v uchu a dredy, skaty, snapbacky
Safety pin in the ear and dreads, skateboards, snapbacks
Tučný, chudý, žltý, čierny, bledý
Fat, skinny, yellow, black, pale
Je mi jedno či si metlák alebo normcore
I don't care if you're a meth head or normcore
Na mojej show idú predsudky bokom
Prejudices are put aside at my show
Celý deň v aute, celý deň nespím, no na stagi sme jak punkové hviezdy
All day in the car, all day I don't sleep, but on stage we're like punk rock stars
Je mi jedno či si vyjetý alebo triezvy
I don't care if you're wasted or sober
Bav sa jak chceš, ja nejsom tvoja matka
Have fun however you want, I'm not your mother
Bav sa jak chceš, na všetko prídeš zajtra sám
Have fun however you want, you'll face it all alone tomorrow
Ja iba robím job pre seba a svoj klan
I'm just doing a job for myself and my clan
Viem že máš tisíce fans, ale nikto z nich nejde rave ako moji
I know you have thousands of fans, but none of them rave like mine
Viem že máš tisíce fans
I know you have thousands of fans
No keď pozrieš pod stage, tak každý z nich stojí
But when you look under the stage, every one of them is standing there
Stále chceš byť big americký rap no žiaľ pre teba si slovák jak repa
You still want to be a big American rap but unfortunately for you, you're Slovak like a turnip
Halušky a bryndza, to je tvoj traplife
Halušky and bryndza, that's your trap life
Keby ťa videla mama v telke tak by ťa prepla
If your mom saw you in that tank top, she'd drown you
Hudba, je tvoj najbližší felák
Music, is your closest homie
No pravda je taká, že ťa vôbec nemá rád
But the truth is, it doesn't like you at all
Máš zlý rap a pre teba neexistuje reparát
You have bad rap and there's no retake for you
Šúlam cigu hore na hrade
I'm rolling a cigarette up on the castle
Veľa dymu v mojom výhľade
Lots of smoke in my view
Utekáme pred problémom
We are running from the problem
Chceme mať svoje mesto čo najďalej
We want to have our city as far away as possible
Utekáme pred problémom a spíme v Jägermeister karavane
We are running from the problem and sleeping in a Jägermeister caravan
Čas, cash, kľud, boj
Time, cash, peace, fight
To veci ktoré naháňame
These are the things we're chasing
Šúlam cigu hore na hrade
I'm rolling a cigarette up on the castle
Veľa dymu v mojom výhľade
Lots of smoke in my view
Utekáme pred problémom
We are running from the problem
Chceme mať svoje mesto čo najďalej
We want to have our city as far away as possible
Utekáme pred problémom a spíme v Jägermeister karavane
We are running from the problem and sleeping in a Jägermeister caravan
Čas, cash, kľud, boj
Time, cash, peace, fight
To veci ktoré naháňame
These are the things we're chasing
A som opitý ako môj DJ
And I'm drunk as my DJ
Na sebe streetwear a ne Lacoste
Wearing streetwear and not Lacoste
Jazdíme po ulici jak na doske
We ride the streets like a skateboard
Parkujeme káru pri starom moste
We park the car by the old bridge
Do šiestej rána sedíme na Dunaji a tlačíme do seba tie zlé činy
We sit by the Danube until six in the morning and push those bad deeds into ourselves
Doma sa zaseknem vo výťahu a zkysnem tam asi na dve hodiny
At home I get stuck in the elevator and sour there for about two hours
Moja životospráva býva odporná ako obchodná ulica v noci
My lifestyle is disgusting like a shopping street at night
Jeden debil grca, druhý debil močí,
One idiot pukes, the other idiot pees,
Tretí debil sa a bije a štvrtý to točí
The third idiot fights and the fourth films it
A v klube sa tváriš jak 50Cent, no vo vačku máš iba fifty cent
And in the club you act like 50Cent, but in your pocket you only have fifty cents
Som Gopnik verzus inteligent
I'm Gopnik versus intelligent
Rozhadzujem rukami na majku jak dirigent
Waving my arms on the mic like a conductor
Dovi a dopi dneska si dosť pil
Dovi and dopi you've had enough to drink today
Si blbý Jackass jak Johnny Knoxville
You're a dumb Jackass like Johnny Knoxville
Fotky a posty ku nim popis jak postih
Pictures and posts with descriptions like a handicapped person
Je mi jedno kto s kým a čo s kým
I don't care who's with whom and what's with whom
Pumpy, bagety, toasty, stále sa vozím
Pumps, handcuffs, toasts, I'm still riding
Tie tupé kozy majú iba kozy
Those stupid goats only have goats
Keď mi niečo vravia padám do narkózy
When they tell me something I fall into narcosis
I′m so busy
I'm so busy
Bitch get off me
Bitch get off me
Ľudia bývajú dotierny jak osy
People are annoying like wasps
Odkúsnem im za to hlavy jak Ozzy
I'll bite their heads off like Ozzy
Zotriem ich ako strierace losy
I will erase them like scratch-off lottery tickets
Chceš byť jak ja?
You wanna be like me?
Mou, ale čo si?
Mou, but what are you?
Život krála je skurvene hrozný a veď ten tvoj je sladký jak hrozno
The life of a king is fucking horrible and yours is sweet as grapes
Prestaň byť zas opustený jak ostrov
Stop being deserted like an island
Nebuď Mongol, choď von, mám program
Don't be a Mongol, come on out, I have a program
Šúlam cigu hore na hrade
I'm rolling a cigarette up on the castle
Veľa dymu v mojom výhľade
Lots of smoke in my view
Utekáme pred problémom
We are running from the problem
Chceme mať svoje mesto čo najďalej
We want to have our city as far away as possible
Utekáme pred problémom a spíme v Jägermeister karavane
We are running from the problem and sleeping in a Jägermeister caravan
Čas, cash, kľud, boj,
Time, cash, peace, fight
To veci ktoré naháňame
These are the things we're chasing
Šúlam cigu hore na hrade
I'm rolling a cigarette up on the castle
Veľa dymu v mojom výhľade,
Lots of smoke in my view
Utekáme pred problémom
We are running from the problem
Chceme mať svoje mesto čo najďalej
We want to have our city as far away as possible
Utekáme pred problémom a spíme v Jägermeister karavane
We are running from the problem and sleeping in a Jägermeister caravan
Čas, cash, kľud, boj
Time, cash, peace, fight
To veci ktoré naháňame
These are the things we're chasing

Авторы: Gleb Veselov

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