Gleb - Podme Dalej - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gleb - Podme Dalej

Podme Dalej
Let's go further
Gopnik nespí (yeah)
Gopnik doesn't sleep (yeah)
Zmrdi okolo mňa vedia čo znamená
The assholes around me know what it means
Keď poviem vetu poďme ďalej
When I say let's go further
čo nevedia, zistia na tomto tracku (okay)
Those who don't know will find out on this track (okay)
Bývam lenivý ako medveď
I'm lazy like a bear
Volá mi Hugo, volá mi Mefek
Hugo's calling me, Mefek's calling me
Dnes máme show
We have a show today
Košice, potom Prešov
Košice, then Prešov
No tak doma neseď
So don't stay at home anymore
Ideme v aute počúvame FM
We go in the car, listen to FM
A v tom dostaneme defekt
And then we get a flat tire
Tak nasrať
So fuck it
Musíme ísť na vlak
We have to go by train
Kupujem lístky jak manták
I buy tickets like a fool
Kandel vo vlaku je hrozný
The stench on the train is terrible
Sedíme v jedálenskom vozni
We sit in the dining car
Marshall Malinovski
Marshall Malinovsky
Kopeme do seba drevené vodky
We're drinking wooden vodka
Debilné kecy pri pohári
Stupid talk over a glass
S nami pijú Kysuckí murári
Kysuce builders are drinking with us
Dlhá cesta, tak mi ešte nalej
Long way, pour me another one
Som fucked up ale poďme ďalej
I'm fucked up, but let's go further
Na stanici nás čaká stará rozbitá Mazda
An old, beaten up Mazda is waiting for us at the station
Taxikár počúva Slovenský rap
The taxi driver listens to Slovak rap
A pýta sa ma či mi nevadí že je to nahlas
And he asks me if I mind if it's loud
Som po ceste a dead
I'm on the road and dead
A ten bastard ma asi chce silou-mocou nasrať
And this bastard wants to piss me off by force
Štyridsiatník, hip-hoper sa za volantom tvári jak gazda
Forty-year-old, hip-hoper at the wheel acts like a master
Pýta sa nás akú hudbu hráme
He asks what kind of music we play
Hneď som mu išiel vymenovať žánre
I immediately went to list the genres
Ale potom som sa pozrel na neho
But then I looked at him
A došlo mi že poďme ďalej
And it dawned on me that let's go further
Dvadsať minút pred koncertom
Twenty minutes before the concert
V klube není mix ani mikrofón
There is no mix or microphone in the club
Kde je promotér? Kde je môj cash?
Where is the promoter? Where is my cash?
Okolo mňa iba nasratí fans
Only pissed off fans around me
Pýtajú sa kedy výdem na stage
They ask when I'm going to take the stage
Nakoniec všetko dopadlo fresh
In the end everything turned out fresh
Chcel som s nimi ešte hodiť reč
I wanted to talk to them some more
Ale ďalšia show a musíme preč
But another show and we have to leave
Ďalšia show a nestíhame
Another show and we don't have time
Mefek mi hovorí poďme ďalej
Mefek tells me let's go further
Ďalšia show a nestíhame
Another show and we don't have time
Hugo mi hovorí poďme ďalej
Hugo tells me let's go further
Na obed
For lunch
Na obed mám
For lunch I have
Na obed mám
For lunch I have
Meeting s komerčným producentom
Meeting with a commercial producer
Baví sa somnou jak s dementom
He talks to me like I'm demented
Dáte si kávu? Dáte si cigu?
Would you like some coffee? Will you have a cigarette?
Nie, nemám čas mám iba chvíľu
No, I don't have time, I only have a minute
Okay. Gleb, vieš si pre showbiz
Okay. Gleb, you know for showbiz
Celkom zaujímavý typ
Quite an interesting type
Jedinú vec ktorú by si mal vymeniť
The only thing you should change
Je text a beat a dať si speváčku na feat
Is the lyrics and the beat and get a female vocalist on the feat
A zabudni na underground
And forget about the underground
Stačí rapovať ako buzerant
Just rap like a queer
Po tom všetkom ťa začnú hrať
After all that they will start playing you
Musiš mi veriť, bude to tak
You have to trust me, it will be so
Bude to top a dokonalé
It will be top notch and perfect
Ja mu hovorím dobre poďme ďalej
I tell him okay, let's go further
Ráno mi príde na e-mail kontrakt
In the morning I receive a contract by e-mail
Presuniem ho hneď medzi odpad
I immediately move it to trash
Som Gleb gulomet, moju odpoveď poznáš
I'm Gleb the machine gun, you know my answer
Nerob si plány a nerob si nádej
Don't make plans and don't get your hopes up
Chceš zo mňa fejkovú star?
Do you want a fake star out of me?
Tak to radšej poďme ďalej
Then we better move on
Potrebujem pauzu od všetkých
I need a break from everyone
Kupujem dva týždne dovolenky
I buy two weeks of vacation
Iba oceán a moje dievča
Just the ocean and my girl
Fotím všetko jak Kórejčan
I photograph everything like a Korean
Priletím a som naspäť v hre
I'm flying back and I'm back in the game
O dve hodiny musím na koncert
In two hours I have to go to a concert
Z letiska rovno na koncert
From the airport straight to the concert
Zatiaľ čo myslím iba na posteľ
While I'm only thinking about bed
Ešte som sa ani nevybalil
I haven't even unpacked yet
Ešte som ani nevolal mame
I haven't even called my mom yet
A stojím v zafajčenom klube
And I'm already standing in a smoky club
Biletár čumí
The ticket seller is silent
Poďme ďalej
Let's go further
Pred show sa potrebujem sústrediť
I need to focus before the show
A byť aspoň chvíľu v tichu
And be in silence for at least a moment
No obklúči ma banda fettucinov
But a bunch of fettuccine surrounds me
A chcú mi povedať čo majú na jazyku
And they want to tell me what they have on their tongues
LSD je to čo majú na jazyku
LSD is what they have on their tongue
Mám nové triko bacha na cigu
I have a new T-shirt, watch out for that cigarette
Prepálená diera
Burned hole
Neva jebať
Doesn't matter, fuck it
Moj DJ hraje tak poďme ďalej
My DJ is playing, so let's go further
Na stagi som satan
I'm Satan on stage
Z papule mi šľahá plameň
A flame shoots from my mouth
Pussyes MC sa modlia
Pussyes MCs are praying
V mene ducha svätého, amen
In the name of the Holy Spirit, amen
Na stagi som satan
I'm Satan on stage
Z papule mi šľahá plameň
A flame shoots from my mouth
Pussyes MC sa boja
Pussyes MCs are scared
Ja sa smejem a pome ďaľej
I'm laughing and we're moving on
Gopnik nespí pome ďalej
Gopnik doesn't sleep, let's go further
Stovky v pästi pome ďalej
Hundreds in the fist, let's go further
Kostým mestský pome ďaľej
City costume, let's go further
Mosh pit všetci pome ďaľej
Mosh pit everyone, let's go further
Gopnik nespí pome ďaľej
Gopnik doesn't sleep, let's go further
Stovky v pästi pome ďaľej
Hundreds in the fist, let's go further
Kostým mestský pome ďaľej
City costume, let's go further
Mosh pit všetci pome ďaľej
Mosh pit everyone, let's go further
Gopnik nespí pome ďaľej
Gopnik doesn't sleep, let's go further
Stovky v pästi pome ďaľej
Hundreds in the fist, let's go further
Kostým mestský pome ďaľej
City costume, let's go further
Mosh pit všetci pome ďaľej
Mosh pit everyone, let's go further
Gopnik nespí pome ďaľej
Gopnik doesn't sleep, let's go further
Stovky v pästi pome ďaľej
Hundreds in the fist, let's go further
Kostým mestský pome ďaľej
City costume, let's go further
Mosh pit všetci pome ďaľej
Mosh pit everyone, let's go further

Авторы: Gleb Veselov

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