Gleb - Sede Mraky - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Gleb - Sede Mraky

Sede Mraky
Gray Clouds
Šedé mraky nad mestom a ja som jediný kto ide von
Gray clouds over the city, and I'm the only one going out
Šedé mraky nad mestom, nosím to dnu, vnútri so sebou
Gray clouds over the city, I wear it inside, inside with me
Šedé mraky nad mestom a ja som jediný kto ide von
Gray clouds over the city, and I'm the only one going out
Šedé mraky nad mestom, nosím to dnu, vnútri so sebou
Gray clouds over the city, I wear it inside, inside with me
Šedé mraky, šedé mraky, šedé mraky, šedé mraky
Gray clouds, gray clouds, gray clouds, gray clouds
Toto není o flowe a o peniazoch
This isn't about flow and money
Toto je o tom ako nám život kope na nos
This is about how life kicks us in the face
A písať tieto bary mi nerobí radosť
And writing these bars doesn't bring me any joy
Moje CD je pravda, veci na poriadok
My CD is truth, things in order
Pokiaľ nie si real nemáš svedomie a cit
Unless you're real, you don't have a conscience and feelings
Pokiaľ nie si real tak všetko je fit
Unless you're real, then everything is fine
Pokiaľ nie som real tak nedokážem žiť
Unless I'm real, I can't live
Ľudia v noci zabúdajú aký majú byť
People forget at night who they're supposed to be
A ťa chápem a nevyčítam nič
And I understand you and don't blame you for anything
Lebo aj po rokoch som zo stanice zoo
Because even after years I'm from the *station zoo*
V klube sa smejem no zažívám zlo
I laugh in the club but experience evil
Na dlhej ceste byť lepším človekom
On the long journey to being a better person
Nenávidím zmrda ktorý sa zo mňa stáva
I hate the jerk I'm becoming
Plakať na tracku je puberťácke
Crying on a track is teenage
No zvládni môj každodenný nával
But handle my daily rush
A som zvedavý či ti bude na smiech
And I wonder if you'll find it funny
Mraky stále outsider, stále s nimi a zároveň sám
Clouds always an outsider, always with them and at the same time alone
Mraky stále outsider, stále s nimi a zároveň sám
Clouds always an outsider, always with them and at the same time alone
Mraky stále outsider, stále s nimi a zároveň sám
Clouds always an outsider, always with them and at the same time alone
Mraky stále outsider, stále s nimi a zároveň sám
Clouds always an outsider, always with them and at the same time alone
Šedé mraky nad mestom a ja som jediný kto ide von
Gray clouds over the city, and I'm the only one going out
Šedé mraky nad mestom, nosím to dnu, vnútri so sebou
Gray clouds over the city, I wear it inside, inside with me
Šedé mraky nad mestom a ja som jediný kto ide von
Gray clouds over the city, and I'm the only one going out
Šedé mraky nad mestom, nosím to dnu, vnútri so sebou
Gray clouds over the city, I wear it inside, inside with me
Šedé mraky nad mestom a ja som jediný kto ide von
Gray clouds over the city, and I'm the only one going out
Šedé mraky nad mestom, nosím to dnu, vnútri so sebou
Gray clouds over the city, I wear it inside, inside with me
Šedé mraky, šedé mraky, šedé mraky, šedé mraky
Gray clouds, gray clouds, gray clouds, gray clouds

Авторы: Gleb Veselov

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