Gordo Master - Fatman - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gordo Master - Fatman

Sentao en los bancos al sol,
Sitting on the benches in the sun,
Cerveza en mano, un día de calor,
Beer in hand, a hot day,
Ojos rojos, alergia y grandes trocolos.
Red eyes, allergies, and big pupils.
Tras mis gafas negras el mundo pasa con humo alrededor,
Behind my black glasses the world passes with smoke around,
Mis cristales se empañan con el terralón.
My lenses fog up with the hot wind.
Polen, picores de nariz, flores de colores
Pollen, itchy nose, colorful flowers,
Incesto descontrole, vacilones gordos ole!
Uncontrolled incest, fat dudes having fun, ole!
Canciones pasan de fondo, sueno entre ruido de mar y gaviota
Songs play in the background, I dream between the sound of the sea and the seagull,
Gritando los mares, viendo mi trono en alza.
Screaming seas, seeing my throne rise.
Cada día que pasa creo que voy a mas,
Every day that passes I think I'm getting better,
One love, my music es lo que esperabas,
One love, my music is what you expected,
Soñabas con el momento en que este perla se lanzara,
You dreamed of the moment when this pearl would be released,
El asfalto en llama, es verano en mi ciudad.
The asphalt on fire, it's summer in my city.
Welcome to chocolate city,
Welcome to chocolate city,
Voy pateando la calle, por ahí se oye mi cd.
I'm kicking the street, my CD is heard around.
Bitches and me pa mis bling en la party,
Bitches and me for my bling at the party,
Respect man, dame money, tengo planes.
Respect man, give me money, I have plans.
Gastando suela miro y observo, me doy cuenta
Wearing down my soles I look and observe, I realize
Que en esta época del año hay mas puercos hijos de perra,
That at this time of year there are more pig sons of bitches,
Nenas van con cuatro trapos pidiendo guerra,
Girls go around with four rags asking for war,
Guapos van con su descapotable buscando tema.
Handsome guys go around in their convertibles looking for trouble.
La flama quema ventiladores en tienda,
The flame burns fans in the store,
Sudo en tu camiseta y en la playa una candela,
I sweat on your shirt and a candle on the beach,
Aquí el más tonto no corre vuela,
Here the dumbest one doesn't run, he flies,
Goodfella, en mi mano tu oro y tu cartera.
Goodfella, in my hand your gold and your wallet.
Vivo en un barrio costero de pescadores
I live in a coastal fishing neighborhood
A dos pasos de la arena húmeda y sin sabores,
Two steps from the wet and tasteless sand,
Los billetes tan en medio y a los laos los clockers,
The bills right in the middle and the clockers on the sides,
No te rebote, no pongas cara de póker, más bien de jocker.
Don't bounce, don't put on a poker face, more like a joker.
Rompe, del sur al norte tengo mi nombre,
Break it down, from south to north I have my name,
El Gordo no se esconde, hace que tu sala se desborde,
The Fatman doesn't hide, he makes your room overflow,
You know me, te lo hago acorde,
You know me, I make it right for you,
Ven y muerde cobarde no fardes rap tremen arde.
Come and bite coward don't brag, tremendous rap burns.
[Estribillo] (x2)
[Chorus] (x2)
De Monday a Sunday smoking shit,
From Monday to Sunday smoking shit,
Nacido en la calle, business every day,
Born in the street, business every day,
My music and me,
My music and me,
The fatman vuelve
The fatman returns
Veo el tren de carga desde mi ventana,
I see the freight train from my window,
Oigo los grito de las María por las mañanas,
I hear the cries of the Marias in the mornings,
Una furgoneta pita trae dulces y pan,
A van beeps, it brings sweets and bread,
Bajo un día cálido oliendo a mar.
I go down on a warm day smelling of the sea.
Fluyo gracias al Hozone,
I flow thanks to the Ozone,
Un beat, un hit, el rap que pone,
A beat, a hit, the rap that puts on,
No more clones, original homie,
No more clones, original homie,
Comete el talento sácalo a borbotones.
Eat the talent, bring it out in spurts.
Corleone ha vuelto, negocio mi lado más alto,
Corleone is back, I deal my highest side,
Traigo buena música aposta en piso franco.
I bring good music on purpose in a safe house.
Living Las Vegas explosivo,
Living Las Vegas explosive,
Un atraco lirico directo en vivo.
A lyrical robbery live.
Escribo con mi lápiz, mis battles, mi contrataque,
I write with my pencil, my battles, my counterattack,
Mientras los chivatos en el parque van pidiendo carne,.
While the snitches in the park are asking for meat.
El dia a dia en el barrio es necesario pal combate,
The day to day in the neighborhood is necessary for the fight,
El adversario cae, aprende a componer, jake mate.
The opponent falls, learn to compose, checkmate.
Vivir con el mar muy cerca,
Living with the sea very close,
Cada uno coge lo que siembra,
Everyone gets what they sow,
No mas mierda, los pies en la tierra,
No more shit, feet on the ground,
El subidón de mortadela aquí no cuela,
The bologna high doesn't work here,
Mi jerga arrasa en cualquier esquina,
My slang sweeps every corner,
La puedes encontrar no cansa,
You can find it, it doesn't tire,
No cogerá polvo en tu disquetera,
It won't catch dust in your disk drive,
Querrás mas, Fatman llega a tu ciudad,
You'll want more, Fatman is coming to your city,
Acompañado de buen hash, no lo dejes pasar.
Accompanied by good hash, don't let him pass.
[Estribillo] (x2)
[Chorus] (x2)
De Monday a Sunday smoking shit,
From Monday to Sunday smoking shit,
Nacido en la calle, business every day,
Born in the street, business every day,
My music and me,
My music and me,
The fatman vuelve
The fatman returns

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