Gossos - Buscant Espais - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gossos - Buscant Espais

Buscant Espais
Searching for Spaces
Ja fa temps que ho veus tot diferent
I have been seeing everything differently for a while,
La vida et passa per davant i no vols renunciar
Life passes you by and you don’t want to give up
Buscant espais, on tu, jo, tots puguem estar molt millor
Searching for spaces where you, I and everyone can be much better
Estem a punt d'esclatar per tornar a començar
We are about to burst to start over
Paradisos perduts deserts
Paradises lost deserts
És com aprendre altre cop a caminar
It’s like learning to walk again
No cal que et pensis que tu ets diferent
Don’t think that you are different
T'estan esperant, llença't mar obert
They are waiting for you, jump into the deep end
La calma atura els teus pensaments
Calmness stops your thoughts
La força arriba sempre a cada moment
Strength always comes at every moment
Deixa't anar si em creus
Let go if you believe me
Estem fets del mateix
We are made of the same thing
Segur que per moments et sents molt sol
I am sure there are many different channels against the current
No és fàcil comunicar amb el món
It’s important to regain your strength for this new section
Des d'aquest altre lloc
Love life and it will give you all the nutrients
Se molt que a contracorrent hi ha molts i diferents canals
I know very well that there are many and different channels against the current
És important recuperar les forces per aquest nou tram
It’s important to regain your strength for this new section
Estima la vida et donarà tots els nutrients
Love life and it will give you all the nutrients
Buscant espais, on tu, jo, tots puguem estar molt millor
Searching for spaces where you, I and everyone can be much better
Estem a punt d'esclatar per tornar a començar
We are about to burst to start over
Paradisos perduts deserts
Paradises lost deserts
És com aprendre altre cop a caminar
It’s like learning to walk again
No cal que et pensis que tu ets diferent
Don’t think that you are different
T'estan esperant, llença't mar obert
They are waiting for you, jump into the deep end
La calma atura els teus pensaments
Calmness stops your thoughts
La força arriba sempre a cada moment
Strength always comes at every moment
Deixa't anar si em creus
Let go if you believe me
Estem fets del mateix
We are made of the same thing

Авторы: Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Santiago Serratosa Lopez, Oriol Farre Llort, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Roger Farre Llort

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