Gossos - Fràgils - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gossos - Fràgils

Aquí estem mirant cap al cel
Here we are, looking up at the sky
Per si arriba algun senyal i és el que esperem
In case a signal arrives, like the one we're waiting for
Aquí estem mirant els estels
Here we are, looking at the stars
Esperant que un d ells amagui el secret
Hoping that one of them will hide the secret
Aquí estem mirant cap al cel
Here we are, looking up at the sky
Però no sembla que la nit ens depari res
But it doesn't seem like the night will bring us anything
En algun lloc a anys llum d aquí hi ha d haver allò que ens falta a tu i a mi
Somewhere, light years away from here, there must be what you and I are missing
Però no entenc perquè he de buscar tan lluny
But I don't understand why I have to look so far
Puc veure l univers sencer dins els teus ulls
I can see the whole universe in your eyes
Digues el que necessites dir
Tell me what you need to say
Sempre hi ha qui ho necessita sentir
There is always someone who needs to hear it
Potser en un d aquests pensaments algú pot veure el que tu i jo no veiem
Maybe in one of these thoughts someone can see what you and I don't
Som fràgils com arbres de gel enmig del desert
We are fragile like ice trees in the middle of the desert
Que si no es trenquen s acaben desfent
That if they don't break, they end up melting
M he cansat de buscar tan lluny
I'm tired of looking so far away
Puc veure l univers sencer dins els teus ulls
I can see the whole universe in your eyes
Avui soc jo qui necessita sentir tot allò que tu necessites dir
Today I am the one who needs to hear everything you need to say
Només amb tu diferenciar
Only with you, I know how to differentiate
Entre el que és ridícul i el que és sublim
Between what is ridiculous and what is sublime
Com pot ser que tanta gent mirant el mateix
How is it possible that so many people looking at the same thing
Pugui veure coses tant diferents
Can see such different things
No oblidis explicar-me quin és el secret
Don't forget to tell me what the secret is
No l amaguis, que ja l has descobert
Don't hide it, I know you've already discovered it

Авторы: Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Santiago Serratosa Lopez, Oriol Farre Llort, Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Roger Farre Llort

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