Gossos - Resistirem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gossos - Resistirem

Sempre buscant la tàctica perfecta
Always looking for the perfect tactic
Publicitat indigesta
Indigestible advertising
M'emprenyo perquè a mi no em cal
It pisses me off because I don't need it
Brutícia sorda, llorda que m'angoixa
Filthy, dirty gore that angers me
Sempre hi ha algú que intenta vendre'm
There is always someone trying to sell me
La clau de la felicitat
The key to happiness
Ara podem triar, decidir com i quan
Now we can choose, decide how and when
Però el compte enrere no atura, no espera
But the countdown does not stop, does not wait
Aixeca el teu cap
Lift up your head
Vull que et miris el mirall
Look in the mirror
Ja res és com abans
Nothing is the same as before
Ho hauries d'acceptar
You should accept it
Fins que canviïn les coses, ens voldran humiliar
Until things change, they will want to humiliate us
Fins que ens tractin com cal, doncs ens haurem d'aguantar
Until we are treated properly, we will have to put up with it
Fins que ens tallin les ales, no deixarem de cridar
Until our wings are clipped, we will not stop shouting
Fins que algú ens faci cas
Until someone listens to us
Si mai em pares per fer-me una enquesta
If you ever stop by to survey me
Et diré el que em molesta
I will tell you what bothers me
Sembla que ens han buidat el cap
It seems like they've emptied our heads
Des del sofà, la cel·la que et dispersa
From the couch, the cell that disperses you
La tele encesa com sempre
The TV on as always
Veuràs un dia el teu final
You will see your end one day
Ara podem triar, decidir i remenar
Now we can choose, decide and stir
Però el compte enrere no atura, no espera
But the countdown does not stop, does not wait
Connectat a la realitat, tarifa plana ideal
Connected to reality, ideal flat rate
Però si no pagues no et miren, no et senten
But if you don't pay, they don't look at you, they don't hear you
Fins que canviïn les coses, ens voldran humiliar
Until things change, they will want to humiliate us
Fins que ens tractin com cal, doncs ens haurem d'aguantar
Until we are treated properly, we will have to put up with it
Fins que ens tallin les ales, no deixarem de cridar
Until our wings are clipped, we will not stop shouting
Fins que algú ens faci cas
Until someone listens to us
Fins que canviïn les coses, resorgirem tots del fang
Until things change, we will all rise from the mud
Fins que ens tractin com cal, no ens deixarem atrapar
Until we are treated properly, we will not let ourselves be caught
Fins que ens tallin les ales, resistint l'eix del mal
Until they clip our wings, resisting the axis of evil
Seguirà tot igual
Everything will remain the same

Авторы: Ignacio Tarres Garcia, Juan Jose Munoz Garcia, Roger Farre Llort, Oriol Farre Llort, Santiago Serratosa Lopez

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