Governors - Sugearen antzera - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Governors - Sugearen antzera

Sugearen antzera
Just Like a Snake
Ardiaren larrua duen otso bat gehiago zara,
You're just another wolf in sheep's clothing,
Zure irrifarrearen disdirak ez du
The gleam in your smile doesn't hide
Usten zure faltsukeri interesatua ikusten,
Your underlying, self-serving deceit,
Komedian iñoiz idatzi den papelik onena.
The best-written play in the chronicles of comedy.
Sugearen antzera,
Just like a snake,
Zure biktimarengana isil hurbiltzen zara letagiñak sartuz.
You slither up to your victims with silence, injecting venom.
Ez nauzu ni engainatzen ta topatuko gara,
You won't trick me and we'll meet again,
Zeren gu biok desberdiñak izan
For though we are different
Arren, infernu zikin bereko deabruak gara,
We are both demons from the same dirty hell,
Ta nire momentua itxaroten dago.
And my moment is waiting.
Dena den, jarraitzen duzun bide iluna,
For the dark path you travel,
Bizitza deitutakoa, ta zure irentzi nahiak,
Called life and your hunger to consume
Orain arte itsu egon direnen aurrean
Will eventually show your true colors
Zure izaera berekoia azaltzen bukatuko du.
To those who have been blinded thus far.
Eta orduan gauza bat lortua izango duzu,
And then you will have one thing
Bizitzan tristeena dena, bakardadea.
Saddest in life, loneliness.
Ez nauzu ni engainatzen ta topatuko gara,
You won't trick me and we'll meet again,
Zeren gu biok desberdiñak izan
For though we are different
Arren, infernu zikin bereko deabruak gara,
We are both demons from the same dirty hell,
Ta nire momentua itxaroten dago.
And my moment is waiting.
Horrela biktima-biktimaz, artalde-artaldez.
Like victim-victim, herd-herd.

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