Gransan - Este Es Tu País - Instrumental - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Gransan - Este Es Tu País - Instrumental

Este Es Tu País - Instrumental
This Is Your Country - Instrumental
Miren bien a este especimen que no pisa el ciber,
Look closely at this specimen who doesn't tread the cyber,
Si tu esfinter sigue fiel al semen estare insensible,
If your sphincter remains faithful to semen I'll be insensitive,
¿Eres del Opus Day?, con ese chaleco Hillfiguer,
Are you from Opus Dei? with that Hilfiger vest,
¿Tu padre es del PP?, te vi gritando Hait Hitler.
Is your father in the PP? I saw you screaming "Heil Hitler".
En el cine daban La lista de Schindler,
At the cinema, they were showing Schindler's List,
Mientras en la fila 15 tu hija le limpiaba el rifle a un skinhead,
While in row 15 your daughter was cleaning a skinhead's rifle,
Si solo tiene 13 años,
She's only 13 years old,
Pero finge que es experta en que hagan daño en su laringe.
But pretends to be an expert in making their larynx suffer.
Esplunge, surge la tele publica señores,
Behold, public television emerges, gentlemen,
Pagada con impuestos de españolas y españoles,
Paid with taxes from Spanish women and men,
En este pais de pobres con un rey que mantener,
In this country of poor people with a king to maintain,
Donde solo se puede ser gay si sales por la tele.
Where you can only be gay if you're on TV.
Mira a Yola Berrocal con esa cara de rancia,
Look at Yola Berrocal with that stale face,
Si quieres follar ponle en la cabeza la bandera de Francia,
If you want to fuck her, put the French flag on her head,
Y reza un padre nuestro por el nuevo papa,
And pray an Our Father for the new pope,
Haber si hace un milagro y la consigue convertir en guapa.
Maybe he'll perform a miracle and make her beautiful.
Zapatero no es hetero,
Zapatero is not straight,
ZP suena a PP, espero de tu pais otro cenicero,
ZP sounds like PP, I expect another ashtray from your country,
Pero se que tu gobierno no es de izquierda ni de centro,
But I know your government is neither left nor center,
Lo siento, solo es del partido del dinero.
I'm sorry, it's just the party of money.
Te pinto al oleo, un iraqui vomitando petroleo,
I paint you in oil, an Iraqi vomiting oil,
Y en un folio una gaviota con la sangre de su abuelo muerto,
And on a sheet a seagull with the blood of its dead grandfather,
En la invasion de este mundo paralelo de gas-oil,
In the invasion of this parallel gas-oil world,
¿El PSOE socio de Repsol?.
The PSOE partnered with Repsol?.
He venido a joder a todo el hip hop estatal,
I've come to screw up all of state hip hop,
Con mi disco de metal soy Jesucristo Superstar,
With my metal album I'm Jesus Christ Superstar,
Bienvenidos a mi gran circo mundial,
Welcome to my great world circus,
Fernandisco es George Michael en la epoca de Wang.
Fernandisco is George Michael in the Wang era.
Este es tu pais.Cuando la montera se convierte en un tricornio
This is your country. When the montera becomes a tricorn
Y los cuernos del toro ahora son los del demonio,
And the horns of the bull are now those of the devil,
Y el imperio sugestiona y queremos ser modernos,
And the empire suggests and we want to be modern,
Y tomamos como ejemplo el gobierno de McDonalds.
And we take the McDonald's government as an example.
España es diferente pero hay gente que no es consciente
Spain is different but there are people who are not aware
De que constantemente hay pateras que no llegan,
That there are constantly boats that don't arrive,
Aquí nadie se acuerda ya de su pasado moro,
Here, nobody remembers their Moorish past anymore,
Solo cuando llega el ramadan y se quedan sin porros.
Only when Ramadan arrives and they run out of joints.
El toro de Osborne, el picolo y su uniforme,
The Osborne bull, the bellboy and his uniform,
La reforma de la LOGSE, la sociedad general de autores españoles,
The LOGSE reform, the Spanish General Society of Authors,
Estan para protegerte,
They are there to protect you,
Si pero en Bilbao solo los martes y los jueves, ves.
Yeah, but in Bilbao only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you see.
Es como la campaña contra musica pirata
It's like the campaign against pirated music
De artistas que matan por ver su jeta en el top manta,
By artists who would kill to see their face on the top blanket,
Cantan y no petan en su estilo musical,
They sing and don't fart in their musical style,
Imitan el rap y dicen que hacen R&B nacional.
They imitate rap and say they do national R&B.
Gransan,¿que pasa?, han matado a Leticia
Gransan, what's up? They've killed Leticia
Con una bomba lapa en la franquicia de Tecnocasa,
With a limpet bomb in the Tecnocasa franchise,
Violencia de genero pero solo masculino,
Gender violence but only male,
Al español medio le encantan los eufemismos.
The average Spaniard loves euphemisms.
Los mismos que se usan en la constitucion,
The same ones used in the constitution,
Loquillo mete mano a la niña de los Serrano,
Loquillo gets his hands on the Serrano girl,
¿Tienes a mano tu movil de ultima generación?,
Do you have your latest generation mobile phone handy?,
Tengo razón, a que lo estas pagando a plazos.
I'm right, you're paying for it in installments, aren't you?.
Nadie controla como controlo la bola, yo como escola,
Nobody controls the ball like I do, me as escola,
Ni con consola, ni con ropa de gola,
Not with a console, not with Gola clothes,
Ni con coca, ni con coca-cola sola, ni con la moda que molan
Not with coke, not with Coca-Cola alone, not with the fashion that's in
Y con tus joyas, ni tu onda, ni tu poya.
And with your jewels, not your vibe, not your dick.
Este es tu pais.Juan José Ibarretxe es el nuevo capitan Spook
This is your country. Juan José Ibarretxe is the new Captain Spook
Y Arzayos es el nuevo capitan del barco de Chanquete,
And Arzayos is the new captain of Chanquete's boat,
El no sabe nada de ETA o de las ETT'S,
He doesn't know anything about ETA or temporary employment agencies,
Solo sabe que es un extraterrestre en este planeta.
He only knows he's an alien on this planet.
Soy apatrida y se algo de euskera,
I'm stateless and I know some Basque,
En herdera digo diria si deberia decir dijera,
In inheritance I would say should I say I should say,
Meto a la ministra de vivienda en un piso de treinta metros cuadrados
I put the Housing Minister in a thirty square meter flat
Y vendo su adosado en teletienda.
And I sell her townhouse on TV.
El PP dijo que habia sido ETA,
The PP said it had been ETA,
Hasta que encontraron la caseta aquella en la furgoneta,
Until they found that cassette in the van,
Vamos hijo, con este Modus Operandi
Come on son, with this Modus Operandi
Que esperaban encontrarse,¿el nuevo disco de Melendi?.
What did they expect to find, Melendi's new album?.
La nueva afición de nazis, la television de Urdaci,
The new hobby of Nazis, Urdaci's television,
Lo facil que es caer en la manipulacion del ABC,
How easy it is to fall into the manipulation of the ABC,
Se que no elegis a los politicos que valen,
I know you don't choose the politicians who are worth it,
Os reis del terrorismo con disfraces de Bin Laden.
You laugh at terrorism with Bin Laden costumes.
Quieres que te disparen, que maten a tus padres,
You want them to shoot you, to kill your parents,
Valientes cobardes hablan mas de lo que saben,
Brave cowards talk more than they know,
Maman glandes grandes y tragan semen,
They suck big glands and swallow semen,
Se ven en la granja, el hotel glam y semejantes.
They are seen on the farm, the glam hotel and the like.
Me la suda el PSOE, el PP y el PNV,
The PSOE, the PP and the PNV don't give a damn about me,
Se hechan de menos a los b-boys que bailaban en el BBV,
They miss the b-boys who used to dance on BBV,
Ama a tu esposa, no hagas caso a quien acosa
Love your wife, don't listen to anyone who harasses
Y eso a decir que amas mas a tu pais que a cualquier cosa.
And that's to say that you love your country more than anything.
Este es tu pais.
This is your country.

Авторы: Asier Del Valle Sanchez

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