Granuja feat. DJ Dmoe - You Can't Compete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Granuja feat. DJ Dmoe - You Can't Compete

You Can't Compete
You Can't Compete
Tengo mi kit para fumar
I've got my smoking kit
No soy un kid para jugar
I'm not a kid to play with
Para escucharme dame más feedback
To hear me, give me more feedback
Hace calor y no somos los Heats
It's hot and we're not the Heats
Esto es Medallo, no Miami mami
This is Medallo, not Miami, baby
Las palabras que escupiste
The words you spit out
Luego te vas a tragar
You're gonna swallow later
Necesitas indagar un poco más
You need to dig a little deeper
Que voy a fumigar todo este hangar
'Cause I'm gonna fumigate this whole hangar
Pa' mitigar la peste en el lugar
To mitigate the plague in this place
Respeta la pinga que te va a pringar
Respect the thing that's gonna screw you over
Para esos gatos yo soy un jaguar
For those cats, I'm a jaguar
Tengo cargos que ni mi consciencia va a pagar
I have charges that even my conscience won't pay
No seas tan racista, que no te gusta
Don't be so racist, I know you don't like
Este humor por ser tan negro, por lo que me alegro
This humor for being so black, which is why I'm glad
Si todos entendieron esto no exprimí bien mi cerebro
If everyone understood this, I didn't squeeze my brain hard enough
Y siento que es un triunfo cuando enhebro cada rima
And I feel it's a triumph when I thread each rhyme
Hey bro!
Hey bro!
Life is easy, la crisis es humana
Life is easy, the crisis is human
Y los vicios con mis peces como Piscis
And the vices with my fish like Pisces
Si me fuí fue porque quise
If I left it's because I wanted to
Rap desde antes de los 15
Rapping since before I was 15
Avisen que este lince se recuperó de cada esguince
Let them know this lynx recovered from every sprain
Érase una vez cualquier persona en cualquier lugar
Once upon a time any person anywhere
Igual al tuyo, los errores ya los sustituyo
Just like yours, I've already replaced the mistakes
Rap primero y a su lado el orgullo
Rap first, and pride beside it
Y me zambullo en las profundidades
And I dive into the depths
Y me ahogo a veces pero fluyo
And I drown sometimes, but I flow
Como en agua peces
Like fish in water
que ofreces un producto que no es bueno
I know you're offering a product that's not good
Y pese a eso vende, como todo es el
And yet it sells, like everything is
Marketing, por mi que cesen
Marketing, I don't care if they stop
Pero de eso no depende
But it doesn't depend on that
Besen este que se crece mes a mes y a veces
Kiss this that grows month by month and sometimes
Si digo reses es que quiero carne hasta que se deshuese
If I say reses it's because I want meat until it's boneless
Pocos rappers, muchos jueces
Few rappers, many judges
Si tiro rimas dicen: "¿Quién fue ese?"
If I drop rhymes they say: "Who was that?"
No hay sorpresa si responden: "Fue Granuja de GS"
No surprise if they answer: "It was Granuja from GS"
You can't compete with Granuja
You can't compete with Granuja
Ni con agujas
Not even with needles
El hereje representa brujas
The heretic represents witches
Si me oyen que lo enrollen
If they hear me, let them roll it up
El secreto no es secreto
The secret is not a secret
Si se dice porque abundan las Marujas
If it's said it's because Marujas abound
You can't compete with Granuja
You can't compete with Granuja
Ni con agujas
Not even with needles
El hereje representa brujas
The heretic represents witches
Si me oyen que lo enrollen
If they hear me, let them roll it up
El secreto no es secreto
The secret is not a secret
Si se dice porque abundan las Marujas
If it's said it's because Marujas abound
No te da si no te mueves
You won't get it if you don't move
El mejor no siempre juega
The best doesn't always play
A veces chupa banca como Tévez
Sometimes he sucks bench like Tévez
Nunca digas forever, never
Never say forever, never
Soy el que no bebe
I'm the one who doesn't drink
Hago lo que otros no se atreven
I do what others don't dare
Vivo sobrio entre humos, ebrio seco
I live sober among smoke, dry drunk
Otros metiendo solo Tito Nieves
Others putting in only Tito Nieves
Jueves o lunes eso ya no importa
Thursday or Monday, it doesn't matter anymore
Si lo hacen por visaje ya la vuelta es otra
If they do it for show, the game is different
Y si tu estilo es leve ya no hay fundamento
And if your style is light, there's no foundation
Pa' tu cuento y demagogia, breve
For your story and demagoguery, brief
Sus ojos de ternera muerta ya no me conmueven
Your dead calf eyes don't move me anymore
Busco algo en la nevera, ya ni qué era
I'm looking for something in the fridge, I don't even know what it was
Voy a las carreras pero hasta los mejores chocan
I go to the races, but even the best crash
Como Ayrton Senna y
Like Ayrton Senna and
Todo marcha desde que haya cena o algo en la alacena
Everything works as long as there's dinner or something in the pantry
Busco rap en toda zona a todas horas
I look for rap in every area at all hours
No soporto la demora, aporto aunque me aparto por ahora
I can't stand the delay, I contribute even though I'm stepping aside for now
Eso es lo justo, no dar lora
That's fair, don't give lora
Y si te cogen por perico, relajado, esto es Medallo brotha'
And if they catch you for coke, relaxed, this is Medallo brotha'
Y se decora, pero es un animal que te devora
And it's decorated, but it's an animal that devours you
No te colabora, esto no es Bora Bora
It doesn't collaborate with you, this is not Bora Bora
Sigo consumiendo flora, y viendo fauna, tanta fábula
I keep consuming flora, and seeing fauna, so much fable
Y yo tranquilo haciendo un sauna en honor a
And me, calmly doing a sauna in honor of
Todos los caídos, los que no se han ido imploran
All the fallen, those who haven't left implore
A sus dioses, se arrodillan y hacen poses
To their gods, they kneel and pose
Y a voces le hablan a alguien que no vieron ni conocen
And in voices they speak to someone they haven't seen or know
Pero déjenlos que gocen, no creí desde los 12, no
But let them enjoy, I didn't believe since I was 12, I don't know
La María en la que creo me la fumo
The Mary I believe in I smoke
Lo más virgen es el Amazonas
The most virgin thing is the Amazon
El rap lleno de Arjonas, mariconas
Rap full of Arjonas, faggots
Con las palabras que pregonan ser honestos, mienten
With the words they preach to be honest, they lie
Shit, I'm gonna blow ¡de buena!
Shit, I'm gonna blow! for good!
You can't compete with Granuja
You can't compete with Granuja
Ni con agujas
Not even with needles
El hereje representa brujas
The heretic represents witches
Si me oyen que lo enrrollen
If they hear me, let them roll it up
El secreto no es secreto
The secret is not a secret
Si se dice porque abundan las Marujas
If it's said it's because Marujas abound
You can't compete with Granuja
You can't compete with Granuja
Ni con agujas
Not even with needles
El hereje representa brujas
The heretic represents witches
Si me oyen que lo enrollen
If they hear me, let them roll it up
El secreto no es secreto
The secret is not a secret
Si se dice porque abundan las Marujas
If it's said it's because Marujas abound
(Veo cómo caen en picada
(I see how they fall into a tailspin
La vamo' a coger más suave
We're gonna take it easy
Veo cómo caen en picada
I see how they fall into a tailspin
Siempre es la hora de la quema
It's always time to burn
Veo cómo caen en picada
I see how they fall into a tailspin
La vamo' a coger más suave
We're gonna take it easy
Veo cómo caen en picada
I see how they fall into a tailspin
Siempre es la hora de la quema
It's always time to burn
La vamo' a coger más suave)
We're gonna take it easy)

Авторы: Mateo Montano Jaramillo

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