Grasu XXL - Jos Jos Jos (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Grasu XXL - Jos Jos Jos (Live)

Jos Jos Jos (Live)
Let Yourself Go, Go, Go (Live)
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos, jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos, jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Pacule scoate foile
Baby, roll the papers
C-am adus material bun
'Cause I brought the good stuff
Dar dupa un fum
But after one hit
Plecam ca din tun
We're gonna leave like a shot
Ajugem oricum
We'll get there somehow
Si intram in club
And we'll get into the club
Baaa... Aici e foarte plin
Damn... It's so crowded in here
Stam, stam pana murim ca stim
We'll just chill until we die because we know
Unde-i multa lume
Where the party's at
Sunt multe fete
There's so many girls
Dar noi le cautam doar pe alea bete
But we're only looking for the hot ones
Barman, doua rom cu cola
Bartender, two rum and colas
Nu uita asta-i parola
Don't forget this is the password
Ca noi ne-am pierdut busola
Because we've lost our compass
Dar tot am gasit creola
But we still found the black girl
Ola... Zi ce mai faci
Hey... What's up
Da, vad ca te dezbraci
Yeah, I see you're taking your clothes off
Ai dreptate e foarte cald
You're right it's really hot
Astia au oprit aerul conditionat
They turned off the A/C
Ca sa va faca sa va dezbracati
So you'll take off your clothes
Sa va faca sa dansati
So you'll dance
Sa va faca sa urlati jos, jos, jos
So you'll scream you want it low, low, low
Nu uitati ca noaptea de-abia a inceput
Don't forget the night is just getting started
La baie la fete e concurs de supt
The girls' bathroom is having a blowjob contest
Paco ma-ntreaba:"ba, esti rupt? "
Paco asks me: "Bro, are you broke?"
Fratie, cred c-am cazut na!
Dude, I think I've fallen for you!
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos, jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos, jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Pacule alerta
Baby, on the alert
Eu vorbesc incet
I'm speaking slowly
Hai sa stabilim de la-nceput
Let's establish this from the beginning
E vorba de respect
It's about respect
Asa c-arunca hainele de pe tine
So take off your clothes
Ridica mainile pentru mine
Put your hands up for me
O sa am eu grija de tine
I'll take care of you
Ca sa-ti fie bine ok!
So you'll feel good, okay!
Spune-le cum te cheama: XXL
Tell them your name: XXL
Spune-le inca-o data: XXL
Tell them it again: XXL
Spune-le cum ma cheama: 10 GREI
Tell them my name: 10 GREI
Stau cu ai mei
I'm staying with my boys
Atunci cand seara se lasa
When the evening comes
Pentru tine eu stau la bar
I'm at the bar for you
Si beau Cuba Libre
And I'm drinking Cuba Libre
Pritena ta imi da motive
Your girlfriend is giving me reason
Da' nu vrei sa te futi cu mine
But you don't want to fuck with me
Ca Dany de Vito e mai mare ca tine
Because Danny DeVito is bigger than you
Ar face ea multe da' n-are cu cine
She'd do a lot but she doesn't have anyone
Vrea adrenalina si antrenament
She wants adrenaline and a workout
Vrea jos, jos, jos
She wants it low, low, low
Ca la bombardament
Like a bombardment
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate, jos jos, jos
You all want it, low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate, jos jos, jos
You all want it, low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate, jos jos, jos
You all want it, low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low
Se lasa jos, jos, jos
Go down low, low, low
Ne place jos, jos, jos
We like it low, low, low
Vor toate, jos jos, jos
You all want it, low, low, low
Vor toate jos, jos jos
You all want it low, low, low
Acolo jos, jos, jos
Way down low, low, low

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