Grasu XXL - Lala Song (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Grasu XXL - Lala Song (Live)

Lala Song (Live)
Lala Song (Live)
Am zis flori, fete şi băieţi
My Lady, I said flowers, girls, and boys,
Hai mâna sus dacă vrei înveţi,
Raise your hand if you want to learn,
Eu nu-nţeleg la ce te aştepţi
I don't understand what you expect
Arunci priviri de parcă sunt săgeţi.
You're throwing glances like they're arrows.
Auuu, m-a lovit în plin,
Ouch, she hit me right on target,
Nu-mi aduc aminte, nici de unde vin!
I can't remember where I came from!
Nu ştiu unde sunt, sau de ce stau la rând
I don't know where I am or why I'm standing in line
Afişu' e cu mine, oare tre' cânt?
My poster has my name on it, am I supposed to sing?
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Ştii toţi cantam,
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa You know we all sing,
De dimineaţă până seara!
From morning till night!
We sing.
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Wow! Zici că-i San Francisco.
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Wow! It's like San Francisco.
Ce-ai pus în pahar de simt atât de disco?
What did you put in my drink that makes me feel so disco?
Just kidding!
Toată lumea o-arde junky.
Everyone's getting high and funky.
Văd în jurul meu mult prea multe feţe funky!
I see too many weird faces around me!
Yeah!?????? în plastic
Yeah!?????? in plastic
Tu ca Julieta, Romeo ca-n Fantastic
You're my Juliet, I'm your Romeo like in Fantastic
Beau molotov,
I drink Molotov cocktails,
Fiindcă intră frig şi-acum văd steluţe mov!
Because it's getting cold and now I see purple stars!
I Love This Club!
I Love This Club!
Mesele sunt goale, toată lumea e pe sub ele,
The tables are empty, everyone's under them,
picioarele sunt grele,
Because their legs are heavy,
Numa' plec d-aici decât c-o geantă de lovele.
I'm only leaving here with a bag of money.
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Ştii toţi cantam,
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa You know we all sing,
De dimineaţă până seara!
From morning till night!
We sing.
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Intru-n club e prea mult house
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa I go into the club, there's too much house music,
Se uită toţi de parcă-s Mickey Mouse,
Everyone's staring at me like I'm Mickey Mouse,
I-auzi, e ultima ocazie,
Listen, this is your last chance,
Astea sunt pe noi de parc-ar fi o razie.
These are on us, like it's a police raid.
Dac-am zis, am zis,
If I said it, I said it,
Nu sunt ale mele, domnişoara poliţist.
They're not mine, Miss Officer.
Yo, sunt de la trupa Guess Who
Yo, I'm from the band Guess Who
Scrie şi p-afiş tre' intru acu'
It says on the poster that I'm supposed to go on now
Parcă te-am văzut în BamBoo
I think I saw you in BamBoo
Într-o altă uniformă şi-mi vorbeai la pertu
In a different uniform, talking to me at the door
Uuuu, poliţist adjectiv
Uuuu, police adjective
Arestează-ne pe toţi fără nici un motiv.
Arrest us all for no reason.
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa Ştii toţi cantam,
LaLaLaLaLaLaLa You know we all sing,
De dimineaţă până seara!
From morning till night!
We sing.

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