Greis - Global - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Greis - Global

Das isch no nüt es wird krasser wärde
This is nothing, things will get worse
Es si au bürgerrächt uf dr strass erkämpft worde
Civil rights were fought for on the streets too
S'het nid gnue platz i de chastewäge
There wasn't enough space in the prison wagons
S'isch itz e massebewegig so bringet die wasserwärfer
It's a mass movement now, so bring on the water cannons
Das biest chasch nid besiege
You can't defeat this beast
S'isch bis zu däm tag in üs aune
It's been inside us all until this day
S'het agfange mit dr konkurrenz bim jage und sammle
It started with competition during hunting and gathering
Unterdesse het's sech nid gmässiget
Meanwhile, it hasn't calmed down
Si geng no bereit zum morde
They're still ready to kill
Mit dr zyt gueter unglichmässiger verteilt si worde
Over time, goods have been distributed unevenly
I verschidne verbänd neoliberali verträter vo länder
In various alliances, neoliberal representatives of countries
Vom norde vollände scho widr e plan
From the north are already completing a plan
Meine mir sige verbländet u witter entfärnt
They think we're blinded and further removed
Vo de realitäte vor wäut
From the realities of the world
Si wei deregulierig vo de märkt
They want deregulation of the markets
Das sig fair und guet fuer d'konkurrenz
That it's fair and good for competition
Doch die herre lueget uf d'bilanz
But these gentlemen look at the balance sheet
Rede vo zahle und fakte ob's itz new york oder moskau wär
Talk about numbers and facts, whether it's New York or Moscow
95% vo de märkt si dominiert vo irne grosskonzärn
95% of the markets are dominated by their corporations
S'git ke wettbewerb sgeit nur drum das si fetter wärde
There's no competition, it's just about them getting fatter
Gings um d'wto würde si sofort planet la stärbe
If it were about the WTO, they would immediately let the planet die
Immer weniger arbeit nümme chanceglychheit
Less and less work, no more equal opportunities
Gueti dienstleistige ds privileg vo de ryche
Good services are the privilege of the rich
Klasseniteilig no meh hass u nid wei sogar mit gsundheit
Class division, even more hate, and they even want to profit
Und wasserversorgig 100%ig a dr masse verdiene
100% off the masses with health and water supply
G.a.t.s. uferleit ab 2005 und es geit um privatisierig
GATS implemented from 2005 and it's about privatization
Und immer no glych wüu s'heisst es förder's
And still the same because they say it promotes it
Europa wott dr biudigsmarkt liberalisiere
Europe wants to liberalize the education market
2000 milliarde umsatz im jahr muesch nid lang studiere
2000 billion in sales per year, you don't have to study long
Hüt si cs novartis abb im unirat verträte
Today CS, Novartis, ABB are represented in the University Council
Unirat bestimmt inhaut vo studiegäng a dr unizh
University Council determines the content of study programs at the university
Gueti chance ufem arbeitsmarkt was si da mieche
Good chances on the job market, what are they doing?
Drmit meine si häufe bim ufrichte vor pyramide
They mean piles when building pyramids
S'git es land wo d'macht nur witterggä wird unter gwuesse kreise
There's a country where power is only passed on within certain circles
Es land wo nur d'elite sech cha gueti schuele leiste
A country where only the elite can afford good schools
Während d'masse nur verblödet und so erstunts im momänt nid
While the masses are just dumbed down, and so it's no surprise at the moment
Das sohn vom präsident nach 8 jahr o ged präsident wird
That the son of the president becomes president after 8 years too
Es land wo dominanter isch aus denn ds römische rich
A country that is more dominant than the Roman Empire
Wen dr räscht ufrüstet waeg nmd-programm ischs ne glych
If the rest arms themselves because of the NMD program, it's all the same to them
Und bi schadstoffemissione hei si de angere gar nid e wau gla
And with pollutant emissions, they didn't give a damn about the others
Ds kyoto-protokoll het ke platz im amerikanische waukampf
The Kyoto Protocol has no place in the American car battle
Wüu d'ölindustrie finanziert dr für würde si gärn die verträg striche
Because the oil industry finances the election campaign, they would like to delete these contracts
Und 80% vo de waugäuder chöme vo de 0.2% richste
And 80% of car purchases come from the 0.2% richest
73 chile cia beuftreit mord
'73 Chile CIA fights murder
Für d'regierig wo '86 wäg terror isch verurteilt worde
For the government that was convicted of terrorism in '86
August '98 in al-shifa, sudan passierts
August '98 in al-Shifa, Sudan it happens
Pharmazeutischi fabrik vor us-army bombardiert
Pharmaceutical factory bombed by the US Army
Mehreri 10'000 stärbe chöme d'spätfouge i ds spiu
Several 10,000 die, the late effects come to the surface
Und was geit itz ab in afghanistan? sch'nur es bispiu
And what's going on in Afghanistan now? Just an example
Entwickligsgäuder kopplet a chouf vo waffe us rückhaut
Developing countries coupled with the purchase of weapons in the background
Schuude vo entwickligsländer dür zinse scho mehrfach zrüggzaut
Damage to developing countries due to interest already recovered many times over
Es geit immer witter wär weis wo ds änd wird führe
It goes further and further, who knows where the end will lead
Würd me börsegwinn mit nur 0.1% bestüre
If you taxed stock market profits with only 0.1%
Gäb das 100 milliarde pro jahr zur ufhebig vom hunger
That would give 100 billion per year to end hunger
Au dene staate wo mönsche mit unger 1$ pro tag überläbe
Even in those states where people survive on less than $1 a day
äbe wär gwunne für nur betrag u bereite dr ufstand
Exactly, they would win for just that amount and prepare the uprising
Luege zu üse familie und ängste fründe
Look to our families and close friends
Widerstand verbindet anderi wäut isch müglech längst o gfunge
Resistance unites, another world is possible, has long been found
Si gaebe ne fuck posiere stouz naebe dr flagge ufem foetteli
They don't give a fuck, pose proudly next to the flag on the throne
Fuer jede vo dene staerne isch o ne voelkermord noetig gsi
For each of these stars, a genocide was also necessary
Jede vo dene streife steit fuer nes land wo si verslavet hei
Each of these stripes stands for a country they enslaved
Usa today on cnn wonis seit was geit
USA Today on CNN, who says what's going on
Si luege für sich für d'interesse vo de autriche
They look after themselves, for the interests of the Austrians
Und s'git nid mau e grund aaznä mir mieches nid genau glych
And there's not even a reason to mention, I don't do it exactly the same way

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