Greis - Mercy / [unknown] / [unknown] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Greis - Mercy / [unknown] / [unknown]

Mercy / [unknown] / [unknown]
Mercy / [unknown] / [unknown]
Reizlosigkeit. nüt. stiui. einzig ort. alei.
Numbness. No awareness. Only in the present. Alone.
Sofort isch scho so lang.
Suddenly, it's been such a long time.
Nid tod. nid gebore.
Not dead. Not born.
Hüt wirdi vieri. mir fiire und au si hie.
Today we celebrate the 4th. We're partying here, too.
Faue mer ume haus si lieb und es dräit sech aus um mi
Women walking around the house are loving and it's all revolving around me
"Regarde, on s'est mis ensemble et on a quelquechose!"
"Look, we are together and we have something!"
I tue nüt drglyche doch weis es isch ds gäube legoschloss
I wouldn't do anything like that, but I know it's the pretend castle
Und obwou i dörft packis nonid us
And although I could, I'm still not leaving
Mami het e chueche gmacht mit zitroneguss
Mom made a lemon cake
Tante gerda, im rosarote chleidli, nimmt mi uf dschoss
Aunt Gerda, in her pink dress, takes me into her lap
Mami u papi wo sech beid liebe
Mom and dad who both love each other
Summerferie i dr zwöite
Summer vacation in the second grade
Roti ouge wägem meer, irgendwo hört auso d'wäut uf!
Red eyes from the sea, somewhere the world ends!
Animationsabe nachem znachtbuffet
Animation evening after the dinner buffet
Am tisch mit dr leiterin mit dr zahnlücke
At the table with the leader with the gap in her teeth
Si i de guudige jahr, ig sächsi mit sunnestich
She's in her prime, I'm six with a sunburn
Wott se hürate, vergiss dr autersunterschid
Want to marry her, forget the age difference
Si seit: " danse avec moi", i sig e liebe
She says: "Dance with me", because I'm a sweetheart
I blybe hie. u die hand wischi mer nie meh
I'll stay here. and she'll never wipe her hand on me again
Nöis spiu, immer 2 chnöile ufem chüssi
New game, always 2 couples on the couch
Damewau. dr sand isch no warm. si küsst mi.
Checkers. The sand is still warm. She kisses me.
Z'viert ufem bänkli mitem beste gfüu
Sitting on the bench with the best feeling
Préty-style, im ghetto louft fresh stuff 3
Préty-style, fresh stuff 3 plays in the ghetto
Pute vierge i existiere erst ab hüt
Virgin lady, I only exist as of today
Hüt di ersti action, mir best a dr brügg
Today the first action, we are by the bridge
U feste bim zrüggloufe, rede vo züg
And partying on the way back, talking about stuff
S'wird mau öppis guets us jedem vo üs, überzügt
Something good will become of all of us, convinced
First day senior high. lunch. whisky at julie's
First day senior high. lunch. whiskey at julie's
Crush on cori, sit in her car playing fugees
Crush on cori, sit in her car playing fugees
18.te geburtstag mir spatziere dür d'gägend
18th birthday we walk through the neighborhood
I liebe das lächle, i gloub i chönt mit ire für dsläbe
I love this smile, I think I could spend my life with her
Si kollegiau blybe doch i bi im 7.te himu obe
Her colleagues stay, but I'm in seventh heaven
Telefon lütet, si seit: "i wanted to kiss you so bad"
Phone rings, she says: "I wanted to kiss you so bad"
Bsuech usem breiterein. ke schlaf fürne wuche
Visit from Breiterein. No sleep for a week
Uptown üsi näme uf de freighttrains
Uptown our names on the freight trains
Bärn im winter. strass, line, gross ziu
Bern in winter. Road, lines, big goal
U mir luege beatstreet bevor mer loszie
And we watch beatstreet before we go out
Summer '02. arbeit fertig
Summer '02. Work is done
Baukon, abe, cherzli, anna härzig agleit
Construction site, down, candle, Anna affectionate
Lauwarme wind stigt anna sehr lieb
Lukewarm wind rises Anna very affectionate
2.ti fläsche wiisswii, eher liecht
2nd bottle of white wine, rather light
Si lehnt füre gseh usschnitt vom spätsummer
She leans forward, I see the cleavage from late summer
Schönst zämestoss vo planete im universum
Most beautiful collision of planets in the universe
Chasch nüt mache stirbe glücklech
Can't do anything, die happy
Ganzes läbe scho nur wärt wäg hüt nacht
Whole life already worth it because of tonight
Küss si fruchtig brust wi chüssi
Kiss her fruity breasts like pillows
Fruchtigi flüssigkeit uf de blüetebletter
Fruity liquid on the flower petals
Hüt si lust u gnüss hie, rusch wi mystisch
Today desire and pleasure here, rush like mystical
Früsch wi wasser, so wies nirgens i büecher steit
Fresh like water, like it says nowhere in books
Familiegrill im eichhouz es isch samsti
Family barbecue at the Eichholz on Saturday
Ufer, luege wi ds wasser übere sand stigt
Shore, watch as the water rises over the sand
Mini chönigin bittet mi i söu nie ga
My queen asks me to never leave
Mues ire nid mau säge das i se liebe
I don't even have to tell her that I love her
Das sech das von alei versteit wüsse beidi
That goes without saying we both know
Si luegt mi a, seit si treit üses baby
She looks at me, says she's carrying our baby
Umarme üs, i umarme aui lüt hüt
Hug each other, I hug everyone today
Itz weisi gloub was z'läbe bedütet
Now I think I know what life means

Авторы: Alex Storrer, Gregoire Viulleumier

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