griser nsr - Regresando al Pasado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни griser nsr - Regresando al Pasado

Regresando al Pasado
Returning to the Past
Quisiera, regresar al pasado que todo
I wish I could go back to the past, where everything
Retrocediera, y ya no vivir lo que se vive ahorita
would rewind, and I wouldn't have to live what I'm living now.
A fuera, tener a tus amigos solo bajo a tu
Outside, having your friends only under your
Cartera, en forma convenenciera no como antes lo era
wallet, in a self-serving way, not like it used to be.
No como antes lo era (no como antes lo era)
Not like it used to be (not like it used to be)
Y... antes todo era mejor
And... everything was better before
Y no quisiera regresar al pasado
And I wouldn't want to go back to the past
No me preocupaba por los gastos de la casa
I didn't worry about household expenses
Cuand salia de la mano caminando por la plaza
When I went out hand in hand walking through the plaza
Mi madre me cuidaba, tengo que aceptar
My mother took care of me, I have to admit
Ahora soy yo, el que la tiene que cuidar
Now I'm the one who has to take care of her
Nunca la voy a dejar, porque nunca me dejo
I will never leave her, because she never left me
Ahora voy a trabajar para darle lo mejor
Now I'm going to work to give her the best
Antes era mas sencillo, juguetes y canicas
Before it was simpler, toys and marbles
Ahora sin dinero nada significas
Now without money you mean nothing
Ya no vale nada, nomas por la apariencia
It's worth nothing anymore, just for appearances
No cuenta la experiencia, tampoco inteligencia
Experience doesn't count, neither does intelligence
Cada dia hay mas violencia nadie tiene corazon
Every day there is more violence, no one has a heart
Los cuida una bendicion dime si no tengo razon
They are looked after by a blessing, tell me if I'm not right
Que mas quisiera yo, poder ponerles una muestra
What I would like is to be able to show them
Antes a lo que mas temia era al doctor y a la maestra
Before, what I feared most was the doctor and the teacher
Regresar aquel tiempo, que mas quisiera
To go back to that time, that's what I would like most
Ahora por envidia, solo espero una balacera
Now out of envy, I'm just waiting for a shooting
Quisiera, regresar al pasado que todo
I wish I could go back to the past, where everything
Retrocediera, y ya no vivir lo que se vive ahorita
would rewind, and I wouldn't have to live what I'm living now
A fuera, tener a tus amigos solo bajo a tu
Outside, having your friends only under your
Cartera, en forma convenenciera no como antes lo era
wallet, in a self-serving way, not like it used to be
Insisto, quisiera regresar
I insist, I wish I could go back
Cuando todo era mejor y diferente
When everything was better and different
No se hacia por dinero
It wasn't about money
Cuando todos mis amigos sinceros y leales
When all my friends were sincere and loyal
Ahora por dinero y por cosas materiales
Now for money and material things
Las cosas no son iguales, han cambiado y no lo entiendo
Things are not the same, they have changed and I don't understand
No se si todo esta mal o algo mal estoy haciendo
I don't know if everything is wrong or if I'm doing something wrong
Ya basta!, que nuestra vida se malgasta
Enough!, our life is wasted
Por que no valer nada si es que no te cargas pasta
Why be worthless if you don't carry dough
Tengo cosas que pensar una familia que cuidar
I have things to think about, a family to take care of
Con este tipo de vida bien no se puede estar
With this kind of life you can't be well
Pero lo voy a lograr con mucho esfuerzo y empeño
But I will make it with a lot of effort and commitment
Recuerdo de pequeño que crecer era mi sueño
I remember as a child that growing up was my dream
Y ser mi propio dueño pero mi vida es prestada
And to be my own boss but my life is borrowed
No se si hoy me vaya bien o mañana no sea nada
I don't know if today will go well for me or tomorrow I'll be nothing
En aquellos tiempos todo era mas barato
In those days everything was cheaper
Y ahora todo queda en este simple relato
And now everything remains in this simple story
Cada dia es mas feo siento que en todo terminan
Every day is uglier, I feel like it all ends
Porque ahora todo gira entorno de la gasolina
Because now everything revolves around gasoline
Quisiera, regresar al pasado que todo
I wish I could go back to the past, where everything
Retrocediera, y ya no vivir lo que se vive ahorita
would rewind, and I wouldn't have to live what I'm living now
A fuera, tener a tus amigos solo bajo a tu
Outside, having your friends only under your
Cartera, en forma convenenciera no como antes lo era
wallet, in a self-serving way, not like it used to be
Quisiera, regresar al pasado que todo
I wish I could go back to the past, where everything
Retrocediera, y ya no vivir lo que se vive ahorita
would rewind, and I wouldn't have to live what I'm living now
A fuera, tener a tus amigos solo bajo a tu
Outside, having your friends only under your
Cartera, en forma convenenciera no como antes lo era
wallet, in a self-serving way, not like it used to be

Авторы: Alejandro Reyna Aviña

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