GRU - Pravo u raj - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни GRU - Pravo u raj

Pravo u raj
Straight to Heaven
Bio je dan, dan kao svaki drugi dan
It was a day, a day like any other
Seli smo u kola sve je bilo kao san
We got in the car, it all felt like a dream
Išli smo gradom uz obaveznu šalu
We drove through the city, joking as usual
S druge strane ulice videli smo jednu malu.
Across the street, we saw a young girl.
On kao uvek nasmejano lice,
He, with his ever-smiling face,
Prešao je brzo na drugu stranu ulice,
Quickly crossed to the other side,
Pa reče sa devojkom bilo mu je dosta,
He said he'd had enough with his girlfriend,
Da zbog nje skočio bi s mosta.
That he'd jump off a bridge for her.
I priča je bila kul baš koliko treba
And the story was cool, just right
U trenutku kao grom iz vedra neba
In a moment, like a bolt from the blue
Pojavio se ludak sa pištoljem u ruci,
A madman appeared, gun in hand,
Rekao je: "BEŽI OD NJE, IDI KUĆI!"
Uplašena devojka pala je u nesvest,
The frightened girl fainted,
Kada video je to u njemu javio se gnev
Seeing this, anger surged within him
I sa podignudom pesnicom
And with a raised fist
Je krenuo na cev...
He lunged at the barrel...
Drž' ga...
Hold him...
17-ti maj crna povorka vijuga,
May 17th, a black procession winds its way,
Iznad topčiderskog groblja
Above Topčider cemetery
Nadvila se tuga.
Sadness hangs heavy.
Još jedan mladi život ode
Another young life is gone
Surova je istina.
The truth is harsh.
Još jedna majka u crnom,
Another mother in black,
Se oprašta od sina,
Says goodbye to her son,
Kleči, pored kovčega
Kneeling beside the coffin
Suze kvase joj lice.
Tears stream down her face.
Kroz misli sada prolaze joj slike ubice.
Images of the killer flash through her mind.
Dodiruje drvo i steže zube
She touches the wood and clenches her teeth
I proklinje Boga,
And curses God,
Zbog svega toga.
For all of this.
A nebo ko da počinje
And the sky seems to begin
Polako da se spušta,
To slowly descend,
Pada tama i počinje kiša.
Darkness falls and the rain starts.
Kao da kaže, ovde je kraj,
As if to say, this is the end,
Duša ovog dečaka sada ide
This boy's soul now goes
Pravo u raj...
Straight to heaven...
Pravo u raj...
Straight to heaven...
Stojim kao kamen,
I stand like a stone,
Potpuno nem,
Completely speechless,
Ne znam šta da mislim,
I don't know what to think,
Ne znam šta da kažem,
I don't know what to say,
Sem da ne želim da verujem
Except that I don't want to believe
Da je ovo stvarnost
That this is reality
I ako je sve oko mene
Even though everything around me
Sušta realnost.
Is pure reality.
Mokra kosa, kapi kiše
Wet hair, raindrops
Cure mi niz vrat,
Trickle down my neck,
Srce se steglo
My heart tightens
Jer otiš'o je brat.
Because my brother is gone.
Za koga, u mom srcu
For whom, in my heart
će uvek mesta biti
There will always be a place
To je čovek
He's the man
U čije ime ću uvek piti!
In whose name I will always drink!
Sećanja naviru,
Memories flood back,
Sećam se svega
I remember everything
I tuča, žurki, riba
Fights, parties, girls
Kola, škole, mora, snega.
Cars, school, sea, snow.
I prvi put kada pijani smo bili,
And the first time we were drunk,
Skakali po ulici ponašali k'o debili.
Jumping in the street, acting like idiots.
Sećam se svake svađe i prve marice,
I remember every fight and the first police car,
Kada ćale mu je video okrvavljeno lice.
When his dad saw his bloody face.
"Sine, k'o te bre tuk'o tako?"
"Son, who the hell beat you up like that?"
Nije želeo da kaže,
He didn't want to say,
Jer mu nije bilo lako.
Because it wasn't easy for him.
U duši je bio dete željno života,
In his soul, he was a child yearning for life,
Al' sve je to stalo zbog jednog idiota.
But it all stopped because of one idiot.
Gore iznad nas neko nam se smeje
Up above us, someone laughs at us
Gleda nas odozgo i smrt seje.
Watches us from above and sows death.
Neko, sa bolesnim smislom za humor
Someone, with a sick sense of humor
I da li će i on nekad osetiti umor?
And will he ever feel tired?
Jer bio je mlad i nije morao da ode,
Because he was young and didn't have to leave,
Suviše rano za njega postalo je kasno.
Too early for him became too late.
Ovaj svet je tako surov,
This world is so cruel,
I da li će nam ikada biti jasno,
And will it ever be clear to us,
Da negde gore visoko je izvučen njegov broj.
That somewhere high above, his number was drawn.
I možda već sutra bude i tvoj
And maybe tomorrow it will be yours
I možda ćeš i ti kao i on
And maybe you too, like him
Da odeš bez pozdrava
Will leave without saying goodbye
Jer i ti si samo broj...
Because you too are just a number...
Pravo u raj...
Straight to heaven...
Pravo u raj...
Straight to heaven...
Pravo u raj...
Straight to heaven...

Авторы: D. Andonov Gru

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