Grupo Exterminador - El Curita - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Grupo Exterminador - El Curita

El Curita
The Priest
Señor,que paso?
My Lady, what's happening?
Tiene una llamada de sinaloa
You have a call from Sinaloa
Y que es lo quieren?
And what do they want?
Pues quieren ser bisnes
Well, they want to do business
Pus ahorita los atiendo!
Well, I'll take care of them right now!
A y por cierto,
Oh, and by the way,
Ya esta listo el cargamentoen
The shipment is ready
5 minutos salimos,
We're leaving in 5 minutes,
Que se alisten los muchachos
Get the boys ready
Amonos llendo
Let's go
Destituyeron a un cura
A priest was dismissed
Por conducta de adulterio
For behavior of adultery
De roma vino la orden
The order came from Rome
Y ejecutada en el clero
And executed by the clergy
De patitas en la calle
With nothing to his name
Al curita lo pusieron
The little priest was put on the street
El hombre de la sotana
The man in the cassock
Tubo que salir huyen
Had to flee
Doy a más de cuatro maridos
More than four husbands
Le resultaron los cuernos
Found out about his infidelity
Tenia manada de bueyes
He had a bunch of oxen
El curita del infierno
The little priest from hell
Se fue para California
Went to California
Y sin saber hacer nada
And with nothing to do
Empezó puchando droga
He started pushing drugs
Y salio carta jugada
And it was a winning card
Ahora el mentado curita
Now the famous priest
Reparte por toneladas
Deals in tons
Siempre anda en su limosina
He's always in his limousine
Disfrazado de curita
Disguised as a little priest
Y abajo de la sotana
And under his cassock
Trae una súper cortita
He's got a super short
Ahora bendice con balas
Now he blesses with bullets
En ves del agua bendita
Instead of holy water
Ahora le sirve al chamuco
Now he serves the devil
Ya no le sirve a la iglesia
No longer the church
Le gusta mucho el dinero
He likes money a lot
Y no se digan las viejas
And let's not talk about women
El perro que ya es guevero
The dog that's already a tomcat
Aunque le quemen la jeta
Even if they burn his face
En un gran enfrentamiento
In a big confrontation
Con policías de Tijuana
With the Tijuana police
Dicen que hasta le volaba
They say that even the little priest's
Al curita la sotana
Cassock was flying
No pudieron detenerlo
They couldn't stop him
Toparon con la campana
They rang the bell
Los monaguillos del cura
The priest's acolytes
Es gente muy decidida
Are very determined people
Traenla calaca en las manos
They carry death in their hands
Y el corazón de suicida
And the heart of a suicide
Y no le sacan al parchi
And they're not afraid of anything
Para rifarse la vida
To risk their lives
Dicen que halla en sacramento
They say that out in Sacramento
Es donde opera el curita
Is where the little priest operates
En conexión con la mafia
In connection with the mafia
Y unas contrabandistas
And some smugglers
Aquellasdos de Durango
Those two from Durango
Que les dicen las monjitas.
Who they call the nuns.

Авторы: Francisco Quintero

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