Without a stitch of clothing, as God brought her into the world
Proponiendo y disponiendo, dejándome sin voluntad
Proposing and disposing, leaving me without a will
Y vinieron las citas clandestinas
And then came the secret dates
Me olvidé de valores y principios
I forgot about values and principles
Y de shoping vistiendome a la moda
And about shopping, dressing fashionably
Con la chequera que firmaba la señora
With the checkbook that the lady signed
Kilometraje que tenia ya era mucho
The mileage she had was already a lot
Hizo de mi el objeto que buscaba
She made me the object she was looking for
Sociedad de consumo me aplicaba
Consumer society applied to me
Con las ganas de un príncipiante me dejaba
With the desire of a beginner, I let myself go
No supe nunca nombre ni apellido
I never knew her name or last name
Solamente sé que me endulzaba
I only know that she sweetened me
El caso era llenarla de caricias
The point was to fill her with caresses
Y yo haciendo de león en su morada
And me playing the lion in her den
Quien iba a pensar que un juego en la red me hiciera tanto daño que no sé que hacer ahora cómo curar, cómo entraré en razón Saber que tengo 15 y nunca fueron 26
Who would have thought that a game on the net would hurt me so much that I don't know what to do now, how to heal, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it, how to get over it. I know that I'm 15 and I've never been 26
Y apareció en mi pantalla
And she appeared on my screen
Sin una prenda, como Dios la trajo al mundo
Without a stitch of clothing, as God brought her into the world
Proponiendo, disponiendo, dejándome sin voluntad
Proposing, disposing, leaving me without a will
Y vinieron las citas escondidas
And then came the hidden dates
Me olvidé de mi papa y de mi mama
I forgot about my father and my mother
Y de shoping vistiendome a la moda
And about shopping, dressing fashionably
Con la chequera que firmaba la señora
With the checkbook that the lady signed
El millaje que tenia era demasiado
The mileage she had was too much
El prontotipo exacto lo encontraba
She found the exact prototype
Sociedad, que consumo me aplicaba
Society, which consumption applied to me
Con las ganas de un príncipiante me dejaba
With the desire of a beginner, I let myself go
(Por estar metido, metido en la red
(For being deep, deep in the net
Un virus con la forma de un avión pasó) (Hasta el perro de mi casa se enamoró de la vieja,
A virus shaped like an airplane flew by) (Even my dog fell in love with the old lady,
La ansiedad me mata y el ratón me tiembla en la mano)
Anxiety is killing me and the mouse is trembling in my hand)
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