Pesado - Abeja Reina (Live At Nuevo León México/2009) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Pesado - Abeja Reina (Live At Nuevo León México/2009)

Abeja Reina (Live At Nuevo León México/2009)
Abeja Reina (Live at Nuevo León Mexico/2009)
Con amor te busque un con colmenar
With love I look for you a with apiary
te lleve de la mano.
I took you by the hand.
No dormi fabricando la miel que te alimentara,
I didn't sleep making the honey that would feed you,
Con el polén más fino del mundo
With the finest pollen in the world
construí tu cama,
i built your bed,
Trabajaba panal por panal
He worked honeycomb by honeycomb
mientras descansabas
while you were resting
Me equivoque, me equivocaba,
I was wrong, I was wrong,
mientras te amaba, poquito a poco me aniquilabas.
while I was loving you, little by little you were annihilating me.
Y te sentias abeja reina que ambicionabas,
And you felt like a queen bee that you were ambitious,
abeja reina una colmena
bee reigns a hive
abeja reina de oro y seda
golden and silk queen bee
Y yo sabia, abeja reina vendia mi vida
And I knew, queen bee sold my life
abeja reina con tal de darte
queen bee in order to give you
abeja reina lo que querias.
bee reigns what you wanted.
Te ofrecieron un trono mejor
They offered you a better throne
donde tu reinaras.
where you will reign.
Desayunas caviar con champagne
Breakfast caviar with champagne
todas las mañanas.
every morning.
Te podrán sobornar pero nunca
They may bribe you but never
Negaran tus sombras
They will deny your shadows
el amor mi querida señora con nada se compra.
love, my dear lady, can't be bought with anything.
Y te sentias abeja reina que ambicionabas,
And you felt like a queen bee that you were ambitious,
abeja reina una colmena
bee reigns a hive
abeja reina de oro y seda
golden and silk queen bee
Y yo sabia, abeja reina vendia mi vida
And I knew, queen bee sold my life
abeja reina con tal de darte
queen bee in order to give you
abeja reina lo que querias.
bee reigns what you wanted.
¿Donde estaras amor que te daran de cena? Quien te cobijará abeja reina
Where will you be love that they give you for dinner? Who will shelter you queen bee
¿Donde estaras amor que te daran de cena? Quien te cobijará abeja reina.
Where will you be love that they give you for dinner? Who will shelter you queen bee.


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