Guadi Galego - Zocos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guadi Galego - Zocos

Tomei o camiño máis longo,
I took the longest path,
Máis longo para chegar a ti
The longest one to get to you
Díxenche "ponte máis perto
I told you "come closer
Que non podo ver a súa fin"
I can't see its end"
Topeime nun buraco estreito,
I came across a narrow hole,
Pequeño, non podía saír
Small, I could not get out
Pasaron os meses de inverno,
The winter months passed,
Seguía sen ver a súa fin
I still could not see its end
Un ruído posouse na cama,
A noise settled on the bed,
Tremín polo soño que estaba a durmir
I trembled from the dream I was sleeping
De súpeto tocoume da nada,
Suddenly it touched me out of nowhere,
Os zocos de ferro correron por mín
The iron clogs ran over me
A costa tornouse unha chaira,
The coast became a plain,
O campo das flores que veñen de abril
The field of flowers that come from April
Os pasos que dín esa noite,
The steps I took that night,
Mudaron a historia que estaba a escribir
Changed the history I was writing
Esperto da noite máis longa,
I wake up from the longest night,
O soño que me fai sorrir.
The dream that makes me smile.
As flores no campo da estrela,
The flowers in the field of the star,
Parece que cheira a xasmín
It seems to smell like jasmine
As miñas máns polo chan,
My hands on the floor,
A chaira inmensa sen fin.
The immense plain without end.
Os zocos locen na entrada,
The clogs shine at the entrance,
E ti xa non eres para mín
And you are no longer for me
Un ruído posouse na cama,
A noise settled on the bed,
Tremín polo soño que estaba a durmir
I trembled from the dream I was sleeping
De súpeto tocoume da nada,
Suddenly it touched me out of nowhere,
Os zocos de ferro correron por mín
The iron clogs ran over me
A costa tornouse unha chaira,
The coast became a plain,
O campo das flores que veñen de abril
The field of flowers that come from April
Os pasos que dín esa noite,
The steps I took that night,
Mudaron a historia que estaba a escribir
Changed the history I was writing
Non quixera morrer
I don't want to die
Sen conducir un coche no deserto.
Without driving a car in the desert.
Salta á corda na brisa dun luns,
Skip rope in the breeze on a Monday,
Saíndo dun after con toda a resaca que sexa posible.
Coming out of the after hours with all the hangover that is possible.
Pedir un cigarro ás señoras da praza
Ask for a cigarette from the ladies in the town square
Que venden repolos en cestas de vime,
Who sell cabbages in wicker baskets,
Quitar os zapatos
Take off my shoes
E correr rúa abaixo berrando
And run down the street yelling
"Estou asimétrica,
"I am asymmetrical,
Que non teño menciñas,
That I have no medicines,
Nin Coca-Cola Light,
Or Coca-Cola Light,
Que te preciso coma nunca
That I need you like never before
Ou sei que te quero como os personaxes
Or I know that I love you like the characters
Que morren nos filmes
Who die in the movies
Xusto despois de descubrir o amor,
Just after discovering love,
Nesa caída de pálpebras
In that fall of eyelids
Na que todo semella inxusto
In which everything seems unjust
E fermoso á vez
And beautiful at the same time
De súpeto tocoume da nada,
Suddenly it touched me out of nowhere,
Os zocos de ferro correron por mín.
The iron clogs ran over me.
(Nesa caída de pálpebras
(In that fall of eyelids
Na que todo semella inxusto
In which everything seems unjust
E fermoso á vez)
And beautiful at the same time)
De súpeto tocoume da nada,
Suddenly it touched me out of nowhere,
Os zocos de ferro correron por mín.
The iron clogs ran over me.
De súpeto tocoume da nada,
Suddenly it touched me out of nowhere,
Os zocos de ferro correron por mín.
The iron clogs ran over me.

Авторы: Victor Miquel Moliner Abos, Diaz Otero, Pau Brugada Vila, Maria Guadalupe Cribeiro Galego

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