Guess Who - Ca Două Flori - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guess Who - Ca Două Flori

Ca Două Flori
Like Two Flowers
Ca două flori, pe-acelaşi ram,
Like two flowers, on the same branch,
Ne ofilim la fel, la fel, la fel.
We wither away in the same, same, same way.
Nu mai dorim, nu mai visăm, nu mai gândim...
We no longer desire, we no longer dream, we no longer think...
Ca două... Vieţi de om, de om trezit din somn
Like two... Human lives, of a man awakened from sleep
Şi pus umple-un biberon într-un sistem prea monoton
And forced to fill a bottle in a system too monotonous
Într-un sincron îmbătrânim şi-un viitor ne definim
In sync we age and define a future for ourselves
Cu doi copii pe cap o vezi s-au grăbit.
With two children on our heads, you can see that they were in a hurry.
Şi după ′90 când toată ţara zâmbea, lumea bună lua,
And after '90 when the whole country was smiling, the good people were taking,
Deja se-mpărţea pe faţă da' nimeni nu sesiza
They were already dividing themselves on the surface but no one noticed
Că-n stânga-n dreapta nu se uită nimeni şi nu-i minte multă
That to the left and right no one looks and there is not much mind
Aşa şi-au tras unii conductă cu mărci şi valută.
That's how some people got their hands on brands and foreign currency.
Ascultă, de unde vine-acea durere-acută din portmoneu?
Listen, where does that sharp pain in my wallet come from?
Port mereu gându doar pornit mereu cu gândul
I always have the thought that I only ever started with the thought
Ca la ghişeu totu′ se mişcă-ncet şi greu
That at the counter, everything moves slowly and with difficulty
Şi-ncerc şi eu ghidez dup-un traseu,
And I also try to guide myself along a route,
i-aud pe-ai mei cum vor să-mi bage-n cap idei
Because I hear my family trying to put ideas in my head
fiu, fac ca ei, ei nu au avut tot ce-i normal vrei
To be, to do like them, because they didn't have everything that is normal to want
Şi-au tras din greu pentru un cer senin nu plin de nori
And they worked hard for a clear sky not full of clouds
Să-i văd acum cum se-ofilesc uşor ca două flori...
To see them now how they wither away slowly like two flowers...
Ca două flori, pe-acelaşi ram,
Like two flowers, on the same branch,
Ne ofilim la fel, la fel, la fel.
We wither away in the same, same, same way.
Nu mai dorim, nu mai visăm, nu mai gândim...
We no longer desire, we no longer dream, we no longer think...
Şi-acum pe bune, cum e ştii a venit pe lume?
And now tell me, what is it like to know that it has come into the world?
tre' să-i dai un nume şi că-ţi spune: "Tati, unde e mama? "
That you have to give it a name and that it says to you: "Daddy, where's Mommy? "
Cred te prinde flama când îl vezi e cât palma
I think the flame catches you when you see that it is as small as a palm
Şi-ţi zâmbeşte să-ţi dispară teama.
And it smiles at you so that your fear disappears.
Începi strângi chiar dacă tre' să-neci corăbii sau muţi munţi,
You start to save even if you have to sink ships or move mountains,
urci stânci, sa plângi sau dai brânci,
To climb cliffs, to cry or to push,
Ajungi sa dai şi-ultimu′ leu din buzunar
You end up giving the last leu from your pocket
Pe ce mănânci şi-atunci e-atunci,
For what you eat and that's it,
Nu-ţi vine nici te mai culci, eşti somnambul...
You don't even feel like going to bed, you're a sleepwalker...
Îi dai cu-alcool şi sticla-i gata-n două guri
You give it alcohol and the bottle is finished in two gulps
Începi spargi prin casă, copilu plânge, tu înjuri,
You start to smash things in the house, the child cries, you curse,
A doua zi te juri nu mai faci, c-ai avut şi tu draci
The next day you swear that you won't do it again, because you've had devils too
Încerci să-mpaci pe toată lumea da′ mai mult i-ataci.
You try to make peace with everyone but you only attack them.
Ei zic locul tău e printre maniaci, d-ăia care-apasă pe trăgaci, taci,
They say your place is among the maniacs, those who pull the trigger, shut up,
Îţi iei haina şi-o-mbraci, te uiţi la ea,
You take your coat and put it on, you look at her,
Ea-ţi aruncă priviri ce dor şi-ţi dau fiori
She gives you looks that hurt and give you chills
voi trebuia înfloriţi ca două flori...
Because you should have blossomed like two flowers...
Ca două flori, pe-acelaşi ram,
Like two flowers, on the same branch,
Ne ofilim la fel, la fel, la fel.
We wither away in the same, same, same way.
Nu mai dorim, nu mai visăm, nu mai gândim...
We no longer desire, we no longer dream, we no longer think...
Ca două flori...
Like two flowers...
Ca două flori...
Like two flowers...

Авторы: Agresiv

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