Guess Who - Gata Să Pierzi - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Guess Who - Gata Să Pierzi

Gata Să Pierzi
Ready to Lose
Sa ma fac bine inteles
I want to make myself clear
Binele e greu de inteles
Good is difficult to understand
Un interes intalnit des
An interest commonly found
Ca vrei sa fii bine, bineiniteles
You certainly want to be good, of course
Sa-ti fie rau, nu, multumesc
To be evil, no, thank you
Nu, e bine cand ai de ales
No, it's good when you have a choice
E rau mai ales cand nu tu ai ales
It's especially bad when you're not the one who chose
Dar, cand dai de nevoi, dai de progres
But, when you encounter needs, you make progress
Stres, stare care vine des, incontinuu ma obisnuiesc
Stress, a state that comes often, I'm getting used to it all the time
E doar un test, pur si simplu complex
It's just a test, simply complex
Invat din mers, cresc
I learn as I go, I grow up
Visele mele
My dreams
Traiesc si lupt pentru ele
I live and fight for them
Rup si lipesc bucatele
I break and glue the pieces
Asta-i puzzle-ul meu, cu piesele mele
This is my puzzle, with my pieces
Si-s mandru de ele, simt pe pielea mea viata ce poa' sa-mi ofere
And I'm proud of them, I feel the life that can offer me on my skin
Am sanse sa adun o avere si nu ma refer la lovele
I have chances to make a fortune and I'm not referring to money
Banii, cum vin, se duc, daca devin un scop, conduc
Money, how it comes, it goes, if it becomes a target, it'll lead you
Daca te prind, te rup, te duc de nas, magie, truc
If it catches you, it'll break you, it'll lead you by the nose, magic, trick
Zi-mi cat de mult crezi in tot ce faci
Tell me how much you believe in what you do
Cat timp esti dispus sa tragi
How long are you willing to pull
In schimb, ce primesti sa bagi
In exchange, what do you get to put in
Profit repede nu faci
You don't make a quick profit
Cred ca stii in ce te bagi
I think you know what you're getting yourself into
Banii nu cresc in copaci
Money doesn't grow on trees
Nu-s multi ingeri printre draci
There aren't many angels among the devils
Tu nu cumva sa te prefaci
Don't you even dare pretend
Poate-l cunosti sau inca nu-l stii
Maybe you know him or you don't know him yet
Dar sunt sigur ca si tu-l vei intalni
But I'm sure that you too will meet him
Si-atunci cand il vezi, sa-i spui tot ce crezi
And then when you see him, you should tell him everything you think
N-o sa castigi nimic, daca n-o sa fii gata sa pierzi
You'll win nothing if you're not ready to lose
Poate-l cunosti sau inca nu-l stii
Maybe you know him or you don't know him yet
Dar sunt sigur ca si tu-l vei intalni
But I'm sure that you too will meet him
Si-atunci cand il vezi, sa-i spui tot ce crezi
And then when you see him, you should tell him everything you think
N-o sa castigi nimic, daca n-o sa fii gata sa pierzi
You'll win nothing if you're not ready to lose
Succes, succes
Success, success
Ceva ce multi isi doresc
Something that many people want
Succes, succes
Success, success
E tot ce pot sa-ti urez
That's all I can wish you
Ce e gram de noroc
What's a bit of luck
Baga munca non-stop
Put in the work non-stop
Daca faci ce-ti place, ai tot
If you do what you love, you have everything
Ai timp sa vezi cati se-ntorc
You have time to see how many come back
Ma conving ca-i reciproc
I make sure it's reciprocal
Nu toti pun tot efortul cu-n scop
Not everyone puts all the effort into a goal
Cu tot cu zona ta de comfort
Whatever your comfort zone is
Lasa-ma cu nu pot
Leave me with can't
Sunt gata sa pierd, gata sa-ncerc, e singura sansa sa n-am vreun regret
I'm ready to lose, ready to try, it's the only chance not to have any regret
Sa am o speranta de care ma leg, e singura cale sa ramai intreg
To have a hope that I can hold onto, it's the only way to stay whole
Orice schimbare vine incet, probabil, ca dupa un esec
Every change comes slowly, perhaps after a failure
Probabil ca toate nu merg, dar cum sa se-ntample daca nu cred
Perhaps not everything works, but how can it if I don't believe
Daca nu cred, daca nu cred, cum sa se-ntample, nu pica din cer
If I don't believe, If I don't believe, how can it happen, it doesn't fall from the sky
Nici ieri, nici azi, pe cine sa-ntreb, spune-mi pe unde sa-ncerc
Neither yesterday nor today, who should I ask, tell me where should I try
Cand simt ca ma pierd, instinctu-i reper, oriunde merg de fel
When I feel like I'm lost, instinct is a landmark, wherever I go naturally
Am toata increderea-n el
I have all the confidence in the world in it
Poate-l cunosti sau inca nu-l stii
Maybe you know him or you don't know him yet
Dar sunt sigur ca si tu-l vei intalni
But I'm sure that you too will meet him
Si-atunci cand il vezi, sa-i spui tot ce crezi
And then when you see him, you should tell him everything you think
N-o sa castigi nimic, daca n-o sa fii gata sa pierzi
You'll win nothing if you're not ready to lose
Poate-l cunosti sau inca nu-l stii
Maybe you know him or you don't know him yet
Dar sunt sigur ca si tu-l vei intalni
But I'm sure that you too will meet him
Si-atunci cand il vezi, sa-i spui tot ce crezi
And then when you see him, you should tell him everything you think
N-o sa castigi nimic, daca n-o sa fii gata sa pierzi
You'll win nothing if you're not ready to lose
Succes, succes
Success, success
Ceva ce multi isi doresc
Something that many people want
Succes, succes
Success, success
E tot ce pot sa-ti urez
That's all I can wish you
Succes, succes
Success, success
Ceva ce multi isi doresc
Something that many people want
Succes, succes
Success, success
E tot ce pot sa-ti urez
That's all I can wish you

Авторы: phane

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