Guess Who - Nicio Grijă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Guess Who - Nicio Grijă

Nicio Grijă
Ok! Numele meu e Laur
Ok! My name is Laur
Unii ma vad o tinichea, altii o comara de aur
Some see me as a tin can, others compare me to a lump of gold
Zic doar ce aud, eu nu ma laud
I only say what I hear, I don't praise myself
Stiu cand sa zic ca′s de kkt si cand sa ma aplaud
I know when to say I'm crap and when to applaud myself
Nu caut trofee'n rap sau laude′ntrun paragrap
I'm not looking for rap trophies or a paragraph of praise
Ca stralucirea'I de moment pana la primu strat de praf
Because its brilliance is momentary until the first layer of dust
De fapt o strangere de mana'I mult mai buna
In fact, a handshake is much better
Ca stii daca esti luat in serios sau luat in gluma
Because you know if you're being taken seriously or as a joke
Io am invatat ca totu are′o continuare
I've learned that everything has a continuation
Ca nu exista munca fara sa ai o consolare
That no work is complete without a consolation
Intr′o oarecare masura e tare
To a certain extent it's great
Sa crezi macar pt o secunda ca ai lumea la picioare
To believe even for a second that you have the world at your feet
Am invatat sa am rabdare ca totu'ti iese
I've learned to be patient, that everything works out
Atunci cand nimeni nu te crede′nstare
When nobody believes you are capable
Ca muzica de fel e care pe care
Because music is competitive in nature
Si mare tre sa ai un scut in caz de aparare
And you need to have a shield in case of defense
In jur totu decurge normal
Around me everything is going normally
Fi linistit la randu tau cu banii tai de buzunar
Be calm, take your time with your pocket money
Ca poti sa zbori sau sa mergi pe 7 carari
Because you can fly or walk on 7 paths
Tot ce conteaza'I simbolic, un tort cu multe lumanari
All that matters is symbolic, a cake with many candles
Haiii, n-ai de′ce sa m-ai stai...
Come on, you don't have to stay with me anymore...
Du-te unde vrei cu'gandu...
Go wherever you want with your thoughts...
E radu tau sa n-aiii... Nici-o grijaa.Nici-o grijaa...
It's your turn to be worry-free. Worry-free...
Si′mi cant fiecare gand de cand sunt mic
And I've been singing every thought since I was little
Chiar daca visele se contrazic ai mei imi zic
Even though my dreams contradict my family's
Ca n'o sa m'aleg cu nimic
That I won't be successful
Scriu fiecare rand de cand sunt mic
I've written every line since I was little
Decat nimic mai bine plin de vise ca speranta n′a murit
Rather than nothing, I am full of dreams because hope is not dead
Merit mai mult, stiu! poate ca nu a stralucit pe cer si steaua mea
I deserve more, I know! Maybe my star hasn't shone in the sky
Sau poate nu′I momentu potrivit
Or maybe it's not the right time
Mai sunt destule de vazut si mai sunt multe trait si de'nvatat
There is still a lot to see and a lot more to live and learn
Ca′n scoala cat am stat n'am invatat
Because everything I learned in school didn't teach me a thing
Ca timpu n′a trecut doar m'a schimbat treptat
Because time has not passed, it has only changed me gradually
De fapt tot ce conteaza cu adevarat e greu de seziat
In fact, all that truly matters is difficult to see
Ca fericirea′I scumpa si scruta. si multa s'a dat
Because happiness is expensive and rare, and much has been given
Multi am impachetat instant fara viza de flotant
We have packed many instantly without a floater visa
S'au tirat tripat ca forest. forest gump
We are like Forrest Gump
Am motive sa n′o ard printre codasi
I have reasons not to hang around among the stragglers
Cand vad ca altii fac de capu lor 1 milion de pasi
When I see others do whatever they want with 1 million steps
Ca sunt 1 miliion de asi in buzunar ramasi
Because there are 1 million aces left in their pockets
Ca sunt 1 milion de lasi ce dorm in adidasi
Because there are 1 million cowards sleeping in their sneakers
Poate ca trag cu dintii pana la ultimu ban
Maybe I'll fight tooth and nail until the last penny
Da uite′te la mine cum imi iau elan
But look at me take off
Haiii, n-ai de'ce sa m-ai stai...
Come on, you don't have to stay with me anymore...
Du-te unde vrei cu′gandu...
Go wherever you want with your thoughts...
E radu tau sa n-aiii... Nici-o grijaa.Nici-o grijaa...
It's your turn to be worry-free. Worry-free...

Авторы: Agresiv, Guess Who, Sez

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